Chapter 6

Living with Exo

I went back to the room. The Unnies welcomed me back, all of us sat around the Couch and they started asking me questions. We became close very quickly. I told them of Kris’s embarrassing moments and the other random stuff. I told them about how in Grandma’s will, she made Kris my Guardian until I’m 21. They argued saying that wasn’t fair and they will talk to Kris to let me have abit of Freedom. That Devil is going to get it from the Unnies later. The boys finish the group filming and single shoots with those clothes and come in to change for their own single shoots.


Chanyeol: We’re back!!!! *yells as he enters with the rest of the boys*

AeSook: Yah! Can you ever stop doing that?! She will wake up! *shouts softly while the boys walk in*

Eunmi: Come on and change quietly. *The boys see you sleeping on the couch and smile*

Hara: Isabelle is sleeping. So do it quietly. *Suho, Xuimin and Luhan get their Hair and Make-up fixed first while the others change behind the screen*

Tao: Hyung, see I told you she looks cute when she’s sleeping. *comes out from behind the changing screen with Sehun, Kai and Kris*

Kris: She’s my sister, of course, she will be cute. She got it from her brother. *says as a matter of fact*

Sehun: Hyung, even I know that’s not true.

Kai: She promised me she will give me a hug. *earns a smack in the head from Kris* Hyung, what’s that for?

Kris: No one gets hugs from her except, me, Suho, Xuimin and Luhan. You got that, maknae? *lifts your head, sits down and lays your head on his lap*

Sehun: Hyung, that’s not fair.

Tao: Let Isabelle decide then when she wakes up. *the three maknaes nod in agreement and sit down while everyone else in the room laughs*

After a while

Suho: She’s sweating. *you head is now on Suho’s lap cause Kris went for Hair and make-up*

Chen: Here. *hands him tissues* Wipe them off. *he wipes it off*

Isabelle: *mumbles* Please, please don’t.*pants heavily*Open the door. I didn’t do anything. *sweats profusely* My brother told me not to. He dumped you. It’s not my fault. Please open the door! I’m scared! *jolts up awake, crying while Kris, the boys and Unnies gather around you, worried. Suho hugs you as you hug him back tightly crying*

Suho: Don’t worry. You’re okay. We’re right here. *comforts you along with Jinhee Unnie*

Kris: Are you Okay? *you stand up and hug him tightly as he looks at you worriedly. You realize what you’re doing and stop crying, pushing him away. He give you a confused yet questioning look*

Isabelle: *you try to solve the situation by awkwardly laughing saying* I tricked you, you should have seen your faces, it was priceless.

Kris: Wu Xiao Mei, I know you aren’t lying so spit it out.

Isabelle:*smiles at him, wiping away the tears and stuttering* Who said I was lying?

Kris: I’m your brother, I know when you lie. *you give up and give him a sad smile*

Isabelle: Fine, something is, no, was wrong. But it’s okay now.

Kris: Still. Tell me what that something was.

Isabelle: Give me time then. I’ll tell you soon.

Kris: Tell-

AeSook: Kris, just give her time. She will tell you soon. *gives him a reassuring smile and he nods. All of them go back to business*

D.O: You can talk to me instead of your annoying brother anytime, okay? *gives you a hug and you nod*

Kris: I heard that, Do Kyungsoo! *yells and you and DO chuckle*

Kai: That’s not fair, you promised to give me a hug but you haven’t given me one. *pouts*

Isabelle: Get in here then. *he runs and hugs you and D.O*

Chanyeol: Group hug! *yells and every runs and join in the hug*

Kris: Let go, she can’t breathe in the middle of you giant beasts. *pulls you out the hug*

Sehun: Hyung, you are a meanie. *pouts*

Isabelle: I’ll give you all hugs later; we’ll be living with each other anyway. *smiles at him and his heart just melts*

Manager: How come I didn’t get a hug? *comes inside, pouting*

Kai: Hyung, don’t do that. In fact, never do that. *he shakes it off, like it was extremely creepy and weird*

Isabelle: Can I hug him, Mr. Monkey?

Kris: Yah! What did you call me!? *you give the manager Oppa a hug and hide behind him*

Isabelle: Oppa, the gigantic monkey is after me! *Kris yells again and walks towards both of you. The boys just laugh* Oppa, save me! *runs away from the manager and hides behind the Exo Oppas*

Isabelle: Oppas, protect me.

Kai: Sorry Iz, but wolves stick together. *you run away from them as they chase you*

Isabelle: *bumps into someone and covers you face waiting for impact of the fall but instead is firmly held by someone, keeping you from falling. You look up to your savior and stand up properly* Thanks.

Sehun: What’s up?

Hyunkyu: I’m just here to see the new maknae of the family and I believe it’s the girl in front of me?

Kris: Yes, Isabelle, this is Hyunkyu, Uncle Soo’s son.

Isabelle: Hello, there new cousin. I’m Isabelle. *gives him a hug which he returns*

Hyunkyu: Hello, new maknae. *smiles at you and you smile back* Wassup, guys?

Kai: Good.

Sehun: You know she’s coming to school with us, right? *Sehun, Kai, Hyunkyu do the bro hug*

Isabelle: Can I ask something? *gets curious, they nod* You guys are not like the Kingkas or anything at school, right?

Kai: We are Kingkas, the best of the best at school. We have our own Fan clubs.

Kris: Everyone in our family is always popular in school.

Isabelle:*mumble cursed words then says* Good for you. When does school start then?

Sehun: In two weeks.

Kris: I trust my sister with you, one scratch on her, and you guys will be dead the next second. *says in dealdy tone*

Hyunkyu: Why would I let anyone hurt my new little sister?

Isabelle: Why do I have to be the Maknae, in the first place?

Hyunkyu: Actually, I was the maknae till you came along, atleast now; I don’t need all that Maknae attention. Gomawo~ *ruffles your hair then you blew a raspberry in frustration*

Isabelle: Yah! *earns glares from Kris while the rest just laugh from the stare down* Fine, Oppa. Enough? *Kris nods in victory*

Manager: Come on, let’s finish up this shoot!


The boys nod and followed him out while Hyunkyu stayed in the room with the Unnies and me. I found out many things about Hyunkyu Oppa, like how he wrote SNSD’s “Hoot” and EXO’s “Let out the Beast”. I was amazed at his talent, I guess it runs in the family because I write and compose my own songs too. I told him that and he said we should do a collaboration. I said I’ll think about it. I fell asleep again because I was tired; I lied down on Hyunkyu Oppa’s lap. The boy’s did the last few shots and finished. They thanked everyone and walked into the room again with noisy Chanyeol who was shushed by AeSook Unnie again. The boys go get their make-up off and change back to normal clothes. Chanyeol still couldn’t shut up which resulted in me waking up with Suho Oppa next to me.


Isabelle: Are all of you done?

Suho: Yeah, just waiting for a few of them to change.

Isabelle: What’s dinner?

Hyunkyu: We are meeting Appa for dinner.

Isabelle: Are you coming with us?

Suho: Anni, you go with Hyunkyu. We will wait for you at home, we’re all tired.

Isabelle: Then can I sleep a little longer?

Suho: Fine. *He smiles at you, you lie down on his lap and continue sleeping*

After 10 minutes

Suho: Isabelle ah, wake up. *you stir awake and sit up with all of the boys looking at you smiling. You look at them and found it creepy*

Isabelle: Please stop with the creepy smiles, I’m getting Goosebumps. *rubs your arms*

Hyunkyu: Come on, let’s go. *says happily*

Isabelle: Isn’t Kris Oppa coming? *asks confused as you get up*

Kris: Anni, I want to rest. We have practice tomorrow and I’m tired. Hyunkyu will send you back home later. *says assuredly *

Isabelle: Okay then, Oppas. See you guys later and you did a great job today. Make sure to rest properly and eat dinner.

DO: We know, we know. You better eat properly for dinner atleast. You didn’t even touch lunch and you hardly had breakfast. *says worried*

Isabelle: Okay, Oppa, I will. *smiles at him*

Kris: Stuff food in her face if you have to, Hyunkyu ah~. If she doesn’t eat, text me. *tells Hyunkyu*

Hyunkyu: I’ll make sure, that she eats don’t worry, hyung. *he says assuredly*

Suho: And you *points at you*, you better eat. Else all of us will stuff food in your mouth for the next month. *says in a stern voice*

Isabelle: Yes, sir! *salutes and laughs with the rest of the members *

Hyunkyu: Come on, let’s go.


I waved to the boys and head off with Hyunkyu Oppa. He had his own luxurious slick black car; it looked like every boy’s dream car. I went in the car and Hyunkyu Oppa got inside too. We talked until we got real close, now we’re practically like BFFs/ Brother Sister. We arrived at a very posh restaurant; the valet opened the door for me. He looked quite young and was fairly cute, he winked at me and Hyunkyu Oppa saw that. So he pulled to him and told the Valet boy to, “Back off from my Sister unless you want to die”. The Valet Boy looked smirked after he said that, and Hyunkyu just passed another Valet the keys and pulls me inside with home, pissed. The waitress walked us to the room. I walked in after Hyunkyu Oppa and saw a table full of people. I bowed at everyone and sat down next to Uncle Soo and another unknown Person.


Uncle Soo: You’re here; did you have fun at the filming site?

Hyunkyu: She was sleeping most of the time.

Isabelle:*sheepishly smiles*

Uncle Soo: By the way, this is your Uncle Chan, Jingyu, Sister-in-law who you can call Auntie Chan.

Isabelle: *you bow* Nice to meet you, Auntie Chan, Jingyu Unnie and Auntie Chan. *you smile at them and give uncle Chan a hug since he was sitting the closest*

Uncle Chan: I bet you are hungry, go on and order what you like. We were waiting for you.

Hyunkyu: Sorry, we were stuck in traffic. *apologizes*

Uncle Soo: Understandable.

Isabelle: Can you order for me, I don’t know what’s best? *He nods and looks at the menu. Then orders we start talking for everyone, you started to feel like family and became close very fast. After a while*

Isabelle: So what do you do as in workwise? *asks curious*

Uncle Chan: I own KBS. *you look at him dumbfounded as the food arrives* What? Your uncle can’t have his own company?

Isabelle: Appa also owned his own company; all three of you are soo alike. *says in amazement*

Uncle Soo: Come on, start eating up. *both uncles put as much food they can on your plate* Whoa, I can’t eat that much. I don’t even eat half of that.

Auntie Chan: You have to eat up, dear. You look so fragile, have you been eating well?

Isabelle: Yeah, I have been, Auntie.

Hyunkyu: I will stuff food in your mouth if you don’t eat like hyung said.

Uncle Soo: Why would they say that? *asks curious*

Hyunkyu: She hardly ate breakfast and Lunch. Kris Hyung told me to stuff food in and make sure she eats.

Isabelle: It’s just, I don’t usually eat breakfast and Lunch is something I rarely get to eat at school so I got acquainted to it. *you lie and feel bad for not saying the whole truth*

Uncle Chan: Then you better eat up; I don’t want to see my niece looking like those skinny boney girls. *chuckles*

Uncle Soo: So are you going tomorrow with Kris and everyone? *you look at him confused*

Kris: I’m Sorry, uncle but I don’t know what you’re talking about. Kris Oppa is being a meanie and only said I have to follow him everywhere. *pouts*

Jingyu: Typical Kris. *rolls her eyes*

Uncle Chan: He’s just like your father. Protective over everyone. *laughs with everyone then a silence because everyone misses him. They see the said look on your face and say* Don’t worry; you have all of us know. All of us miss him too.

Isabelle: I know and I’m happy that I have more family now instead of just Kris Oppa. *smiles at them and Uncle Soo gives you a hug.*

All of us continued to get along while having Dinner.


Back at home…

When the boys got home, Kris and the boys head to Isabelle’s room first. Kris told them that I always have a diary which I write everything in, at first, all of them were against it. But then agreed because they know they can’t defeat Kris and that they know that I might not tell them. Kris told them the code to my suitcases, 5 of them were checking the suitcases for the diary while they rest search the room. I’m really good at hiding things so they had to have a lot of help to find it before I came home.


Tao: Hyung, how are we supposed to find it? Does mei-mei have hiding superpowers to make it invisible?

Luhan: It should be here somewhere, find it quickly! *rushes*

Chanyeol: *checks the top shelf of the cupboard* Hyung, I feel something! *yells in excitement*

Suho: Then bring it down! *Chanyeol reaches for it and takes it*

Kris: *Kris rushes to him* You found it! Happy Virus, Hyung will treat you soon!      

Suho: Faster, read it.


The more Kris read, the more shocked he was. He then understood why his sister had changed so much. But he wasn’t planning on scolding her, he planned to be more careful and protect her. The boys were confused at the poems and things Isabelle wrote in it, they felt that she must have went through a lot of pain without telling anyone. Kris felt angry but knew it was the past so he has to protect her in the present. They boys started to feel more protective too. Kai snapped photos of the pages and they kept it back too.

Back at the Restaurant…

We finished the main course and Dessert was yet to come.


Uncle Soo: You should go to sleep early when you get home. The flight is at 10am.

Isabelle: *you look confused* What flight?

Uncle Soo: There is a SMtown concert in LA, USA, for 3 days? Your brother is going. I told him that you might want to stay here and you’ll stay with me but being the protective brother he is, he told me not to worry and he will take care of you in the trip.

Isabelle: See, I told you Oppa was a meanie. *pouts and they laugh* But uncle Soo, you’re not coming? *asks curious*

Uncle Soo: I’m busy so I’m not going but Hyunkyu is going so that should be fun for the both of you. *you smile and high fived Hyunkyu from across the table and everyone laughs*

Uncle Chan: Sunny will be there too, so have fun. *says happily*

Uncle Soo: We made the arrangements so you will be bunking with Sunny. Have fun. *smiles at you and you grin*


Dessert arrived, it was the desert Appa loved a lot and Grandma made a lot. It’s your favorite dessert too. After the delicious meal, I gave everyone hugs. Uncle Chan said I could visit him any time in his office so did Uncle Soo, Auntie Chan told me to come by the house and stay overnight and she will cook for me then Jingyu Unnie told me too call her anytime and when I come back from L.A, we will go shopping for my Uniform or other stuff. After giving, my number to everyone and everyone saves my number. Hyunkyu Oppa dropped me off at home. Kris was waiting at the door; I was planning on avoiding him for tonight though. I gave Hyunkyu Oppa a hug and said “Goodbye, see you tomorrow.” And he said the same. Kris waved Hyunkyu Oppa off as he drove away.


Kris: So did you have fun? *you nodded as you walked inside with him* I read it. *you were confused by those words* I read everything that happened since I left. I’m sorry, I didn’t know. *you realized he was taking about your diary but you couldn’t get angry with him. He is your brother anyway and you were also guilty of not telling him or anyone else. You hug him tightly and cry softly*

Isabelle: I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want to be a burden to you and make you lose focus.

Kris: You will never be a burden to me; you’re my annoying little sister. *you hear him chuckle and chuckle as well, wiping away your tears and letting go.*

Isabelle:   Why didn’t you tell me about us going to L.A tomorrow?

Kris: If wouldn’t have made a difference since you’re going whenever I’m going.

Isabelle: I still need to pack my bag. *pouts at him*

Kris: Go do it now then. *pushes her towards the stairs.* The maknaes are waking everyone up by 7 am tomorrow.

Isabelle: Oppa, you’re mean.













Sorry< I didn't update o n time. I was working till late night and I had to go for my Appointments in the hospital. Please don't misunderstand. I'm really sorry, I'll post another chapter soon. :) <3

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Funnypanda369 #1
Funnypanda369 #2
You chose a really nice name. Xiao means little, and Mei means flowers or something along those lines. It's a beautiful name :)
Caren91 #3
Chapter 16: Gyaaa i love your ff esp where whole smtown treated Isabella like a maknae. Kekeke. Update.plsssss xp
Caren91 #4
Chapter 8: I was quite shocked to see actually Isabella name turn into christiana and mira.=.="
kpoplover2105 #5
Sorry Cristiana and Mira are names that I wrote for my other stories. I just got mixed up. So sorry.
AliceLiang #6
Chapter 14: Author-nim, I was confuse with Cristiana And Mira. May I ask who is it?
Or it just Isabella's nickname that called by who? And when is it?
Chapter 4: OPPS... Hehe~~~ it was in this chap~