1. Privately Delirious.

Haunted Mansion

A/N: A little note; From now on it is writtin in POV's.. But I'll make clear who's POV it is :)
Enjoy <3


Chapter 1.

Privately Delirious


-Sungmin P.O.V.-


Well I have to admit, this place is really creepy. But Donghae and Ryeowook are a bit over reacting right now.

I was trying to unpack my stuff a bit. Not too much since we'll only be here one night.

The room itself wasn't thát bad. There were two big two-persons beds with in the middle of them a painting of a nice old lady. On the left side was a big window, on the right side was probably our parents room.

“I swear! This place is haunted!” I heard Donghae say. That kid is way too naive for his age. If you'd say aliens are real he would believe you in an instant.

That wouldn't be so bad, unless Ryeowook is the one he's talking to. Poor Ryeowook believes everything just as much and is probably scared of everything.

“That's not true! Right Sungmin?” Wait what was not true?

“What?” I wondered out loud since I wasn’t sure what the question was

“This place is not haunted!” I laughed and gave Ryeowook a hug.

“Wookie! Of course this place is not haunted! Donghae is only teasing you, ghosts and stuff are all fake,” I assured him and gave him a little pat on his head. This place only looks a bit scary and the staff members are a bit weird, that's all.

“Whatever! Let's go eating!” Donghae said and walked towards the hall.

I grabbed the keys and dragged Ryeowook towards the hall. Our parents were already waiting for us.

“Umma why such a pale face? Are you also scared of the ghosts?” Donghae teased Lee Teuk. Well he did look indeed a bit pale.

“Donghae stop teasing your mother and let's go downstairs,” Kang-In said pushing Donghae towards the elevator, ignoring the question, where he started to push the button several times for the elevator to arrive sooner

With a lot of noise the elevator went to our floor. There we got in.

“Next time we're taking the stairs, this thing is not save anymore,” I murmured. The old Wallpaper started to fall off, there were little cracks everywhere in the ceiling and the noises weren't normal for an elevator. Like it would drop down any second.

When the elevator finally got down and we all walked out -Donghae saying something like 'land!'- we walked towards what probably would be the dining room?


“Are you guys hungry already? If so please take a seat!” A loud voice came from behind us and made me jump a bit. It was the red-haired boss. What was his name again? Chul.. Heechul! Well he knew how to creep up on people. Poor Ryeowook was so scared by the man that he almost hugged me to death.

“Ryeowook, can't breathe!” I murmured causing Ryeowook to free me again.

“Well, alright, thanks?” Kang-In thanked Heechul and walked to one of the tables. I noticed that there weren't that much tables, and we were the only one present.

We seated ourselves down at the table and waited, since there wasn’t a menu card or anything.

“Alright! I'll call my husband who is the chef here, he'll make you something delicious! Hahaha!”  Heechul walked away laughing.

“That guy gives me the creeps,” Donghae said quietly. It was probably the first time ever I agreed with Donghae.

“Husband? Are they just like Umma and Appa?” Ryeowook ask smiling a bit.

“I told you we weren't the only weird ones!” Lee Teuk smiled patting Ryeowook's arm softly.

“You guys aren't weird!” I said, and I knew almost for sure Donghae and Ryeowook reacted the same. They weren't weird, just.. different. They took good care of us and loved each other. That are the only important things right? Because as far as I know love doesn't have boundaries.

“Good-evening,” a voice said coming from my right. I look at the person entering the room.. No better, I stared at him in a shock.

He was dressed all white in chefs clothes. Well it suppose to be white, but it was full of blood stains. There was blood on his face and his hands. While walking in he wiped his hands clean with his apron which used to be white, well not anymore...

It was hard to look at the person behind this white and red mass. But the person himself was a tall, good-looking man, with blond hair. And I guess he wasn't from Korea? But I wasn't sure.

“G-Good evening,” Kang-In stumbled. Okay even my father was a bit shocked by his appearance.

“I'm Han Geng, Chef and boss of this Hotel. I heard you were hungry?” Han Geng asked politely in a bit broken Korean. Now I'm sure he wasn't Korean, but sure Asian. Although it wouldn't surprise me if he had lives in Africa between the lions or something.

I noticed how Donghae tried to move his chair away from the chef without looking rude.

“Uuh, yes, we are?” Kang-In answered again, since the rest of us was too busy staring at him, shocked and a bit afraid.

“Great! I'll make you my favorite! Have a nice dinner!” he said before heading back to the kitchen. He almost seemed to nice for his appearance. Or he was just a bit weird.


After a while I could smell the food in the dining room. Well it didn't smell that bad.

“Yesung!” I heard Han Geng yell. I had no clue who this Yesung-guy was, but probably another staff member. Somehow I prayed he wasn't as weird as the rest.

A few moments later a guy came in and he brought with him a tablet with water.

“Good evening, I'm Yesung your waiter of tonight. I have to apologize, my back hurts so I have a bit of a problem with ducking,” he apologize while handing us our waters. Well he looked a bit... I don't know how, he wore black pants, black blouse, with over that a big black jacket. Because of that he got big shoulders, while the rest of his body wasn't that big. He also looked like he hadn't slept for ages. But at least he had both arms, no red hair, or blood everywhere. He wasn't thát weird luckily.

“You soup will be ready in a minute,” he said walking back to the kitchen.

“Do they let their staff members sleep or do they work 24/7?” Donghae asked me. Apparently he had noticed the same thing as me.

I was about to answer when Yesung came back in, caring three soup mocks. He placed one in front of Kang-In, Lee Teuk and Ryeowook. Later he came back for me and Donghae.

“It's the chefs special, Bull's eye,” he said before walking off again.

I picked up my spoon and stared at the soup. It looked pretty normal. Almost like Lee Teuks chicken soup, and that was a compliment for this soup.

“Look they even have meatba..-AAAAH” Donghae screamed dropping his spoon and moving away from the table.

“Donghae, sit back and eat your soup before it gets cold,” Kang-In scold him pointing at his place at the table.

Why the Hell was Donghae reacting like that? And were there meatballs in the soup? Yummie!

I put my spoon in the soup and started to mix it hoping to find a meatball.

Wait, wait I saw one!

I lifted it up and stared at it....

And it stared back..

This wasn't a meatball.. This was a-

“EYEBALLS!” Donghae yelled, shocking me so much I dropped it back while the eyeball landed on the table staring at Lee Teuk, whom now looked a bit pale again.

This was really disgusting! Who the hell would want to eat eyeballs?

“Is there something wrong sirs?” Yesung asked coming back probably after hearing Donghae scream. I didn't look at him, I kept staring at that disgusting thing on the table.

Yesung picked the eyeball up like it was normal to find one.

“There are-are-are eyeballs in our soup!” Donghae exclaimed just as shocked as me.

“Yes of course, it isn't called Bull's eye for nothing, right?” he explained us. I stared at my soup and shove it away, I really wasn't going to eat that, no matter what my parents would say. I looked at Lee Teuk, but to my surprise he also shove it away.

“I think the main dish would be enough for us,” Lee Teuk told Yesung.

“Too bad, Han Geng put even some fried spiders in the soup today for our special guests. But if you are sure I'll take it away,” he smiled and picked up the soup mocks again. I stared at him in disbelieve. Fried spiders? He was kidding us right?

“The main course will be ready in a few minutes,” he said after the last mocks were away.

The table was in a completely silence. The only thing I was afraid of, if this was the first course, what would be the others?


A few minutes later, like he promised, Yesung came back carrying three plates, later bringing the other two.

“It's called Privately delirious, have a nice dinner,” Yesung told us before walking away again. Well they needed to create some better names, that was for sure.

I stared at my plate. It seemed normal...

I picked up my fork with a bit hesitation and started to poke my vegetables. They were-uuh normal carrots? Next were my potatoes. Here again the seemed normal, except that the sauce was a bit weird colored, but no eyeballs and stuff. At last was the meat, this again didn't seemed special or anything.. But what kind of meat was it?

I looked at the others and saw that only Kang-In was eating, trying the meat.

“Well it doesn't taste that bad.. Actually pretty nice,” he said eating another piece. Lee Teuk on the other hand waved for Yesung whom almost directly came.

“Well I was just curious.. What kind of meat is it?” Lee Teuk asked, something I wanted to know too. You never knew what for piece it was.

“Well the name of the dish already says it a bit. Those are a bull's.. uuh.. private things,” Yesung explained.. A bull's private..

Apparently I wasn't the only one realizing that when I heard a chair falling and just saw a leg of Kang-In running around the corner, probably to find a toilet to get it all out again.

I stared at Yesung.

“How are you even able to serve something like that?” I asked still shocked. It was almost too painful to think about it.. What if your... Yikes, the thought alone made me shiver.  

“Well it is a delicatessen in some countries,” he just said and then he signed.

“Do you wish to continue eating sirs?” he asked Lee Teuk who shook his head, not able to utter a word.

I looked at my little brothers. But both Donghae and Ryeowook stared at their food with so much disgust, I don't think they'll take a bite.

“Well I'm not hungry anymore, that's for sure,” I murmured.

I watched as Kang-In came back in, horror written all over his face. He sat back down, not looking at his plate as he shove it away.

And again Yesung took our plates away. Somehow I felt a bit bad for the guy, it wasn't his fault after all, he didn't make the dishes.


Even though there wasn't any food on the table anymore, we just sat there, calming our selves down.

“Shindong! Stop it!” I heard Yesung say from the kitchen. Wait who was Shindong? Another staff member?

“You want it back? Come and find it!” probably that Shindong guy said. Then a bit bigger guy came walking in, walking backwards. I only saw his back and was wondering what he had that Yesung wanted back.

“O you missed!” the guy said again still walking backwards. Wait who missed what? I only saw the bigger guy walking into the room.

He came closer until he bumped against Ryeowook, drawing his, and the rest of the family's attention.

“Ow sorry little one! I didn't saw you there!” the guy said not looking at us still. Well of course he didn't saw Ryeowook, he was walking backwards!?

“What are you doing?” I managed to ask.

“Hé?” He asked looking at me. Well his face wasn't that mean-looking nor tired. Just almost normal.

“To who are you talking?” I wondered.

“Ow to Yesung! He is always walking around like a chicken without a head!” Shindong laughed. Alright I take my  words back, he wasn't normal. Why would you talk to someone who isn't even there?

“Well he isn't even here right now, so why bother?” Donghae asked. Good question bro!

“Of course he is here! He is just a bit small so behind me!” Shindong said, turning around.

Oh, my, god.. This was a joke right...

When Shindong had turned around to answer Donghae I saw how he was holding something between his hands.. It was a bit round, almost the size of a soccer ball and it looked... It looked.. It looked EXACTLY like Yesung's head..

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” I screamed getting up and running to stand on the other end of the table, far away from Shindong and Yesung's head.

“Shindong! Put my head back NOW! You're scaring the costumers,” Yesung said.. Wait what? How-how was that head able to talk when his body wasn't uugh attached? 

A shiver went down my spine. What kind of horror hotel was this?

“But I'm hungry! Maybe your head tastes nice? I already tried some finger-pasta, Bull's eye soup, Privately delirious, ...”

Shindong probably said more of those weird dishes but I decided to cover my ears with my hands, not wanting to hear the rest. Because I already figured out that those names were taken very literally here.

“SHINDONG!” Yesung yelled so heard I still heard him. But because Shindong kept quiet I removed my hands.

“Fine,” he murmured putting Yesung's head back on his body who've stood behind Shindong all this time.

“We---uuuh-will--uh- goo upstairs now,” Kang-In managed to say, grabbing Lee Teuk's hand and signing us to follow, leaving those two scary staff members behind.


“Noo-ow do you st-still say this p-place is not hau-aunted?” Donghae said with a shaking voice when we arrived at the elevator waiting for it to come.

I kept quiet because I didn't know anymore. It was hard to get me scared of something, and yet the managed to do so.. I never believed in ghosts and undead people, but I started to doubt that. Only then I noticed a soft sobbing sound. I looked around and notice that Ryeowook was soft sobbing.

Lee Teuk directly went to him and gave him a strong, comforting hug. Even though I knew for sure Lee Teuk himself was scared as hell, we, as his little kids, were his first priority.

“Sssssh don't worry dear, It is probably all just a big trick alright?” Lee Teuk said with a kind voice, something I missed in the last horror-hour. And of course it worked. Ryeowook started to calm down.

We entered the moving hell going to the first floor.

“Guys, just change, go to bed and we'll get out of here tomorrow alright?” Kang-In assured us when we stood for our rooms.

“Alright dad,” I said hugging first him and then Lee Teuk, getting a good night kiss from him. Ryeowook and Donghae did the same.

Lee Teuk and Kang-In went to their room, while we entered our.

“Minnie? Can I sleep with you tonight?” Ryeowook said while we changed ourselves into our pajamas’.

I looked up at my little brother and smiled a little.

“Of course, if that's alright with you Donghae?” I said looking at him. He nodded. Well I knew that if he got scared at night he would also creep in.

I signed and stared at the beds and the painting.

The nice old lady in the painting would probably look over us tonight when we went to sleep...

Wait, nice old lady? I knew for sure that that was the thing I had seen on the painting..

“Guys.. The painting in our room. That was a nice old lady right?” I asked my brothers, not taking my eyes away from the painting.

“Yes Sungmin, Why?” Donghae asked. I pointed at the painting.

It wasn't a nice old lady anymore.

This person looked more like a mean witch who liked to cook children or something. I shivered.

“I definitely need some fresh air, even my eyes are playing tricks with me,” I murmured rubbing my eyes.

“Shall we take a walk before going to bed?” Donghae asked. I looked at him at disbelieve. Walking around in thís place? He must be crazy right?

“But Hae, the staff members are scary!” Ryeowook answered softly, being really scared.

“Hmm, let me think,” he said. Well I wasn't against taking a small walk before going to bed.. I was against the fact that it was in this hotél we would walk around.

“We could make a kind of game of it! Walking around this place without begin spotted! Ow come-on let's have some fun! We're on holiday after all!” Donghae explained happily. Well he had a point. I sighed for a second.

“Ow well, why not right?” I said agreeing, and also Ryeowook didn't seem to mind.

“ALRIGHT! Off we go!!” Donghae said grabbing both me and Ryeowook. I really wished we wouldn't bump into some of the staff members...


A/N: So I really hope you enjoyed it a bit xD
And I wanted to thank superkissshine & kpopoppa & Angelie23 & Silver86 & loser220 & Kyeopta26! Thanks for all the awesome comments and I'm really happy you guys like it ^_^ 

So that's it for now, On to the next chapter :)
With Love,

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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^