8. The End?

Haunted Mansion

A/N: Alright guys! Last real chapter so after this only the Epilogue and (if you guys want) A sequel!
Thank you guys for still being here (and the cute comments) Now I hope you guys 'enjoy' this chapter! <3

Chapter 8.

The End?


- No-One's P.O.V. -


The moment the scream was heard, everyone started to run.

The five parents ran back downstairs towards the kitchen, since Han Geng said the voice came from there. And he was right.

The Moment the parents walked into the kitchen they froze on spot.

In the kitchen stood Kim Junbae, with a big knife in his hand. He didn't look up when the parents arrived as there was something much more interesting for him to look at. He was staring at two kids, though only one was really visible as the other was hiding behind the his back.

The one who was hiding was Ryeowook. He tried to make himself as small as possible to hid behind the back of Yesung, whom stood in front of him.

The few moments you could see his face, you could see he was crying and really afraid. His arms were tight around Yesungs waist.

Yesung stood in between Ryeowook and Junbae, shielding Ryeowook away. He looked serious and pretty angry.

Just a few moments later the other kids came in from another entrance.


* Flashback *


“Eunhyuk, found our parents already?” Siwon asked from the other room where all the kids -except Eunhyuk- where.

“No not yet, but I'll keep looking,” he sighed.

At the same time were Kibum and Kyuhyun trying to explain Donghae that the whole thing was just an act. But somehow he didn't wanted to believe it.

Sungmin and Yesung on the other hand were on either side of Ryeowook comforting him.

“But how comes you head falls of once in a while?” Ryeowook asked making Sungmin giggle.

“Well it's like a mechanic head that Kyuhyun made when he was bored. My real head never falls off,” Yesung tried to explain while scratching the back of his neck.

“Is this your real head?” Ryeowook asked poking Yesungs cheek. Yesung turned a bit red making Sungmin laugh even harder.


Then a knock on the door was heard.

Everyone stopped talking. They haven't talked to their parents yet so how did they know they were here?

Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun. 'Could he have followed us?' he wondered quietly.

“Who's there?” Kibum asked and was about to open the door.

“Don't open it!” Kyuhyun tried but the door was already kicked open.

The next moment everyone was panicking, trying to run away.

“He's here!” Kibum yelled while everyone started to run to the other exit.

“Eunhyuk, come one! Let's go!” Siwon yelled dragging Eunhyuk away.

“Where's Ryeowook?” Yesung yelled and everyone stopped. Since, after quickly glancing around, not only Ryeowook was gone, Junbae as well.

“Oooh, no. He distracted Junbae to get us safe,” Sungmin cursed remembering that Ryeowook was afraid one of them got hurt.

“Yesung? Yesung!” Kibum yelled when he saw his brother disappear.

Yesung on the other hand was after Ryeowook and Junbae, luckily he was a lot faster since he knew the way in the house perfectly.

Because of that he found Ryeowook before Junbae did. He grabbed his hand and together they ran through the kitchen when their luck ran out and Ryeowook tripped.

“Aaaaaaaaaaah!” Ryeowook screamed.

He fell down and dragged Yesung with him down.

Now Junbae was able to close the distance and made sure they weren't able to leave the room.


* End of Flashback *


“Ryeowook, just come here and no-one gets hurt,” Junbae said.

Ryeowook glanced to him from behind Yesungs back.

“No Ryeowook don't!” Kang-In went against it.

Surprised the three of them looked up. They hadn't noticed the others coming in.

“To whom are you listening? Your real father or someone who pretends to be your father,” Junbae questioned.

“After what you've done you're not allowed to call yourself a father,” Kang-In reacted angrily.

“You're not even able to get children so who's here not allowed to call himself a father?” Junbae said this time not only hurting Kang-In, but also Lee Teuk, Heechul and Han Geng.

“Leave my parents out of it,” Ryeowook said.

It wasn't that loud, but everyone heard it. And it was clearly whos side he chose.

“Leave your parents out of it? Why do you even care about them? They didn't even want you! Nobody wants you!” Junbae yelled and Ryeowook pressed his face in Yesungs back, crying hard.

“Ya! That's not true!” Lee Teuk went against it, but it didn't sounded too sure.

Because they had said no to a third child in the first place. So what Junbae said wasn't fully untrue.

That nobody wanted Ryeowook, thát was untrue.

“Ryeowook don't listen to him,” Yesung whispered to him soft enough for no-one else to hear.

“Your parents love you, your brothers love you and I love you, don't forget that,” Yesung confessed.

Ryeowook was about to reply with a little smile when Junbae started again.

“Yeah of course. It probably would've been better if you were never born at all,” Junbae continued.

Both the parents and the kids wanted to do something. Or say something to help Ryeowook. But they had no idea what could help.

Heechul and Han Geng were holding on to each other while Lee Teuk was silently crying against Kang-In's chest, but he kept looking what was going on. And Shindong stood there biting his fist feeling helpless.


The kids where not really different.

Kyuhyun held Sungmin who wished he could pull of some tricks to kick Junbae's .

Kibum held Siwon tight to make sure he wouldn't storm into the scene probably making it worse.

While Eunhyuk and Donghae were hugging each other, afraid of what might happen next.

“Because of you I needed to work harder. And when I finally was home, wanted to relax, I was demand to play with you. My wife's attention only went to you, she just forgot about me. Before you were born we had the perfect life, but you ruined it,” Junbae continued.

“Stop this for god's sake,” Kang-In begged.

He couldn't bear to watch how this man hurt his son like this.

“And because of you I went to prison. When I got free I went to you mom asking where you were. But she didn't want to tell me. So I had to kill her. Just like that stupid teacher that too you away together with those two from child protection,” he listed the people whom he had killed.

Ryeowook cried harder and harder when Junbae listed the people whom he had killed. Yesung tried to comfort Ryeowook but that was quiet hard.

“To bad I already found you before I could kill your stupid adoption parents and brothers. But it's never too late for that! If you don't come here ríght now, I'll kill them.. And if you want you can pick out who of those four will die first,”  Junbae made it sound like it was nothing. But you could see he was very serious about it.

And Ryeowook knew that because he let go of Yesung and was about to walk towards him when Yesung pulled him back.

“No Yesung please, before he hurts even more people because of me,” Ryeowook pleaded but Yesung didn't let go of him.


At the same time, without anyone noticing it, the kids were on to something.

“This nééds to stop,” Sungmin murmured.

He wasn't afraid of his own life, but for that of Yesung and Ryeowook.

“Eunhyuk, I have an idea but I do need your help,” Kyuhyun said, tapping Eunhyuks shoulder.

Eunhyuk looked up and nodded directly.

“Minnie, can you distract him and buy us some time? As long as possible?” Kyuhyun whispered and Sungmin nodded.

So without the others noticing Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk left the room.


“Why can't you just let it go? This was all so long ago?” Sungmin asked.

Not because he wanted to know it but to buy time for Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk.

And because he was afraid that Ryeowook would give up and walked towards Junbae.

“Because it was the only thing that kept me going for all those years. Revenge. He took my life so I will take his,” Junbae answered.

Sungmin bit on his lip. He didn't know what he expected as an answer, but probably not that.

Then, out of nowhere, the lights started flickering.

A horrible scream was heard, giving everyone in the room goosebumps.

Than half of the lights went off fully.

In the mirror next to Junbae appeared Eunhyuk.. Well he was hard to recognize.

His hair was one big mess and a long cut was drawn over his face.

Blood was still dripping out of it. He was missing a tooth and his eye was blue.

The rest of his seen upper body was in the same state as his face.

But he didn't say anything. He just stood there, heavily breathing and staring at Junbae.

“What?!” Junbae yelled at the mirror.

“Does it satisfy you?” Eunhyuk asked.


“To hurt people till they are like me?”

“How do you mean?”

“You think I don't know what you did to your wife? You thought she haven't told me all about it?” Eunhyuk continued looking really angry.

“Don't talk nonsense!” Junbae yelled slightly starting to panic.

“Then you stop this right now,” Eunhyuk replied and it seemed to work. Junbae dropped the knife.


But what happened next no-one saw coming.

With his bare fist Junbae smashed the mirror into million pieces.

“I'm not finished yet,” he said now looking at Ryeowook again who left out a little cry.

Kang-In had enough of it. He stormed towards Junbae and tackled him with a football-like tackle.

Unfortunately Junbae was stronger. Well for such long period in prison, you had to do something.

Junbae turned both of them around so now he was on top of Kang-In.

He swung a punch right into Kang-In's face.

“Aaah!” Kang-In yelled and with only one look you could see that Kang-In's nose was broken. Blood pooled over his face.

“Appa!” Ryeowook yelled.

He wanted to run towards them, but again Yesung was holding him back.

“Ryeowook, RUN!” Lee Teuk yelled signaling them to run. He himself was hold back by Shindong. The latter thought that Lee Teuk joining the fight wouldn't turn out that well.

Though the moment Lee Teuk yelled it, it made Junbae look up.

He got up and was about to run away when Kang-In managed to get a hold on him and tackled him to the ground. 

This time with Kang-In on top giving Junbae some hard punches everywhere he was able to hit him.

But unfortunately Junbae didn't give up that easily.

With a punch that also broke Kang-In's nose he this time aimed at an even more painful part. With a well-aimed and really hard punch in Kang-In's private parts, Junbae shoved him hard away.

Again Junbae got up, a bit unsteady this time, and grabbed a knife from the counter.

He wanted to walk towards Ryeowook and Yesung whom were almost away through the door.

When he saw he had no chance to come near them again, he just threw the knife.


Donghae, whom had sneaked up from behind, hit Junbae with a frying pan. He knocked him unconscious but to make sure he hit him again.

Only then they noticed that someone was screaming in pain. And it wasn't Kang-In whom was, with help of Donghae, standing again.


“Yesung? Yesung!” they heard a cry.

Then they saw the knife sticking out of the back of Yesung and blood slowly draining his clothes. Also Ryeowook's clothes, since he was holding Yesung tight. He was crying softly murmuring things that it was all his fault.

Everyone hurried to get closer as fast as possible.

Shindong was about to pull the knife out when Lee Teuk stopped him.

“That will only make it worse. He needs to go to the hospital right now!” Lee Teuk explained.

“We already called the police a while ago, they will be here any minute,” Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk came back again.

Lee Teuk tried to calm Ryeowook whom didn't want to let go of Yesung. He kept saying it was his fault, since Yesung had shielded him from the knife.

While on the other hand Heechul and Han Geng tried to calm down Shindong who was of course worried for his 'sons' life.

Siwon sat down next to Kibum, whom was holding Yesung's hand. Siwon caressed Kibum's back, while Kibum was worried he would lose his last real family member.

Donghae was trying to stop the bleeding from Kang-In's nose and Eunhyuk got some ice for his painful things down there.

And last were Sungmin and Kyuhyun whom were making sure Junbae wouldn't get away anymore buy using anything possible to bing him to a chair.

The happiest moment was when they heard the siren of the police.






The families have been extremely lucky since a week later Yesung was  already released from the hospital, as long as he would rest a lot at home and stay in bed. The doctors were able to get the knife out without making any serious damage. So now it could heal slowly.

Kang-In was less fortunate. Since his nose was indeed broken. So for a long time he needed to wear some plasters on his nose and got some pain medication. Though he was also limping a bit because of the pain in his lower parts.

Ryeowook did have a lot of nightmares after everything that happened. So most of the time he was sleeping together with his parents or brothers so they could calm him down. The rest of the day he was with Yesung helping him since he still felt very guilty.

Their story got to the news and Junbae was locked up again under even more security.


Eventually everything went back to normal.

And for the kids that was exactly the problem.

Because it didn't took long of Kang-In's family prepared to go home again.

School and work were waiting, the holiday wouldn't last forever.

When all their stuff was packed, they had a last goodbye in the hall.

The parents just finished a private talk and it was only for the kids to say goodbye.


“You're not breaking up with me again are you,” Sungmin whispered to Kyuhyun while they hugged each other.

“Are you crazy? I finally got you back!” was the answer and Sungmin smiled a little bit.

“I'll sent you emails through our school mail and you'll visit when you have holiday right?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Of course. And make sure your parents fix the phone so I can at least call you every day,”

“I love you,”

“Love you too,”


“Can't you appear in my mirror at home?” Donghae tried and Eunhyuk sighed.

Somehow Donghae didn't fully wanted to believe it was all just a big fake.

“I wish I could,” Eunhyuk murmured back holding on tight to Donghae.

“And your my monkey, and only mine!”

“Why am I a monkey?”

“Because your my monkey?” Donghae pouted and Eunhyuk couldn't help but to smile.



“Only if you're only my fish, and only mine,”



“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry,” Ryeowook kept murmuring in Yesungs embrace. He knew that Yesung still had a lot of pain and he felt really guilty.

“Stop it,” Yesung sighed. He didn't blame Ryeowook at all, it was all Junbae's fault.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” was the next thing Ryeowook kept repeating.

Yesung kissed Ryeowook which shut him up ánd made him blush.

Yesung grinned and pulled him closer, he was so cute when he was blushing like that.

“Be careful alright?”

“Yes, you too,”


After the kids said goodbye to each other it was time for the family to go home.

“Sungmin, you'll drive,” Lee Teuk said trowing the keys to a surprised Sungmin, earning protests from Kang-In.

“You can't even walk straight after that punch let alone drive,” Lee Teuk said with a meaningful look.

“Boring life,” Kyuhyun laughed, earning him a smack from Heechul.

“Yours will be even worse now Sungmin is gone,” Heechul replied.

“Yah! Mom!” Kyuhyun said turning red. Sungmin also turned red and hid behind Kang-In.

“Have a good travel home,” Han Geng laughed and waved at them.


In the car, driven by Sungmin, it was quiet and a bit sad.

“Umma, do we really have to wait until the next holiday to see them?” Donghae asked. Ryeowook also looked up.

“I have no idea dear. But truly I hope not. They're nice people,” Lee Teuk replied.

“Don't worry. They'll wait for you,” Kang-In replied hitting exactly the right spot.

After that everyone kept quiet on the way home, back to normal.


A/N: Alright guys! What did you think of it?
Next will be up the epilogue! 
And giving you a little piece of the sequel, it will be up soon (probably link with the epilogue?)
It will have more chapter then this one, and even better, more members then just SJ! (but of course SJ is still the main ^^)

Haunted Mansion 2, The Living Dead.
Pairing: KangTeuk, HanChul, EunHae, Kyumin, YeWook, YunJae
Other: Siwon, Kibum, Shindong, Henry, ZhouMi, Minho, Taemin.
Rating: PG-13
Genres: Horror/Thriller, Adventure, AU, Romance, Friendship, Drama
Summary: Just when the families in the haunted mansion thought that the high season was over, there comes a new family. Not only does it seem that nothing scares them, it also seems that their kids are quiet interested in some of the staff members.
While everyone knows for sure that things like ghosts don't exist, weird and unexplainable things seem to happen all the time. But they're going to find that out the hard way when people start to disappear....



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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^