Chapter 9

Living with Exo

This time, I sat right at the back of the bus in between Hyunkyu Oppa and Leeteuk Oppa. We talked then, had a mini singing contest on the bus. Uncle Soo called Hyunkyu Oppa and asked about me, he passed me the phone. And I talked to him for a while, he told me he was thankful that I could fill in for Yoona Unnie and  when we get back to Korea he want to hear me sing. I said okay and passed Hyunkyu Oppa the phone. When we got to the stadium, all of us got off. We were fooling around and I jumped on Changmin Oppa’s back. He carried me all the way in and dropped me on the couch. I pouted at him and looked around. I saw Sehun Oppa looking at me, he looked angry for some reason, when he saw me smile at him, he quickly smiled back. What a weird guy he is. But I maybe even weirder. He did smell nice though the other day when I hugged him, half awake. He is also kinda cute, the way his- Wait! WHAT THE AM I SAYING?!?! I can’t think that, that’s my brother’s band mate/ Dongseang. He is also Uncle Soo’s employee, no forgetting, he is also Hyunkyu Oppa’s Best Friend. I cannot have any other feelings for him besides me having sisterly feelings for him. I shake my head to get the thought out. Kai Oppa looked at me weirdly and asked if I was okay. After a while, I returned to normal, not thinking anything about it. AeSook Unnie, Jinhee Unnie, Seohyun Unnie, Hara Unnie and  Eunmi Unnie were there already with all the other hair and make-up a Unnie artists and stylists. We had rehearsals first so I went with Jessica Unnie to get the mikes. We got in positions and the music started. I did well, everyone was praising me and rehearsals ended nicely for us but we had to go straight into hair and make-up cause the show is going to start soon and we had to do full dress rehearsal. I somehow admire idols now; they run around to get everything right for their fans and don’t want to disappoint them. I got done first, lucky for me, Yoona unnie’s outfit fitted abit loosely so they used safety pins to make it look fitting. We went for Full dress rehearsals and I saw someone familiar. I didn’t want to lose focus and ruin it so I ignored it for awhile. When we were done and got off stage, Kris was looking at me.
Isabelle: what?
Kris: Did you not see your surprise?
Isabelle: I waqs concentrating on the performance, what surprise?
Kris: Walk onto Stage, turn to the VIP seats front row and tell me. *you did what he said as he and some of the others followed. You look around to see some guy in front row wearing a Zombie mask, he looks at you and takes it off.You look shock *
Isabelle: Drew! *You weren’t wearing your shoes so you jump off stage, run to him and jump on him. He hugs you tightly and spins you around then puts you down*
James: No hug, my sister from another mister. *you laugh, let go of drew and hug him, Sehun who is watching the reunion feels jealous*
Kris: what’s up, man? Long time, no see. *bro hugs james as you let go*
James: Never in my life would I think my best friend will be a celebrity. And that my little brother will have a crush on your little sister. 
Drew & Isabelle: We aren’t little! 
Isabelle: How did you guys get in here?
Kris: I got them both VIP passes. Come on, meet the rest of the family. *all of you walk backstage to see almost everyone looking at you*
Sunny: Hey, I’m Sunny. I’m their cousin and sister.
Hyunkyu: I’m Hyunkyu, I’m their cousin too. And Brother. 
James: I’m James and this is my lil bro, Drew. *they just smile at each other*

James and Drew went with Kris to see Exo, while I sat in front of the Air con. I couldn’t help but think of something though. Usually when I’m around drew, I feel all happy and can hardly stop the constant pounding of my heart. But now, I don’t. I don’t feel any feeling of love, I just feel happy like I missed him like a brother or something. He is a nice guy and all but I feel he is not the right one for me. I was resting my eyes for abit while sitting on the couch in the waiting room when I felt like two people sitting on each side. I opened my eyes to see Sunny Unnie and Hyunkyu Oppa.
Sunny: What’s wrong?
Isabelle: You know how I said I like Drew and all. And that when I’m around him I get all that different kind of feelings for him. *she nods understandingly* Well, I don’t feel anything at all know. I feel like he is just a friend I haven’t seen in a long time. I don’t have any lovey dovey feelings for him. I don’t know how to say it to him.
Hyunkyu: Maybe he was just a crush, crushes don’t last long so you probably stopped crushing on him and found someone new to like.
Sunny: But you should tell him soon, so he can move on. *pats your shoulder, smiles and leaves with Hyunkyu. You see drew walking over to you smiling, he sits down next to you*
Isabelle: Drew, about you confessing.
Drew: I told you, you no need to rush your thinking.
Isabelle: I kinda come up with a decision. *he looks at you but you look down* I don’t feel the same way about you anymore, I hope we can still be friends. *he lifts your chin up and gives you a hug*
Drew: I told you, I won’t pressure you. It’s your choice. And of course, we’ll still be friends. 
Isabelle: Thank you for understanding. *looks up and smile at him*
Drew: I’ll be watching from front row, so do me proud. *both of you laugh as he stands up, smiles and leaves*
Kris: So you are not going out with him.
Isabelle: I don’t feel like he was the one, I couldn’t lie to him so I told him the truth. Were you eavesdropping on us?
Kris: Guys come out! *Exo, SNSD and Hyunkyu and some others come out from their hiding place* Actually all of us did.
Isabelle: He took it well though.
Kyungsoo: No Regrets?
Isabelle: Definitely not. Now, let’s go. We have a concert to put on! 

We did on last fighting altogether before starting the show. We were running about for the rest of the show. It was SNSD’s turn and I walked out with them. We greeted the crowd and they introduced me as I bowed. Then we started performing. After our performances, we were done and just had to wait for the ending SMTown performance. But then, on of the Stage directors had a problem. Super Junior Oppas weren’t ready yet so they had to find a way to drag some time. Hyunkyu suggested me and him sing on stage. He actually said yes and I went on stage with him. We decided to sing, Just give me a reason by Pink. When we were done, we smiling at each other then bowed to the crowd who were very pleased with the performance. When we got off stage, the director-nim called us life savers and said it was excellent before getting Super Junior on stage. We waited around with the others who were done for the finale performance. I didn’t want to go up on stage for it cause technically I’m not an Sm artist but then everyone kept begging me too and they wanted to introduce me to their fans. Possibly because of what happened in the Airport. Damn Taemin Oppa for telling Kai Oppa when I told him not to. Once you tell one Exo Oppa, it’s like being told to the world. I was just sitting in front of the air-con, waiting for the ending. I found this place when I was roaming around the dining area, no one was there and it was peaceful. I closed my eyes to rest for awhile till I felt someone sit beside me. He chuckled softly, thinking I was asleep so I continued to pretend I was asleep.
Sehun: I don’t know why. Why did I feel angry when Changmin hyung carried you or when that drew guy came? I shouldn’t be, you’re hyung’s sister. *you recognized the voice to be Sehun’s, you decide to wake up so you open you eyes and start laughing, he looks at me confused*
Isabelle: Maybe because I didn’t spend much time with Oppa, that’s why you’re feeling this way.
Sehun: You were awake?
Isabelle: Yeah, I wanted to scare you. *grins as he chuckles back*
Sehun: Then promise you’ll spend more time with me?
Isabelle: Of course, Oppa. *pinky promises*
Sehun: Come on, the hyungs are waiting to stuff food in you.
Isabelle: How about never saying you saw me? I’m not hungry anyways.
Sehun: Ok then. *takes out his phone and texts them, you look at him*
Isabelle: What are you doing?
Sehun: You said I can’t say anything, saying is talking. I texted them instead.
Isabelle: Aish, Sehun Oppa. *tries to run out the hiding place but sees Exo walking toward you with some other Oppas and Unnies. You run away as fast as you can but they continue the chase. I got caught though by Siwon Oppa, I tried to escape but he threw me over his shoulder and brought me back to the dining area* I’m not hungry, why is there so many of you chasing me?
Yuri: Cause if you don’t eat who knows what may happen. 
Onew: And all of us care for you.
Siwon: You’re as light as a feather.
Sunny: That’s exactly why you need to eat. 
Isabelle: I’ll do anything you want, I’m really not hungry .
Eunhyuk: We heard that very interesting story from Kris, if you continue not eating regularly, you’ll become anorexic.
Isabelle: That won’t happen, Oppa.
Siwon: It will, *puts you down on the sit, you try to get up and run away but he pushes you back to your sit* Finish, everything you see infront of you. 
Isabelle: That’s like enough to feed an elephant.
Kris: We booked an appointment with the doctor when we get back to korea.
Isabelle: you what?!
Sunny: Everyone is worried about you eating so little so we want to make sure you’re alright.
Isabelle: But I already did go to the doctor before coming to Korea.
Kris: When did you do that?
Isabelle: Urm, I kinda passed out during class and James brought me to the hospital cause I didn’t wake up after an hour.
Unison: What?!?!
Isabelle: No biggie.
Eunhyuk: What did the doctor say then? Be honest.
Isabelle: Urm, he said I was underweight and could become anorexic so I have to eat often and gain abit of weight. 
Kris: So you ended up in a hospital with James but no one tells me?!
Isabelle: I kinda told him and grandma not to tell you because I didn’t want to be a burden and worry you.
Kris: You’ll never be a burden, you’re my only sister.
Isabelle: I know, you should be lucky for a beautiful sister like me.
Max: Since you’re underweight, you have to start eating well and if you don’t we’re going to stuff food down your throat.
Isabelle: You wouldn’t do that to your lovely little sister.
Kris: We would, so eat all this up, right now.

I tried to get up and run away to be pushed back down on the sit by Leetuek Oppa. So I sulkily started eating while they celebrated their success of making me eat. I felt so full after eating about a quarter of the plate. I told them I was full and couldn’t eat anymore but they said no. I tried running away again, I thought I got away but got caught by Kai Oppa. Damn him. When he pushed me back onto the seat, they started stuffing me with food like I was a baby. Damn them all for stuffing me. I glared at them when they grinned in success of making me finish my food. I walked back into the waiting room after being stuffed. I saw Sehun Oppa on the couch, sleeping so I sat down next to him, leaning my head against him and closing my eyes. I don’t know why but my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. I felt him move abit and felt him tuck my hair behind her before kissing my forehead. I think he thinks I’m asleep. I smiled softly and tried to go to my dreamland. I woke up awhile later but my head was resting on Hyunkyu Oppa’s lap. I sat up and yawned before playfully punching him for fun. 

Hyunkyu: Yah! Why did you punch me?!
Isabella: For fun.

I got up and walk to different rooms, talking to different people till it was time for the finale. I got ready backstage. Apparently, I’m going to show off abit on stage because Uncle Lee said so. So I was miked up, I was going to walk up first so I’m going to do a layout on stage since I’m wearing sneakers. Everyone wished me luck and I went on stage with Jonghyun Oppa and Chen Oppa.  I started singing and did the layout on stage which made the crowd abit surprised. I started having fun on stage as everyone walked up singing too. When it ended, BoA Unnie introduced me and told them I’m a secret weapon. I started singing and true enough the crowd went crazy. I bowed in gratefulness. We went around pouring water, and I went with Jonghyun Oppa. I drenched Kyuhyun Oppa then Sehun Oppa who chased me till I hid behind Donghae Oppa. But then I poured water on Donghae Oppa, both of them caught me and drenched me in water. Oppa is so mean. I pouted before Kai Oppa gave me a Piggyback ride. I drenched him in water when I got off. It was fun overall. When the concert ended and we all bowed, Minho Oppa gave me a towel since I was cold and I drenched him in water. Pouring water on people is fun, no joke. Everyone should try it. But I’m not good in handling being soaked. So as soon as it ended, Kris oppa pulled me backstage and wrapped me in towels. I started sneezing and my nose turned red. Everyone was worried. Krystal Unnie got some Panadol for me, I took them but I felt dizzy. I was about to drop when Taemin Oppa caught me. Eunhyuk Oppa carried me to the room. I was conscious for a little while in his hands till everything turned black. They started worrying a lot when I black out. Everyone crowded around me and Hyunkyu Oppa called the Paramedics they had on standby. They said they have to bring me to a hospital and put and oxygen mask on me. Minho Oppa and Kris Oppa helped them put me on a stretcher. Sunny Unnie and Kris Oppa came in the Ambulance with me. The rest of them were going to come after changing and the bus would bring them to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, I was rushed into the emergency room. Nurses told Sunny Unnie and Kris Oppa to stay out. The doctors did CPR as my heart was stopping, and put me on Antibiotics and kept the Oxygen mask on me. When I was transferred to the Ward, the doctor explained to Kris and sunny Unnie what happened. He told them to ask me to eat regularly and don’t be too strenuous since my Body is abit weak. He also told them that, there was a possibility that she tried hurting herself other than starving so they should look into it. They sat down next to me in the room and planned what to do next. Super Junior Oppas, EXO Oppas, Shinee Oppas and SNSD Unnies came after a while. Oppa and Unnie explained what happened to them. Kyungsoo Oppa and Donghae Oppa sat next to me on one side of the bed while Sunny Unnie explained what they are going to do next. Siwon Oppa and Suho Oppa offered to buy some food and Yuri and Seohyun Unnie tagged along. Everyone thought the room was too crowed so they discussed what to do outside. Sehun, Hyunkyu and Kai Oppa stayed by my side. The three of them kissed my forehead and told me to wake up soon. Sehun Oppa was last. It was going to be midnight soon all the Oppas and Unnies didn’t want to leave so they stayed in my room. My eyes fluttered Open slightly, adjusting to the light. Minho Oppa was the first to notice and quickly came by my side and held my hand. The rest of them just crowded around. I looked around and tried to sit up. Donghae Oppa and Sunny Unnie helped me. 
Isabella: Why am I in a hospital?
Sunny: You passed out. *She looks at Kris to tell him, that they will tell me later*
Kyungsoo: Are you feeling better?
Isabella: Abit, just alittle weak. Oppa, I want to go home. 
Kris: I know, but you can’t. 
Suho: I’ll go inform the doctor she’s awake. *leaves the room with Leeteuk *
Isabella: Oppa, you know how much I get scared at hospitals.
Donghae: Just for today, Okay? It’s for youre own good.
Isabella: But oppa, Hospitals just scare me. 
Kris: Okay, we’ll see whether we can bring you home now if the doctor comes. 
Sunny: Yah! How is that helping?
Kris: Noona, she really can’t. Hospitals scare her easily, she has a lot of bad memories in them. *all of them nod in understanding *
Isabella: *looks down in your hand and starts getting scared and crying* Please get it off my hand, Im scared. *Minho hugs you as Sunny pats your back*
Minho: It’s okay, they are going to take it out soon. Just keep it on for a while. *you tried to lift youre hand but it hurts*
Isabella: Oppa! It hurts a lot. *Donghae holds that hand*
Donghae: Aigoo, my Dongseang is in pain. If you keep this on alittle longer, Oppa will bring you out. We’ll go to DisneyLand. *doctor comes in*  
Doctor: It’s good that you’re awake. Let me just check you up little and maybe if you’re fine, Ill let you go home tonight. *The doctor does the check up on you* She’s abit weak but good to go. I’ll ask the nurse to get the discharge papers, ready and someone will come and remove the needle. Can I talk to her family member. *Kris, Kyungsoo, Leeteuk, Sunny, Taeyeon, Onew, Minho and Donghae go out with the doctor*
Taemin: Just alittle longer, the nurse will come and take it off. *sits down next to me on one side with Kai*
Chanyeol: Smile alittle now. I don’t like it when my dongseang crys. *you smile slightly*
Key: Don’t fear, Key umma is here! 
Taemin: Hyung, Youre a haelmoni (grandma) *everyone laughs and the nurse comes in so do the rest of them who were talking to the doctor*
Isabella: Oppa, Im scared. *you start moving away as she comes nearer*
Kris: I think we should hold her down. She doesn’t like it in her and she doesn’t like it when you take it out, cause she will move a lot. 
Suho: Lets hold her down then. 
Isabella: Oppa! Please! It will hurt! *cries*

Kris, Sehun, Kai and Hyunkyu hold down your legs as you struggle. Eunhyuk, Leeteuk hold down your hands. Minho hugs you close with Donghae, telling me it’s be alright as I keep struggling. The nurse quickly takes it off, as I let out a scream of pain. She puts a bandage on. As Sooyoung hugs me to calm me down, once I calmed down. Another nurse came in with the discharge documents. Leeteuk manager called for the buses to come and I changed back to my clothes with the help of Sunny Unnie and Hyoyeon Unnie. The nurse told them that someone should come tomorrow to collect the antibiotics, so they said the manager will come collect it tomorrow. The Manager Oppa agreed and said the buses were here. They got a wheelchair and Donghae Oppa pushed me to the Bus since I felt a bit weak. Minho Oppa helped me into the bus and sat down next to me. Jessica Unnie told me to eat the bread they bought since I didn’t eat dinner. I said I didn’t want to but then all the Oppas and Unnies forced me. When we got to the hotel, Kai Oppa and Hyunkyu Oppa helped me to my room while the rest of them go back to their own rooms. Sunny Unnie opened the door as I laid down on the bed. BoA Unnie, F(x) Unnies and TVXQ Oppas were in the room waiting for us. I told them I saw alright before asking them to go to sleep. Sunny Unnie told me to go to bed when all of them left. 

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Funnypanda369 #1
Funnypanda369 #2
You chose a really nice name. Xiao means little, and Mei means flowers or something along those lines. It's a beautiful name :)
Caren91 #3
Chapter 16: Gyaaa i love your ff esp where whole smtown treated Isabella like a maknae. Kekeke. Update.plsssss xp
Caren91 #4
Chapter 8: I was quite shocked to see actually Isabella name turn into christiana and mira.=.="
kpoplover2105 #5
Sorry Cristiana and Mira are names that I wrote for my other stories. I just got mixed up. So sorry.
AliceLiang #6
Chapter 14: Author-nim, I was confuse with Cristiana And Mira. May I ask who is it?
Or it just Isabella's nickname that called by who? And when is it?
Chapter 4: OPPS... Hehe~~~ it was in this chap~