5. Trouble Ahead.

Haunted Mansion

A/N: Update~! Have fun with the Secrets of the Mansion~! 

Chapter 5

Trouble Ahead.


-Heechul's P.O.V.-


“Hannie you got everything so we can leave after breakfast?” I asked him while reading trough our shopping list.

It was a good thing that we always did twice a week our purchases so now we could buy some medicines for our guests. Since one of them is having a big fever right now.

“Yeah I have. And breakfast  is almost ready!” Han Geng answered from the kitchen.

In our own little dining room were Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kyuhyun right now. The others were still sleeping since they had to stay longer away to scare our dear guests.

“How could you enjoy that kiss?” I heard Siwon ask Eunhyuk.. Wait, what? Since when did my hyukkie had a boyfriend?

“I wasn't enjoying it!” Eunhyuk answered.

“But you were giggling like a girl!”

“I was laughing because he kissed a freaking mirror!”

“Then why did you kissed the mirror on the same place when the lights were off?” Kyuhyun wondered joining the discussion.

Well I don't know what exactly happened, but it sounded funny.

“I didn't! At least I..”

“That's enough! Calm down all of you! It's still early in the morning so keep it down a bit,” I said and the three of them stopped.

Those little discussions could be funny but I was afraid Eunhyuk was going to say something about Sungmin since Kyuhyun made some sharp comments. But I don't think Kyuhyun can handle comments like that right now.

Luckily Han Geng came in with our breakfast so everyone started to eat.


“Kyuhyun, That is the same Sungmin right?” Siwon asked softly and I wanted to smack his head.. Just a playful smack, I don't hit my own kids.

“Yeah, yeah he is,” Kyuhyun murmured.

“You love him right? Just talk to him!” Eunhyuk exclaimed but I was afraid that the problem wasn't that easy to solve.

“If that was all it took I would have done it already,” Kyuhyun sighed.

“But how did you break-up, that it's such a problem?” I wondered since Kyuhyun never really talked about it.

“I just told him that it would never work between us,”

“Why did you told him that?”

“Because I didn't know how to explain it to him otherwise,” Kyuhyun said and I felt bad for him. Well our whole situation was a bit complex that's true.

“Then why did you agree to move in the first place?” I wondered. We used to live in Seoul but when we inherit this house we moved here, after the kids agreed with it.

“Umma, family goes first. And this is way better than our old house,” Kyuhyun assured me.

But still, there had to be something we could do about it right?

“Then why don't you talk to him now? You love him right? Go and explain everything.. Éverything,” I thought out loud. Well I think he should try it this way at least. If this doesn't work we'll find a back-up plan.

“But then I need to reveal all our secrets,” Kyuhyun looked up at me. I gave Han Geng a look and he smiled at me. I know for sure he thought exactly the same way about it.

I stood up, walked towards Kyuhyun and gave him a hug.

“That's okay, just try to win him for you again,” I said his hair.

“Now Hannie! Let's go! I still want to prank that family later today and you know how I hate to rush while shopping!” I smirked while walking towards the door.



“Hannie, we don't have any reservations right for the rest of the week?” I asked while we walked through the supermarket.

“For as far as I know only us and the family now staying with us,” Han Geng answered.

“Oh wait, wait! News on the TV! Really why don't we have a TV at home?” I complained while I stopped with shopping just to watch it.

“Well our phone barely works, and even our lights fall off once in a while,” Han Geng sighed and stood next to me.

“You still like the hotel or do you want to go back?” Han Geng asked me. I looked up.

“Sometimes I wished we could live normal without the kids helping us like this. But on the other hand.. It's fun to play those pranks!” I smirked. Han Geng laughed and hugged me. I focused again on the news.


“And we just got some more information about the escaped murderer Kim Junbae.

He was in prison after abusing his son for several years.

When he got free again he killed his wife and later three other people.

The picture is shown right now.

If you see him or have any information about the whereabout of this murderer please contact...”


“Omg, whom would abuse his own kid? Horrible and Ugly, stupid ugly person,” I murmured after seeing that guys face.

“Chullie, let's go, we got a sick guest and he needs to get better if you want to scare him again,” Han Geng said. Why did he always know what to say to get me going?

I sighed and walked with him.

“He and their youngest son are definitely easy to scare..” I smirked.

“Why do you always pick the easy ones? Try to scare their father,” Han Geng challenged me. I looked at him an grinned.

“Alright. I'll get him scared.. What do I get if I succeed?” I wondered otherwise it would be boring to do it.

“Hmmm a day free from work, with me as your servant,” Han Geng said. Apparently he didn't believe that I could do it.

“And if you don't succeed you need to serve me,”  he continued.

Well of course I could scare that guy. I, Kim Heechul, am able to scare everyone.

“That's a deal!” I smirked.


- End Heechul's P.O.V.-


- Kyuhyun's P.O.V.-


I sat in a room watching the monitors. It was pretty boring now. It was so quiet in the hotel since there was only one family, that there wasn't much to do for us. When there were more guests I had a lot of pranks ready..

Oh wait! Someone was walking through the hall! Let's see..

Eunhyuk was probably still fantasizing about that fishy guy so ghost in the mirror was not possible.

Maybe I should make the statue move that was close to the guy walking around?

I was about to press the button to do so when a hand stopped me.

“Let him off, please?” I  heard Yesung say. I looked up.

“Why hyung?” I wondered but I saw him staring at the guy on the screen, well almost fantasizing.

“That's ia hyung!” I laughed.

“AUW!” I yelled after Yesung hit my head.

“He's not that young,” he murmured. I could help but to laugh.

“Any clue how you're gonna tell him?” Yesung asked and I sighed again, laughter completely gone again.
I knew where he was talking about.

“I have no idea. I don't even think that he'll listen to me.. let alone believe me,” I sighed and looked at the monitors. At that moment a door opened and no other than Sungmin came out.

“Go. Kyu, just try it okay?” Yesung said trying to pull me up. Should I go?

“Just do it Kyu!” Yesung said pushing me towards the door. I took a deep breath and started to run.


When I arrived in the hall I had seen Sungmin on the monitors I stopped for a second. Sungmin was at the end of the hall.

I ran towards him and grabbed him by his wrist to prevent him from walking away.

“Hey,” I said since I had no clue how I was going to tell him that I still love him.

“What do you want,” he said and he sounded really cold and angry.

“I.. I just wanted to say.. How sorry I am,” I said never letting go of his wrist.

“Sorry for what? Sorry for loving me in the first place?”

“What? No of course not! I'm sorry for breaking up with you!”

“Like I would believe you now! You just dumped me like that! Like that whole year we spent together was nothing to you, like I was nothing to you!  And.. And now I see you again with all those freaks!” he yelled at me while trying to free himself from my grip. But somehow I managed to hold him.

“That's not true! You were not nothing to me, you were éverything for me! And I still love you, I just had no choice!”

“You always have a choice and you chose those freaks above me, well you love me a lot!”

“They aren't freaks! It's all just a play. Please let me explain it,” I tried. If I just could explain everything that was going on here, why I left him.. Maybe, just maybe, he would believe me.

“I don't wanna hear it Kyu. Go back to your freaky friends and leave me alone,” he said and this time he succeed to free himself from my hold.

I saw how the tears run down his face but I knew that I cried as well.

Why didn't he believe me? Why didn't he want to listen to me?

His reaction hurt me since.. I do really love him. And of course for calling my family freaks. The only persons who ever cared for me are those 'freaks'.


My real mother died when I was really young and my father just left me one day, probably hoping I would die there. It were Siwon and Eunhyuk whom were playing around and found me. Since then Han Geng and Heechul took me in. Even though they actually couldn't. They had barely any money.

Eunhyuk, Siwon and I shared one room and our parents slept in the living room. So small was our place. But they loved me and never left me. How could you possibly call them freaks?

I slid down against the wall while I watched him walking away from me.

I might be a genius but when it came to love I was a big noob.

“Hey Kyu,” I heard someone say and than sitting next to me.

I looked to my right and saw my dad sitting there.

“Things never go the way you want them to go,” he told me before dragging me closer into a hug.

“And the only advice I can probably give is for you to never give up,” he continued while I hugged him back.

“Dad.. He called you all freaks,” I whispered. I realized how much I sounded like a little child. But then Han Geng started to laugh.

“What?” I wanted to know. There was really nothing funny about this situation nor my remark right?

“Have you took a closer look at yourself? And the rest of us?” he asked and I also started to laugh. Okay, fair enough, we did look weird.

“Just don't give up alright?” he assured me.

“Yeah I wouldn't. Now I need to kill some zombies,” I grinned.

“Well only the fake ones alright?” Han Geng replied while I gave him a hug.

I stood up and nodded to him before running to my room. I wanted to play on my gameboy color and kill something.


- End Kyuhyun's P.O.V.-



- Sungmin's P.O.V.-


Why was he showing up again? Especially when he's telling me he's sorry for breaking up and that he still loves me.

Of course I still love him. But it's clear that he chose those creepy friend above me.

And he never told me his real reason for leaving. It was probably better the way it was right now.

I tried to wipe away all my tears before entering my parents room.

Those medicines and some sleep did wonders for Lee Teuk.

“Are you alright?” I asked Lee Teuk whom clearly just woke up.

“What happened Minnie?” Lee Teuk asked and again my tears fell down.

I crawled on to the bed and snuggled next to him. He put an arm around my shoulder.

“Tell me what happened?”

“Kyuhyun ran towards me telling me he was sorry that he broke up with me and that he still loves me.. but Umma, Why would I believe him now? He just dumped me like that and now he's here with those freaks and and and...” I cried into his shoulder. He shushed me and let me cry until I knew for sure there were no more tears.

“Just listen to me for a second before complaining alright?” he asked me.

I know there was a lecture coming but It was probably useful so I nodded.

“You don't know what happened. Why he broke up with you,” he started. I looked at him in surprise.

“I'm not trying to talk right what he did, because I'm angry at him for dumping you. Nobody is allowed to hurt my kids.. But maybe you need to listen to his story,” he continued while rubbing my shoulder.

“You still love him and if he has a good, very very good, reason you never know. Maybe you can forgive him for leaving,” he looked at me. Well maybe Lee Teuk was right. Maybe I needed to listen to him first.

“And if he doesn't have a very very good reason, you directly forget him with our help alright? But give him a change to see what he has to say,” Lee Teuk told me. Well I indeed still loved him and somehow I sincerely hoped that he had a good reason.

“Now get up and find him,” Lee Teuk said and pushed me softly.

“Thanks mom,” I smiled a watery smile and gave him a big hug.

“You're welcome. And if he hurts you again, I'll personally sent your father after him to kick his !” He assured me, making me laugh a bit.

I stood up and walked out of the room. Now I needed to find Kyuhyun. How the hell am I suppose to find him?

It's a miracle I don't get lost that often when walking towards the dinning room and such.


I decided that I had the best chance to find him downstairs, in the kitchen or something.

I walked towards the staircase.


I looked downstairs and saw a new guest entering.

It looked like the same thing that happened to us the moment we arrived here.

“Hahaha.. Welcome guest!” I heard Heechul say.

Even though it wasn't the first time hearing it, it still made me shiver.

“I guess you need a place to sleep?” Heechul asked and the man nodded.

“What is your name?”

“Kim Junbae,”

“Kim Junbae? Alright.. SIWON! We have a guest,” Heechul confirmed and then called Siwon to help him.

The only thing I found strange was that the man only had a small bag.

And somehow that name sounded really familiar, but I had no idea where I should have heard it before.

I saw how Siwon led the man to almost the opposite where we stayed.

And the man didn't seem scared because of the things that were happening around him.. Like Siwon missing an arm, moving things and such.

Well, he was just a weird person to me.. Although the family or staff members were worse.

I walked downstairs since Heechul still stood there.

“Heechul-shi, do you know where Kyuhyun is?” I asked him and it looked like I just woke him up out of his thoughts.

“No I don't sorry,” he answered me.

I thanked him and wanted to walk away.

“Sungmin, can I ask you something?”


“Since we don't have a TV here, did you watched the news before leaving on holiday?”

“I think I did yes, why?” I wondered. He grabbed me lightly by my arm and dragged me away from the hall.

“Did you hear something about an escaped prisoner?” he asked and I thought really hard.

After all what happened here, how could I worry about the news? But Heechul did make a point.. There was something on the news like that.

“Wasn't it a criminal charged for child abuse and killing four people?” I wondered if we were talking about the same person.

“Do you know his name or description by any chance?”

“They didn't say his name yet, but I think they did gave a description,”

“What was it? Do you remember?”

“Uhm.. Something like he was around 1,77 cm tall and age 44, black short hair. He had a scar my his left eye and a child's name on his wrist,” I tried hard to remember every detail since Heechul seemed really urgent.

“This is horrible,” Heechul murmured.

I looked up to him only to see him in a panicking state.

“What is horrible?” I wanted to know. He started at me for a long time, like he was not sure whether to tell me or not.

But I don't think it was needed anymore..

“That escaped killer.. Is staying héré...?”


A/N: Soo a bit more information about the truth behind the Haunted Mansion.. PamPamPaaaam 
Anyone thought it would turn out like this?
And more secret couples sneaking in~! 
Does anyone have an idea about who Kim Junbae is? ^_^ 

Anyways; Hope that you guys liked it~

With Love,

@Silver86: Hihi it's indeed special, but it will be changing soon~ And I hope your KyuMin question is answered in this chapter? Though later there will be more ^_^ Because I love KyuMin <3
@Sungminisawesome: Nice user name hihi :D The answer on your question is for a big part in this question :P But I promise that the rest of the explanation will be out soon ;)  

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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^