4. Found what was lost.

Haunted Mansion

A/N: Even in this sad times, I still decided to update, I hope you guys still enjoy it~!

Chapter 4.

Found what was lost.


- Kang-In's P.O.V.-


For my idea I had already saw the whole mansion at least three times but no sight of Lee Teuk.

How long did I know him by now? I should have known that it was stupid to say those things to him.

We’ve met at high school when I always used to bully people, but that changed after I met him.

But on the other hand, I used to be straight too, until I met him.

Why couldn't I just give him a hug telling him it would be fine instead of making fun of him?

I sighed and walked towards the dining room. On my way there I almost fell over what was supposed to be someone’s arm, well without the rest of its body.

I kicked it to the side. How could someone believe it was real? Ghost don't excised just like everything else here. The family who's living here is just a bit sick in their mind, that could be the only conclusion.


In the dining room I found Sungmin and Ryeowook already sitting there, so I joined them.

“Haven't found him either right?” Sungmin asked and I shook my head. If I had found Lee Teuk I would be way happier than I was now.

I looked up when I felt the couch moving a bit.

“Don't worry we'll find him and we're not sleeping before we do, right?” Ryeowook asked with a small voice.

I smiled a bit and gave him a hug. At least I have the cutest kids, definitely something they got from Lee Teuk -if that would be possible with three adopted kids-.

“Haven't found Umma yet?” I looked up to see Donghae walking in. He sat next to me and snuggled closer.

“No unfortunately not.. Maybe we should ask the staff for help?” I wondered. But the moment I said staff all three kids froze on their place.

The three of them were just as scared as Lee Teuk was. Better not make a comment about that right now.

“I just wanna find Lee Teuk and maybe they could help?” I explained.

“You always seem to have problems when I see you, or is it accidental?” a new voice asked. I looked up and saw Heechul coming in.

“Accidental,” I murmured. Maybe that Heechul guy just loved to see others suffer. He did look like someone who would enjoy that.

“So why those worried faces this time?” He asked it like he was hoping for a good story.

“Our Umma is lost and we can't find him,” Ryeowook answered never letting me go.

“Ahw poor guy. Did you bully him away or so?” Heechul wondered.

It was probably a joke but he hit the head of the nail. And it made me even more guilty.

“I'll ask my fami.. Staff to keep their eyes open and come to here when they see him, alright?” he asked and all I could do is nod.

“I don't want Umma to be a skeleton,” Ryeowook murmured softly to me.

“Don't worry. Just like you said, we'll find him and otherwise not stop before we do so alright?” I whispered to him and gave him a kiss on his head to calm him down, which worked.

Heechul left the room to inform the staff of his hotel.


It was still raining but the thunder had stopped. But the lights were still off.

It started to get darker but no sight of Lee Teuk yet.

“Want something to drink?” I looked up when Han Geng came in with a tray with four glasses of water and some candles so we had some lights.

“Thanks,” I murmured not really in the mood to talk.

“We haven't found him yet, but don't worry, we will,” he assured me.

It made me a bit better, but my worries were still there.

“Kyuhyun! What are you doing here?” I heard Han Geng ask.

I looked up and saw the boy whom helped us with our car this same morning. But the way Han Geng said his name made it look like it was unusual that guests saw him.

But it also made me remember that we had to ask Sungmin if it was the same Kyuhyun.. Well it was a bit too late for that right now... And their reaction said enough.

“I..I..” Kyuhyun started but started to stumble when his eyes met Sungmin and I noticed how Sungmin froze on his place.

So Lee Teuk and I were right that we recognized the name.

“Kyuhyun?” I heard Han Geng ask again.

“There was someone sitting outside totally soaked. He looked a lot like the guy you’re looking for. But I'm not quite sure,” Kyuhyun said, eyes never leaving Sungmin..

But that was something I would worry about later. Right now I was worried about Lee Teuk.

I shot up and ran towards the back door.

Why didn't I think about looking outside? Instead of walking through the house three times I could have found him by just peaking outside... Stupid me.

I didn't care about the rain and ran outside towards some trees.

Because there I saw someone -or something but I prayed it was someone- cuddled to a small ball totally soaked by the rain.

The closer I got, the more sure I was that it was Lee Teuk.

I ran towards him and shook him lightly.

“Lee Teuk.... Teukie, hey come-on, talk to me,” I whispered hoping he would react..

But he didn't. I pulled him into my arms holding him close. Not only was he totally soaked, he was also freezing cold.

“Angel, please come on.. Say something,” I murmured.

When he still didn't say a thing I lifted him up bridal style.

Even though I was outside for just a minute I was already soaked to the bone. Could you imagine if you sat there for a few hours? And with the thunder and everything? I shivered  thinking of it and to think it was all my fault.

I hold Lee Teuk tight and walked back to where I sat minutes ago. Kyuhyun and Han Geng were gone.

“Appa! How's Umma?” Donghae asked while he, Sungmin and Ryeowook came closer.

“I don't know, he doesn't react,” I answered softly.

“Ryeowook can you make some soup? Than Donghae and I will prepare the bedroom and some dry clothes and stuff,” Sungmin took the lead dragging Donghae upstairs while Ryeowook nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

I went upstairs too, probably leaving a water trail behind me.


When I came in our room I was that Donghae and Sungmin already got some new clothes and a towel and it looked like they searched for something like medicines.

I carefully put Lee Teuk down in our bathroom, dried him, changed his clothes and mine before I made him wet again, before carrying him back to our bed.

The moment I pulled the covers over him both Sungmin and Donghae settled next to him on the bed.

“Appa, he's still cold,” Donghae said. I settled myself on the other side of Lee Teuk and hold his hand. It was indeed pretty cold.

And of course it was all my fault. I should really learn how to stop sometimes.

“I'm really sorry Teukie,” I whispered before kissing him on his forehead.


-End Kang-In's P.O.V.-



- Ryeowook's P.O.V. In the kitchen-


I walked towards the kitchen, but once I was there I had no clue where to start.

The first thing I noticed was that there was a huge mirror in the kitchen. And I had already told myself that as long as I'm in this hotel I'm not going to look into a mirror again. That last experience could still give me nightmares.

So instead I focused on cooking. I didn't mind making soup. At home I was often the one cooking for the rest since I love to cook.

But somehow I was afraid that once I opened a cupboard I would find eyeballs or someone’s private parts.

But Lee Teuk umma did definitely needed some soup since he probably caught a cold or fever or both staying outside in the rain.

Honestly it did make me really sad that Lee Teuk umma and Kang-In appa were fighting.

But luckily they seldom fought and always made up.

Not like my real parents whom fought so often and also became violent.


I walked towards the closest cupboards and opened it, in the hope to find a pan or a bowl. But instead I found some plates.

I sighed and went to the next, but again useless stuff.

I looked up and found another problem. Since it was a big hotel, there could eat a lot of guests. Which means that the kitchen is also HUGE!

If I needed to look in every cupboard umma will be better before he got his soup.

“What did you do to him!? You didn't try to boil him again did you?!” I heard a voice yell which made me freeze on my spot.

Who did boil what? Did they also boil guests? Or was it food for those insects? I still didn't know what they ate.. In the other hand.. Did I really want to know the answer to those questions?

I heard a door open and close..

Did one of the staff member come to the kitchen? Oh help!

I don't think I'm allowed in the kitchen as guest.... What would they do to me if they found me? Would they also boil me? Feed me to the insects?

Quickly I hid myself behind the cooking Island in the middle of the kitchen, and prayed he wouldn't find me.


“Damn it, what did they do to him?” I heard that staff member murmur probably to himself since I didn't hear someone else enter the kitchen.

I don't know who it was. But I think I could only recognize Heechul and Han Geng's voice by now so there were still a lot of members left.

“Ddangkoma!” he said, louder this time. But why was he looking for a sweet potato....? Or calling for it?

It was not like they could walk.. Or did it walk in this hotel?

I shivered by that thought and sat down on the ground hoping not to be seen.

“I swear I'll kill them if they boiled him.. Ddangkoma!” he said and the voice came closer.

So I got on my knees and hands and started to crawl to the other side in the hope not to been seen.

I crawled and crawled and...

“Whaaaaaa!” I screamed automatically when my hand touched something really weird.

But it also attract the attention of the staff member.

“There you are Ddangkoma!” Wait did I just scream because I touched a potato?

I looked down and saw something green crawling on the floor. Then I saw two small hands picking it up.

“Stop walking away and don't scare our guests!” I looked up and saw Yesung, this time with head thankfully, and in his hands, Ddangkoma, the turtle.

“Are you alright?” he asked and offered me his hand.

I stared at it for a while.

“You're not gonna boil me or anything?” I asked with a small voice.

He stared at me in surprise.

“Why would I do that?” he wondered.

“Because guests are not allowed in the kitchen?” I whispered but he smiled at me.

“For my part your staying here all day, but maybe Han Geng doesn't like it.. What are you doing here anyway? Are you lost?” he told me.. It breathed out in relieve. He wasn't going to boil me nor feed me to the insects nor do anything weird with me.. Yet. That was if Han Geng didn't show up so I hoped he would be in his bed or something.


But then I remembered why I was here again..

Oh! Stupid, Stupid me!

Just because I was scared Lee Teuk umma still didn't got his soup!

What if he became sicker just because I was scared of a turtle? That would be soo stupid of me!

“Hey, are you okay?” Yesung asked while he knelled down in front of me.

“My Umma is sick so I was going to make some soup... But I can't find anything and everything scares me.. I'm even afraid of your turtle and he can't even hurt me! And what if Umma gets sicker because I'm taking so long and for being such a cowered?” I blurred out.

I don't know why I told him those things.. But yeah, whatever.

I got a bit startled when I felt two arms around me pulling me closer.

“Don't worry, he'll be fine and probably happy that you're making soup for him.. shall I help you? I can't cook but I know where to find things?” he suggested, still hugging me.

“No eyeballs, private parts or spiders in it please?” I whispered and he laughed.

“No none of that kind of things.. Also not my turtle! I'm gonna kill Kibum for saying things like that and making me worry like hell, weird brother,” he answered and then I dared to hug him back.

Well, not too hard, you never know if his head would fall off when I did.

He stood up and dragged me up too.

“Where ís your turtle?” I wondered since I didn't see he little turtle anymore.

“In a temporary box otherwise he's gone again,” he answered and got out of nowhere a pan.

I walked towards the fridge to get some vegetables. I opened the door,

“You better not open the...”

“AAAAAH!” I screamed slamming the door shut.

“Fridge,” he finished his sentence too late since I already saw what was inside.

Inside were bowls with all kind of things. Eyeballs, spiders, toads and some disgusting insects I don't even want to recognize. But there was also a whole pork head with eyes and all staring at me..

It took me a while to catch my breath again.

“The-uh vegetables are in a different fridge. I'll get them for you,” he said walking away.

In the mean time, after I calmed down and stopped shaking, I prepared the rest for the soup.

He came back with all kinds of vegetables and they all looked normal to me after I inspected them for a good while.


“That guy that was outside, was that your 'mom'?” he asked after a while.

I picked up the carrots and started to chop them in to pieces. He looked how I did this pretty skillfully.. If I'm allowed to say that about myself. Then I nodded.

“Why was he outside? If I may ask. If you don't want to answer you don't have to,” he said but I could here he was curious.

“My parents had a little fight and he walked away,” I answered anyway. I don't know why, but even though he sometimes missed his head, it still felt safe next to him.

“Why did they fight?” He asked like it was weird for parents to fight. It used to be a daily thing for me.. But it wasn't anymore.

“Sorry for asking,” he said after I didn't responded.

“No it's okay, it just reminded me of something,” I answered while I finished the carrots and went to the next vegetables.

“Want to share it? Or is it to personal? Or you just don't wanna tell me, that's good possible too,” he asked.

Well it was really personal, but it was probably good to talk it out of my mind.

“Well my real parents fought every day, and sometimes not only through words,” I started. I was very little when it all happened but that didn't mean I didn't see it, I didn't notice it.

“And when hitting each other wasn't enough, they would hit me sometimes,” I whispered.

I only realized I was crying when I felt a hand wiping my tears away.

“Then how did you get out of there?” he asked softly while caressing my back.

“My teacher noticed my bruises and asked child protection for help. They got me away from them. They knew Kang-In and Lee Teuk already since they had adopted Sungmin and Donghae. They first didn't want a third child. But after hearing what happened and after meeting me they took me in,” I explained but now I smiled again through my tears.

I was really thankful towards that teacher. And towards Kang-In appa and Lee Teuk umma.

“And are you happy now? Are Kang-In and Lee Teuk good parents?” He wondered but I think you could already read the answer from my face, so I nodded.

“They are the best! Well sometimes they do have a little argument, like now, but it is soon over since they will always feel guilty and sorry about it. But for me they are my real parents,” I smiled and looked at him.

“Sounds cool,” he smiled back.


“But I do think your soup is almost ready,” he pointed at the soup.

I hadn't even noticed that since I was caught up in my own story.

“Here a bowl, spoon and a tray. You know the way right? Since I need to get back to work I guess,” he said while he placed the said stuff next to the stove.

“Yes. Thank you for your help,” I said preparing the bowl.

“Thanks for sharing your story,” he said picking up his turtle-in-box.

“And see you around,” he waved before leaving. I waved back before placing the soup bowl on the tray and starting to walk towards my parents room.


I kicked against my parents door in the hope someone would open it. Afraid that if I would do it myself, or if I would knock, I would drop the bowl.

The door opened.

“Wookie! Come in,” Donghae opened the door for me and helped me by taking the tray from me and walked towards Lee Teuk.

“I'm really sorry it took so long. I was lost in the kitchen and couldn't find the things I needed and then I met Yesung and and...” I murmured.

Kang-In walked towards me and gave me a hug.

“Thanks for making the soup and I wanted to say sorry that this happened. Are you okay?” he asked worried since he of course knew my past.

“Yes Appa. I'm okay. How's Umma doing?” I wondered.

“I think he's getting a fever but we couldn't find any medicines. So I'll ask the staff members if they

have some medicine for him. But don't worry, he'll be fine,” he assured me.



“Do you know anything about my real parents? What happened after I started to live with you?”

“Why?” he asked but I could hear that he didn't like the subject.

“Just curious,” I answered truthfully.

“No, I don't know. But Ryeowook..”

“Yes Dad?”

“Please don't go looking for them. After what they did to you I don't want them anywhere near you ever again,” he whispered in my ear hugging me tight.

“Don't worry. You all are my only family. And I wasn't planning on looking for them,” I answered, again truthfully.

“Glad to hear that,”


A/N: Next Chapter will reveal more about the familie and staff members~!

And this is chapter 4, which means 4 more chapters + epilogue to go! And after that, if you guys want to, there can be a continuation~! 

So let me know what you think of it~!

And all ELF's & Super Junior & Lee Teuk oppa, Fighting~!


With Love,



@TheAkatsukiFangirl: Maybe they'll meet again~ Maybe not~! Hyukkie is a ghost after all so who knows ^_^   

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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^