2. Boy in the Mirror.

Haunted Mansion

Chapter 2.

Boy in the Mirror.


- Donghae's P.O.V.-


“Come on! Hurry up a bit!” I said impatient. We would only be here one night and one night only. Even though it was pretty freaky here, and one night would be more then enough, we could have a bit fun right?

“Hae, were do you want to go then?” Sungmin asked me. A good question, I had not think of that before. Well not the kitchen nor the dining room, that's for sure.

“Let's first do this floor and then something downstairs?” I wondered out loud. Maybe the old living room or so?

“Do you think there are more guests? Or are we alone here?” I asked turning around. I walked in front of them through the hallway passing the rooms. Sungmin and Ryeowook walked a bit behind me.

Ryeowook was having a tight grip on Sungmin and he looked really scared.

While Sungmin didn't seem to mind the whole situation.

At least I have a cool brother. Sungmin hyung seemed like he was scared for nothing and if something threaded him he could always ninja their .

“It looks like we are alone, unfortunately,” Sungmin answered. Too bad, no one to have fun with or play a little game with.

I sighed and started to walk again.

“Did you guys noticed that there are no pictures or paintings or anything here? Most hotels have those kind of things right?” I heard Ryeowook ask quietly. The moment he mentioned it I started to look around a bit more.

“Well there is something on the wall over there,” I pointed down the hall. I walked towards it.

“A mirror! I can finally check my beautiful self!” I smiled turned my face first left then right.

“Dream on Hae,” I didn't bother to look at Sungmin who made that comment, instead I tried to fix my hair.


Wait.. What was that on my shoulder?

I turned my head and looked at my right shoulder, just moments before there had been something there.

No there was nothing at my shoulder....

I looked back in the mirror..


See! There it was again!

Quickly I turned to my right..

But again, there was nothing.

“Hae, what are you doing?” I heart Ryeowook ask sounding really confused.

“I swear there was something on my shoulder! But when I look, it's gone?!” I turned my head to Ryeowook and Sungmin.

“Stop Joking!” Ryeowook said, sounding really scared.

“I'm not joking! Look!” I pointed at the mirror and turned my head.


“A-A-A-AAaaaah!” I screamed while ducking away from the mirror. Now there was a person standing next to me! Well, only in the mirror because I didn't see an extra pair of legs.

“DONGHAE! Stop it! It's not funny and you’re scaring Wookie!” Sungmin said. He walked towards me, grabbed my ear and dragged me up.

“See! I don't see a thing!” he said pointing at the mirror. Slowly I peeked into the mirror.

What? Where did that guy go?

Completely surprised I kept on staring into the mirror. This was just absolutely confusing.  

“But.. But I swear there was someone! A guy with red-orange hair.. And and about my height and.. and..” I explained. But Sungmin was right, he wasn't there. With open mouth I was staring at myself  in the mirror. How was this possible?

Ryeowook joined us and looked into the mirror.

“There is no one there Donghae!” he said 'punching' me.

“I swear! There was...” I started my sentence when someone was interrupting me. Though I had no idea where the voice was coming from.

“Good evening gentleman,”


“AAAH!” I screamed -and I wasn't the only one I was sure of that- and hugged Sungmin tight just as Ryeowook did. Sandwiching Sungmin in the progress.

“Well hello, how are you doing sir?” Sungmin answered and I could hear the sarcasm, like he thought that someone was playing a joke on him.

Was it a smart thing to talk like that to a.. a ghost? Who knew what he was capable of!

“Could've been better, like to switch positions?” wait what was the voice talking about?

I stared at the mirror and..

“See! I wasn't joking!” I said while I felt that Sungmin froze. By now someone was indeed in the mirror looking down at us.

Well he didn't look as scary anymore as before. He wasn't bad-looking either.

But why was he on that side of the mirror?

“What happened to you?” Ryeowook asked. The only one scared right now seemed to be Sungmin, which surprised me.

“Believe me, you don't want to know,” he answered and disappeared again.

“Wait! What's your name?!” aish, I was too late.. He was gone.

“Too bad, he looked kind of cute,” I sighed.

“Hae, your talking about a ghost! Or whatever it may be!” Sungmin said shacking me like he was trying to wake me up. But the ghost really was kind of cute!

“So? I'll just call him Monkey, since he looked like one...”


Out of nowhere the lights went off.

I jumped in shock and hugged Sungmin again. Ryeowook on the other hand seemed like he hadn’t let go of Sungmin at all and was still hugging him.

“I don't like darkness,” I heard Sungmin whisper and hold onto me with one hand.

The lights went on.... and off again.

Then the lights went on again and stayed on. I looked around, wanting to know what was happening. I looked at the mirror.

There was the monkey boy again and..


“AAAAH!” Please tell me I didn’t see it right, that I was dreaming right? Please..

I had my eyes shut and wished the image would go away.

Instead of the cute, good looking boy, the same boy stood there now with scars and wounds on his face, blood dripping out of his cuts. His hair a big mess and he stared at us like he would kill us right here and now.

“Still think I'm cute?” he asked, his voice lower and full of anger. It scared me. I didn't dare to look at him anymore.

“Go away! Leave us alone!” I heard Sungmin beg, holding on the me tight, probably just as Ryeowook but I didn't dare to look.

“I wished I was left alone! Then I would be still alive and standing there instead of YOU!” he screamed followed by some breaking sounds.

I looked up and saw how the mirror broke into small pieces.

Sungmin started to drag us away from the mirror but my eyes kept staring at it.

Not only did it just break into so many pieces, but it almost seemed like.. It seemed like the mirror was bleeding.

Pieces lay everywhere and out of the mirror frame dripped something down.

Sungmin didn't need to drag me, I ran willingly, wondering what happened to the boy in the mirror.


I didn't know how long we ran, we even ran down stairs, but we stopped only when we saw something that looked like a living room.

We entered the room. The room looked cozy and was just what we needed. There I let myself fall onto a couch.

I saw how Sungmin sat down with a pale Ryeowook in his arms.

“I'm not staying here any longer than tonight, and actually that is even too long,” I murmured. I had more than enough of everything.

“We'll leave tomorrow right? Don't worry, shhh,” Sungmin tried to calm Ryeowook down who was shaking really badly.

While Sungmin was busy with Ryeowook I kept thinking about the boy in the mirror. What happened to him that he ended up there? That he looked like that? That he was so angry or sad? I sighed since I didn't have a clue.


“Here, drink a bit,”


I jumped a bit in surprise which caused me to end on the floor.

Stupid couch, stupid new person, stupid scary hotel!

I climbed back on the couch and stared at the man who just came in, well man, more like a boy their age. Well at least he looked.. uuh, normal?

He handed Ryeowook a glass water.

“T-thanks,” Ryeowook stumbled and accepted the glass with shaking hands.

“Who are you?” Sungmin asked a bit suspicious. Well I couldn't blame him, after all we've seen today I'm just as suspicious, and probably curious, as he is.

“I'm Kibum, One of the staff members here,” he answered.

“And what's wrong with you?” I asked softly but apparently everyone heard it.

“Donghae!” Sungmin scolded me but Kibum started to laugh.

“Whom have you all met that you're saying that,” he asked.

“A person with one-arm, a person without a head, a bigger person playing with that head, a red-haired laughing creep, a disgusting chef and a ghost in a mirror,” I summed up whom we've met in the last few hours. Wait, it was only a few hours since we've been here? It looked already like days! Can you even imagine to be here for a week or so? I think I would rather die right now..


“Nice family I have right?” he laughed. I stared at him.

“F-family?” I asked shocked.

“Yes, I'm probably the most normal one. But yes, it's kind-off my family,” he told us. I stared at him in disbelieve. I felt really sorry for him, living in a house with those kind of people whom are your family!

“How do you mean, kind off?” Sungmin asked.

“Well Yesung is my real brother,” he started.

“The headless one?” I asked disgust.

“Yes, Well our parents died in a car-accident when I was 15 years old. So Shindong, as my parents best friend, took care of us since then,” he explained. So real brothers, not a real father.

“I'm sorry for you,” Ryeowook said softly.

“Don't worry, Shindong took really good care of us. And since he and Heechul are brothers, well they have different mothers though, we are all family! Kind-off,” he explained.

I thought my family was different, but this was different on a whole new level of different.

“And the chef?” Sungmin asked.

“Heechul and the chef, Han Geng, are married. They have three adopted kids. The oldest one is the ghost you saw, the middle one is the one-armed butler Siwon and the youngest.. Well you'll probably never meet him,” that looked a lot like our family, minus the one being a ghost, one missing a arm and one lost.

“But what happened to your brother then?” I asked curious. Well Kibum seemed to be normal, than what happened to Yesung?

“Do you really want to know that?” he asked.

I nodded. Now I was curious.

“Well... When we first started to live here, we went out with the whole family. We went picnicking near the cliff because it was a beautiful view.  So while Uncle Han Geng was making the food, me Yesung hyung and the other kids went to play soccer. But Siwon hyung kicked the ball a bit too hard. Yesung hyung went after the ball, slipped and.. and.. fell down the cliff,” he said so quiet I had to lean closer.

But the image of Yesung falling down gave me a lot of goose bumps.

“I was so afraid he died, we ran to our parents and then down, to find him at the foot of the cliff. He had a broken neck, you could see that easily, but he was still screaming like hell. You can't imagine what it looked like,” Kibum continued.

Too bad I had a really clear image of how that must look like, and to so honestly, it looked like something only possible in horror-movies.

“While screaming he begged the pain to stop. So Han Geng took out a knife and chopped his head off. I started to cry hard.. But then Yesung hyung, headless, stood up again and gave me a hug. While his head on the ground told me he was fine and now the pain was gone. So since then we're playing soccer with his head,” Kibum finished laughing.

Oh dear me.. He couldn't be serious could he?


“Want to know how Siwon lost his arm? That story is even cooler!” he asked smiling.

I just stared at him blankly. There must be another, real, reason why Yesung was headless.. Right? And a good reason why he thought that that story was actually a cool story.

“N-no thanks. I-I think we've h-heard enough,” Sungmin stumbled. I saw how he hold Ryeowook tight who had his eyes closed and hands over his ears.

“O, okay. Well it's bedtime for me anyway. It's almost midnight. Ow by the way, maybe it's smart to leave this room before the clock strikes twelve, since you guys already seem scared,” Kibum told us before standing up.

“How do you mean leave this room?” I asked him confused.

“Just as I said. You probably saw enough horror movies to know what usually happens around midnight right?” he asked me. I stared back. What happens always around 12 o'clock? I didn't know?

“Well, good night,” he said while leaving, leaving me clueless.


“Hyung, what happens always around midnight?” I asked Sungmin. Maybe he knew? But by the look he gave me, he had no clue himself. I sighed. Why should we be afraid then? After all we've been through today, what more could possibly scare us?

“Well I once saw a horror movie..” Ryeowook started. Apparently he overheard the last part of our conversation.

“So?” I wanted to know since he didn't continue. He shivered a bit.

“W-well they always say.. t-that 12 o'clock is ghost time. M-meaning all the g-ghosts will w-wake up..” he murmured closing his eyes like he didn’t want to think about it anymore.

“That couldn't possibly be true right?” I asked while looking at my watch. I will be twelve o'clock in exactly.. 1 minute. Wow, we've got 1 minutes to safe our selves.

“Well after today I'm willingly to believe almost anything, so let's get upstairs before we find out,” Sungmin said while standing up.

“Do you really think it's true Min?” Ryeowook asked also standing up.

“Well in this hotel apparently you'll never know,” he answered and..


Wait, what was that?


Wasn't that the clock? I looked up and saw how the big clock in room said 12 o’clock.


Oh no! It's midnight! Would it really come true?


“Guys let's...”


“Go!” I tried to say between the chimes. Which were really, really loud. So loud probably the whole house could hear it.


I stood up and tried to follow Ryeowook and Sungmin.




I froze after hearing that laugh, was that Heechul? Please?


I turned around and jumped in surprise.


At one of the, before empty, tables were two man seated having a loud conversation.. Well man? Could you call them human?


Next a woman with a broom appeared chasing a man.


It was the last chime and even more ghosts appeared.

I turned around and ran towards Sungmin and Ryeowook whom stared frozen at the scene in front of us.

“Run!” I yelled grabbing both of them and started to run towards our parents rooms.


-End Donghae's P.O.V.-



- No-One’s P.O.V. –


In KangTeuk's room it was also a bit chaos after diner. While Lee Teuk was having a shower, Kang-In was on the bed still having the urge to vomit.

Every time he thought about the fact that he just ate a bull's private things he couldn't help to feel ánd hurt by the thought of it ánd disgust.

“I-i-i-ieeeeeeh!” Kang-In heard a scream and directly ran towards the bathroom. He was barely in the bathroom or Lee Teuk hugged him tight.

Lee Teuk, wet and only with a towel around him, was near crying. Kang-In held him tight and tried to calm him down.

“Hey dear, what's wrong?” he asked sweet but worried.

“W-well t-there i-i-s blood c-coming f-from the shower i-instead o-f water,” Lee Teuk managed to say.

“Ssssh, just go and change yourself and dive into bed. I'll take a look,” Kang-In answered, not sure if he must believe him or not. Well Lee Teuk never lied to him, but it was almost too weird to be true.

But Lee Teuk nodded and went into their room. Kang-In went into the shower and opened the tab, making sure he wasn't under it.

It seemed normal.. Until the water turned indeed red.. Fast he closed the tab again and went into the room.

“I don't think it's blood dear, but to be sure, don't shower anymore,” he assured Lee Teuk. Well it could be blood, but he didn't want to scare his lover even more. He also changed into his pyjama's and snuggled next to Lee Teuk under the covers. Whom hugged him and rested his head on Kang-In's chest.

“Angel, now stop worrying and go to sleep alright? Tomorrow we'll leave and then it'll all be over,” Kang-In assured him. Lee Teuk nodded and dazed off to sleep.


*Knock Knock*

Slowly Lee Teuk woke up. Softly he hit Kang-In's chest.

“Go get the door,” he murmured, but both stayed in bed.

*Knock knock knock knock*

The knocks were still there and grew impatient.

“Racoonie.. Go get it,” Lee Teuk murmured again, this time pushing Kang-In softly, with not much effect since both of them stayed in bed.

“Get it yourself,” was the soft answer, none of them got out.



When they heard Donghae scream they were up in a second. Kang-In sitting strait up in bed and Lee Teuk was at the door in a split-second. He opened the door revealing a horrified Ryeowook, Donghae and Sungmin.

“UMMA!” they said almost at the same time and hugged him.

“Kids! Why are you still up? What's wrong?” Lee Teuk asked worried dragging them in and closing the door.

“There was a person in the mirror!”

“And the lights went on and off again!”

“And then the mirror broke!”

“It started to bleed!”

“Then there was Kibum!”

“And Yesung Broke his neck!”

“Han Geng chopped it off!”

“And there were ghosts...!”

All there cries stopped when Kang-In pulled them into his famous bear-hug.

“Your fantasies are way too big. Just calm down,” he told them, still hugging them. And of course, well he was their father with a reason, they calmed down a bit.

“Appa, Umma, I'm scared,” Ryeowook almost cried. Lee Teuk gave Ryeowook a kiss on his head to calm him down a bit.

“Aah, Wookie, don't worry,” he said caressing Ryeowook's back.

“You know what? If your appa agrees you guys just stay here. ONLY for tonight,” Lee Teuk suggest looking at Kang-In whom smiled back.

“APPA...?”  the three of them looked at Kang-In with as much aegyo as possible.

“Yah! Like I can resist that! You guys got that definitely from your mom. Now into bed it's late already,” he said pushing everyone towards the bed.

And so the whole family could finally sleep peacefully.


A/N: First of all; Merry Christmaaaaaas!!! <3 


Besides that hihi :) I hope you all like the new chapter ^_^

And Thanks to you awesome people who left a comment and made my day because of them! =3 I don't know, they just made me laugh so hard keke :)

So I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter, I'll try to update soon again!

With love and a Christmas hug,


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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^