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Flutter of Pages




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his lips and flipping his hair back, Luhan concentrates on piling the books on the top shelf neatly. All he has to do is place one last blue book next to the other blue books about the French Government. Stretching his limbs, way out of comfort, he successfully slips in the last book. Descending down the ladder, Luhan hums a tune feeling happy that he had yet another small accomplishment. Once his feet touch the ground, he skips over to the cart and rolls down the next aisle.

He looks at the third shelf and frowns at the slight unorganized arrangement of the books. Who would put Romance Novels with Mythical Creatures? He shakes his head at his thought. He pulls all the romantic novels and places them in the cart. Then he takes time to fix the order of the Mythical books, until each other them are color coded and neatly tucked in. He steps back and scans the rest of the shelves that are in that aisle. After another scan he hums the same tune as before, and walks over to his cart. He decides that he’ll stay an extra hour after his shifts ends to put these books away.

Once he reaches the front desk, he slides the cart to the side and sits down on the computer chair. Luhan rolls his way over to the desk when he hears the doorbell ring, indicating a customer came in.  He eagerly tries to see the person’s face, but all he sees is a head full of platinum blonde hair. Luhan sighs as he decides to go on the computer and wait for the customer to check out the book.

Exactly two hours later, is when the customer walked up the front desk. Luhan was startled hearing a voice wake him up from his daydreams. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Flutter of Pages.” Luhan chirps with a bright smile. The taller but handsome, he’s very handsome, man said no word but simply plops the book in front of Luhan.

“Would you like to rent this or buy this?” Luhan asks as he types in the books title, The Great Gatsby. Good choice, Luhan thinks to himself.


Luhan nods, “I will need your name, number, address, and age please.”

The customer gave him a weird look, Luhan blushes, and “All new customers need to give a little personal information. Just in case they don’t return the books, we have their mailing address to bill them. If you’re not comfortable, you may just want to buy the book” He suggest.

But the customer just blurts out his information quite fast, and Luhan scrambles to type everything in. Once Luhan finishes all the computer work, he prints out a paper and hands it over to man. “This paper just states that you have a month rental for this book. If you don’t return this book before the due date, you will have to pay a 15 dollar fee.” While the customer reads over the paper, Luhan quickly stamps out the book and hands it over to the man.

“Thank you for renting today. I hope you enjoy your book. It’s one of my favorites.”

The customer just bows his head slightly and walks away. But before he walks out Luhan blurts, “Have a nice day sir!”

He hears a chuckle, but the figure slips out the door swiftly.

Luhan slumps back into his chair with a huff. Oh Sehun he repeats the customer’s name in his head. He hopes this Sehun man will come back soon.  

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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 11: Aww~ poor Sehunnie lost his grandmother… *sobs* thankfully he had Luhan now :') will they make it official soon? :3
Thank you for the update~ I missed this story so much…
Chapter 11: *tears flowing*
This chapter is good.
Chapter 10: I love this chapter so much! <3
and it's cute to see Luhan calling Sehun 'hyung' xD
yuu8713 #4
Chapter 10: Aww~ I'm so touched… :') they missed each other~ would Sehun tell Luhan why he couldn't come to the store during those time? Bc I'm curious as well :3
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwwww
exoHUnHAnexo #6
Chapter 10: OMO !!!
so cute !!
Chapter 8: Wait....but chanyeol never said who the name of the guy was to lu.....
Peaches-xo #8
Chapter 8: This is so cute.

I'm new here to AFF and I've just managed to read all eight parts of this now, and I'm really glad I did. For starters, this entire thing is amazingly written from 'page 1' up until 'page 8'. I can envision everything you've written with great ease because of the beautifully written detail and description. Also I love the characteristics you've given Luhan, Sehun and Chanyeol. Luhan seems really sweet, sincere and angelic, Sehun seems mysterious yet really nice (why hasn't he turned up at the bookstore lately though?o:) and Chanyeol seems really witty, excitable yet slightly shy when he comes to expressing himself. Overall, they're an adorable bunch.

I can't wait for another update, awe ^.^ Good job! <3
exoHUnHAnexo #9
Chapter 7: ooohh ~~~
i sense ChanLu ;))
Chapter 7: This is so cute
Can't wait for more! :)