
Haunted Mansion

A/N: Omo :O Already 11 subscribers and 3 comments :O
I'm really happy and proud! Though also nervous..
I really hope it reached all the expectations, well for the prologue :P
Anyways, Enjoy!


“Appa! How long untill we're finally there?” Donghae kept asking his father Kang-In. The family of two parents and three kids were driving for hours already.

“I actually don't know,” Kang-In answered quietly.

“How do you mean, you don't know?” Lee Teuk asked his husband with a surprised look on his face.

“Like I said, I don't know. I can't remember any of those roads,” Kang-In answered, Lee Teuk sighed tiredly. Kang-In told them at the beginning of their trip that he knew the way, so Lee Teuk had believed his husband blindly.

“So we're lost? But I'm hungry!” Donghae complained.

“We're not lost right dear?” Lee Teuk asked looking at Kang-In whom's eyes didn't leave the road. And when he didn't got an answer Lee Teuk sighed, that was clear language.

“Okay great, we're lost. Nice start of the holiday,” Lee Teuk murmured. Donghae stared mad out the window being afraid he would miss his diner.

Sungmin and Ryeowook, the other two kids, didn't notice a thing. Being way to busy with their DS so they didn't listen to their parents or brother.


After a silence of an hour Lee Teuk suddenly grabbed Kang-In's arm.

“Wait! Stop for a second,” he said. Kang-In stopped the car. Luckily they were in such an abandon place that they were the only one on the road.

“Look at that sign, a hotel to the left! Maybe they know the way? Or maybe we could stay there for the night and go further tomorrow,” Lee Teuk suggested. Kang-In nodded and went the next left. In front of them raised a big mansion.

“Umma, that looks scary,” Donghae whispered upon seeing the house. The mansion was huge but it looked like no-one had been living there in the last decade. Even the garden and land around it looked like no-one had ever taken care of it.

“Don't worry Donghae, it's only for one night. And I thought you were hungry,” Lee Teuk distracted Donghae, which worked. The boy was now hyped up about food again.

Kang-In parked the car, and now Sungmin and Ryeowook looked up.

“Are we there already?” Ryeowook asked.

“No we're lost!” Donghae said with a sad face.

“Lost? But Appa said he knew the way perfectly!” Sungmin complained.

“Kids! Stop complaining, it's just for the night. So get your bags then we go in and ask if they have a place for tonight, alright?” Kang-In asked. They all got out of the car and gathered their bags before entering the mansion.

“Haunted Mansion.. Isn't that an attraction in Disney land?” Sungmin asked.

“Yes it is, why?” Donghae wondered and walked next to his brother.

“Well it's the name of this hotel.. Weird don't you think?” Sungmin said while he looked at the wooden door of the mansion that almost fell out of its place.

“Yeah, and it looks scary. I hope it's only for tonight.” Donghae shivered a bit.

They all entered the mansion and waited in the big hall, in the hope to see someone like a manager who could help them.



All turned around quickly when they heard a loud noise. Only to see that the door closed behind them.

A high laugh was heard in the mansion. Ryeowook grabbed the hand of Lee Teuk tightly and tried to hide behind him.

“Don't worry, that were probably some guests having fun,” Lee Teuk tried to calm down his youngest son though he didn’t seem to believe his own words.

“GUESTS! Hahaha.. Welcome!”

Out of nowhere they heard a voice.

“AAAH APPA!” Donghae yelled and got a strong grip on Kang-In's hand. Again they turned around. Now to see a slim man with red hair standing in the hall.

“Well at least I think you need a place to sleep?” the man asked. The man was lean and wearing black clothes. His hair on the other hand was fire red and an evil smile was formed.

“Uh-yes. We don't have any reservations because we got lost, can we stay here for the night?” Lee Teuk asked the man. The smile of the man turned into a smirk. A really evil and scary smirk.

“Of course you can! Well my name is Heechul! I'm the boss of this hotel. For questions you can turn to me or one of the staff members.. For now, Siwon will take you to your room,” Heechul explained, still with an evil smirk on his face.

“SIWON! We got some new guests!” Heechul yelled at once, making the family jump in surprise.

They looked to the left when they saw someone approach.. It was a tall man with a nice build. There was one thing that was standing out, he only had one arm!

Lee Teuk noticed how Ryeowook got an even tighter hold on him.

“Umma, i-is th-that blood?” Ryeowook whispered upon seeing something fall down out of the sleeve of the man.

“Ryeowook! Don't be so impolite!” Lee Teuk scolded Ryeowook.

“Hello! Shall I take you to your rooms?” Siwon asked while he held in his only hand a big bundle of keys.

“Yes please,” Kang-In answered getting himself free from Donghae and picking up his and Lee Teuk's suitcase.

They followed Siwon into an old broken elevator. Siwon opened the iron fence and let the family in.

“We have two rooms for you. One for two persons and one for four, they're next to each other. Is that alright with you sir?” Siwon asked and Lee Teuk nodded.

“Sir? Where can we eat?” Donghae got the courage to ask.

“It's just Siwon Sir. But you can go downstairs again to our kitchen. There is Han Geng, our chef and other boss, he will make you something,” Siwon explained, pressing a button to go to the first floor.

With a lot of noise and a lot of effort the elevator went to the first floor.

There they walked towards the rooms. Siwon handed the two keys for both rooms.

“If you need anything you can always call the staff members, good luck,” Siwon said and left leaving a small trail of red dots behind.

“Good luck? Why would we need tha-aaaaaah!” Donghae asked when something fell down from the ceiling onto his head.

“Just go to your room and unpack your things. We'll go for diner in half an hour!” Kang-In told the kids before he and Lee Teuk went into the two persons room.


“What a weird place,” Lee Teuk said.

“I know hon, but it is just for tonight. Tomorrow we will ask for the right direction and leave for our real destination,” Kang-In comforted Lee Teuk.

“You think the kids will be alright? It seems like they are freaked out by everything already,” Lee Teuk kept worrying. Kang-In walked closer and gave his husband a comforted hug.

“Don't worry, they'll be alright. They just let their fantasy run wild,” he gave Lee Teuk a sweet kiss. Even though he comforted Lee Teuk right now, he himself wasn't so sure about it. The people here seemed really weird.

Then suddenly the phone rang.

Lee Teuk freed himself from the embrace and picked up looking surprised. Who would actually call them here?

“Hello with Lee Teuk?” Lee Teuk picked up the phone


“Hello?” Lee Teuk repeated after nothing was heard


“Hello, is someone there?” frustrated Lee Teuk asked again.

“..........It........Was......You!” a horse voice on the other end said. Lee Teuk yelped and threw the phone away while looking a bit pale at Kang-In.

Would they survive even one night here?


A/N: How was it? 
I hope it was good enough! *Hides in KangTeuks car*
With Love!

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Ray4URay #1
Chapter 9: Author-nim!!!! Pls pls say you're still writing the sequel!!! I loveeeeee this story and have been dying to read the next one!!! Pls update soon, author-nim!!!!! TT^TT
Chapter 9: Owww..... its finish??? Please make a sequel or continue the chapter ur story full or surprise. Love it
Sorry for yelling hehe
Chapter 8: Oh my God!!! >.<
I just... I can't wait!! :D
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!
Chapter 8: omo Junbae found them?!
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 7: annyeong i liked your story so much!! please update soon author nim and for the sequel (part 2)I'd like it!!! > v <
Rivasclau #7
Hi update soon
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
Chapter 7: Update soon~ I'm gonna cry if ya dont >_<
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
Chapter 7: Keep writing this till you finish it then post the sequel! ^_^ I really like this story!
radpad90 #10
Chapter 7: write the sequel!! There's really something addicting about this fic, I just don't know what...
But it's really great! Keep up the good work ^o^