chapter nine.

Maybe It's Something More
minseok felt a slight movement from underneath his head, making his eyes flutter open slowly, lifting his head up. he came face to face with luhan's sleeping face, remembering he had asked to sleep with luhan for the night. he felt a small blush fan over his cheeks as he realized the position he was in; his head resting on luhan's chest and his arms wrapped around his waist. he was practically cuddling the younger. he noticed the small weight on his shoulder, and realized luhan had his arms draped over him in an almost protective way. minseok tried moving positions, slipping away from underneath luhan's arm. minseok could practically hear his heart beating insanely fast against his chest, and if luhan was awake he could probabably hear it too. 
another small shift, and luhan's eyes fluttered open, blinking for a couple of times before glancing at minseok who was already staring up at him. the older's eyes seemed to have nearly fallen out of his eye sockets, as a small yelp escaped his lips. he pulled himself away from luhan's body, missing the warmth almost immediately, but choose to ignore it as he rolled back onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.
he could hear luhan's laugh from right next to him, and another shift in the bed. luhan was scooting closer to him, now draping his own arm in front of the older's torso, hugging his waist as he brought the blanket back onto the both of them.
"you're really warm." luhan muttered sleepily, nuzzling his head against minseok's shoulder as he allowed himself to get comfy. minseok froze immediately at the sudden contact from the younger, but relaxed quickly after as he let the younger's warmth seep deep into his bones, and straight into his heart.
minseok returns on a monday after one week of missing school by a persistent luhan, claiming that he misses minseok during lunch (or more preferably the food he packs). minseok barely sees luhan throughout the course of the day, and only gets to talk with him during lunch. minseok would be with juniors chen and the boy with wide eyes and voice like an angel, kyungsoo, accompanied by the freshman they befriended one day zitao. he was chinese, and struggled with his korean, so minseok made to it that he introduced luhan to him, knowing the simple fact that luhan wasn't korean by the slight accent in his voice. 
it was only sometimes that minseok and luhan would sneak away to the rooftop, sharing food and laughter. but as the weather got colder they stayed indoors the cafeteria with their own group of friends. luhan would sometimes sneak up behind minseok and steal his food, leaving minseok to glare at him and threaten to throw his milk carton at his head. which would result in luhan making kissey faces, claiming the older loves him too much to do such a thing. a small tint of pink would fan over minseok's cheek, but he would deny the younger's statement right away, shoving the younger away and would continue to go about his conversation with kyungsoo. 
minseok would brush off luhan's weird displays of affection and the way he stares at him sometimes, telling himself that they're just friends and friends cuddle ocassionally and hold hands sometimes, right? minseok brushes away those thoughts because he can't let them linger for so long or else they'll start to grow into something more, and he's terrified that it might be too late.
kyungsoo is the first to spot minseok walking over, calling his name out as he practically runs to give him a hug, almost causing minseok to fall over in a breatheless panic, but kyungsoo's holding him and minseok relaxes and laughs away his worries, trying to push the younger away from him.
"kyungsoo-ah, it was only a week." minseok says, but he's touched that his friends would miss him because he clearly didn't expect them too. 
"hyung, only a week?" kyungsoo repeats, releasing his arms from around minseok and pulling him towards their lunch table. "the lunch table felt so empty, and no one is as good in math as you are!"
minseok rolled his eyes, allowing the younger to drag him along, greeting chen and zitao with big smiles and hugs. he settled himself down onto his seat, about to open up his package of food until he feels a familiar presence from behind him, quick hands reaching over to steal a piece of bread he brought. minseok frowns, quick enough to grab his bread away. 
"minseok." he hears luhan whine loudly from behind, which earns a small smirk from minseok. 
"luhan ge!" zitao says brightly, waving as he offers some of his food. luhan grinned at him, taking a seat in between chen and minseok.
"see, look how nice zitao is. sharing his food with me!" luhan says, sticking his tongue out at minseok who just rolls his eyes. 
the table continues on with light conversation, zitao complaining how much he missed his minseok hyung and chen rolling his eyes, claiming that minseok is still alive and he's already back and healthy. right when minseok was about to open his mouth to speak, someone from behind him called his name.
minseok blinked, watching the other's reaction turn slightly sour as he turned around, eyeing the boy with purple hair and way too much eyeliner on that stood before him.
"uh, yes?" minseok said, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he watched as the boy shoved his hands into his pocket. 
"i heard you're pretty good in math." he said, his face emotionless as he stared holes into minseok's face.
"i'm not the best, but i know what i'm doing." minseok said slowly, tilting his head slightly. "you heard? from who?"
the boy pointed towards the person next to him, and minseok locked eyes with kyungsoo.
"he said he didn't understand math! all i said was my hyung minseok helps me." kyungsoo said, eyes wide as he held his hands up in defense.
minseok rolled his eyes, turning back to the purple-haired boy. "are you saying you want me to tutor you?"
the boy shrug, a small smirk playing on his lips as he edged himself closer to minseok, crouching down so he was face to face with him. minseok's eyes widen immediately, almost backing away before the boy slowly reached over to brush his bangs away from his eyes. "with a tutor like you, i'll pay extra attention in math." 
minseok was about to slap this purple haired kid's hand away from him because minseok believes in personal space, and he barely even knew the boy's name. but luhan was already a step ahead of him, reaching over to push the boy's hand away.
"what are you doing? don't touch him." luhan fumed, glaring daggers into the boy, who just shrugged and stood back up. minseok's face felt hot, and he ignored the way the boy looked at him as though he was a piece of meat waiting to be eaten and took in a shaky breathe.
"fine, i'll be your tutor." minseok finally said, which made luhan turn to him with wide eyes.
"are you seriously going to tutor this little ?!" luhan practically shouted, causing others to then their gazes at them. minseok groaned inwardly.
"let kyungsoo give you my number." he said softly, turning away from the boy to continue eating his own lunch.
"great." the boy said, a smirk proudly on his lips. "i'm baekhyun, by the way. but i'm sure enough you won't be forgetting my name any time soon." 
and with that the boy left, leaving minseok to stare at his food and luhan to mutter random chinese words under his breathe, which caused zitao to gasp, saying something along the lines of, "luhan! stop cursing!" kyungsoo frowned, eyes wide as he apologized to minseok, claiming he had no idea he would've asked him for a tutor, as chen silently ate his food.
"be careful with baekhyun." chen spoke up, "don't ever trust him."
baekhyun, known for sleeping around with girls and boys. everyone knew, everyone was cautious. some would fall into baekhyun's trap, and some were lucky enough to ignore his flirtatious ways. 
minseok noticed the way chen's eyes flashed with a sort of pain as he heard baekhyun wave off a goodbye, and chen knew minseok saw. but minseok wouldn't question, wouldn't push the younger to tell him whatever baekhyun and chen had together because he knows he wouldn't want to make the younger uncomfortable. so he just smiles at him, offering some of his food to him, which results in luhan whining to minseok about baekhyun and "you let chen have some, but not me?!" 
minseok gets a text message from an unknown number, and he assumes its baekhyun. and he's right. 
minseok's walking with luhan back to his place, shoulders gently brushing against eachother as he types back his reply. luhan is glancing over his shoulder at the text, and minseok moves away quickly.
"reading my messages?" minseok asks, continuing to type his message out.
"is that baekhyun?" luhan grumbled, shoving his hands into his front pocket. "why are you even bothering to tutor him? he's just trouble."
minseok frowned, shrugging his shoulder as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. "it's just tutoring, and we're going to meet at the library okay? and people will be at the library, so nothing's going to happen." minseok states, nudging his shoulder against luhan's. 
luhan mumbles something under his breathe, not looking up at minseok until he hears the older say, "are you scared baekhyun will do something to me?"
luhan blinks, looking up at minseok with wide eyes.
"or.." minseok says softly, not looking at luhan as he continues to walk. "are you scared i'll actually let him do something to me?"
after the third time tutoring baekhyun, they meet again at the library only to realize that it's closed on sundays. minseok frowns, reluctant as baekhyun suggests going back to minseok's place. minseok wants to say no, but tries to reason with himself that maybe baekhyun isn't as bad as luhan made him out as.
but as minseok lets him inside, taking a seat onto the couch, he feels baekhyun edging just a bit closer than necessary. minseok tries to move away, stating that they're only here for tutoring and nothing else. but baekhyun has other plans as he slowly leans closer to minseok, whispering in his ear that leaves minseok wide-eyed and a shiver running up his spine. he tries to push the younger away, telling him it's either he helps him in math or he has to leave, but baekhyun doesn't bother as he pushes minseok against the arm of the couch, leaving him trapped underneath him. 
minseok's heart is thumping rapidly against his chest, but the feeling is different than normally. his head is screaming as baekhyun eagerly presses his dry lips against his own, and minseok wants to scream until he can't breathe and maybe he'll die so baekhyun can be to blame, but with baekhyun's lips sealed against his, he can't even mutter a word. he tries pushing the younger off him, surprised at how strong baekhyun is, as the younger tries to shove his tongue into minseok's mouth. minseok's muffled screams could barely be heard, and baekhyun bites down onto minseok lip, a scream finally being heard only to have the feeling of baekhyun's tongue shoved into his mouth.
and minseok's crying because he should've listened to luhan and he wishes he hadn't agreed to tutor baekhyun at his house but he was naive. he thought that baekhyun wasn't as bad and the only words that are ringing in his head was chen's words, "don't ever trust him" and dammit he wished he followed his words.
and he continues to cry as he feels baekhyun him in places that makes him feel disgusted and dirty and he's too busy crying to realize baekhyun's filthy hands are off of him and his lips are finally away from his own, panic rising as he loses his breathe almost immediately, the pain surging through his lungs as he quickly pulls out the medication in his pocket and takes a couple of them quickly, his lungs don't feel that constricting as he gains back his breathe, wiping his tears away.
his eyes fluttered open, eyes widening as he watches luhan punch baekhyun's face. minseok has never seen this side of luhan, never seen him so angry or upset or this violent. but he watches luhan shove baekhyun against the ground, shouting threats to him. luhan takes baekhyun by the collar, grabbing his stuff as he goes off to take baekhyun down the stairs and out of this house and then they're gone, the slam of the door ringing throughout the house. minseok scrambles to his feet as he makes his way down the stairs, panting slightly as tears continue to flow down his cheeks. he's half way down the stairs before the sound of the door clicks open, and luhan's there again. he's breathing heavily, eyes scorched with fierce anger but they dull down almost immediately when he notices minseok crying.
"min--" luhan starts to say as he makes his way to the older, but he gets cut off with the press of minseok's lips against his own. minseok's silently crying against the younger but his lips are firmly against his, and luhan quickly responds back by pressing into the kiss slightly.
minseok pulls away, burying his face in the crook of luhan neck as he starts to sob uncontrollably. luhan can practically hear his own heart shatter at the sound of minseok's sobs, hands slowly wrapping around the older's waist before minseok flinches away from the touch, pulling away from luhan as he stares at him with tears b his eyes, nose red and cheeks flushed. minseok runs away upstairs, and luhan's quick to follow.
minseok tries to lock his bedroom door, letting out a small "no" escape his lips as he desperately tries to push the door closed, only to have given up as luhan willpower to comfort minseok overcomes all. 
minseok hides under his blanket, shying away from luhan's touch as the younger tries to get minseok to look at him.
"d-don't look at me!" minseok yells, his voice muffled slightly from the blankets. "i-i'm disgusting and dirty and, oh god! i even kissed your lips and now you're probably even more disgusted by me and i'm sorry i'm sorry." 
"minseok, minseok stop saying that." luhan pleads, trying to drag the blankets away. "you're not disgusting or dirty, it's baekhyun that is. and he deserves to rot in hell for what he tried to do."
luhan can hear minseok's sobs die down, and minseok slowly peeks his head out from underneath the blanket, eyes puffy. "i-i should've listened to you. i should've listened to chen, to everyone! i'm so stupid!" minseok yells, tears threatening to spill as he starts to hide away again, but luhan stops him.
luhan drags the blankets away from minseok's body and climbs onto the bed, pulling minseok into his arms. "you're not stupid, don't ever say that. you're a good person who believes there's good in people, even in those who are bad. baekhyun just wasn't that kind of person." luhan says softly, feeling minseok try to push away from him.
"you're not disgusting or dirty, you're still beautiful as always. baekhyun will never ever touch you like that again, i won't dare let him. i promise." luhan said, minseok starting to relax against his chest as his sniffles started to die down. minseok slowly pulled away from luhan, wiping his eyes as he sat up straighter, glancing at luhan shyly.
"d-do you mean that?" he said softly. luhan nodded in response.
"i mean everything i said." luhan said softly.
minseok blinked, looking away from luhan and down at his hands, slowly laying back down onto the bed as tears welled up slowly in his eyes. he could feel the bed shift slightly so luhan's sitting closer to him, reaching over to wipe away the tears. "what's wrong?"
minseok took in a deep breathe, shaking his head and batting away luhan's hand as he turned around so his back was facing luhan. "i just--i want to be alone for now."
a/n: lajdkskdksdkd okay hi guys! i actually really wanted to make a christmas fic for yhis but but yeah, it didn't work out, sadly. but i will write a fic based on how minseok doesn't xelebrate christmas and luhan does and ladjksfj he bring christmas joy to minseok's life and yaaay. hehe okey okey yeah, i hope you enjoy reading this fanfic and thank you for subscibring <3 i love you guys and merry christmas to those in the eastern hemisphere!
twttier: xiuminseokpls uwu
lets be friends guys! heheh
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Chapter 10: Update soon unni
moli16 #2
Chapter 10: unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T T^T <3
samsung43 #3
I really like this story, please update soon dear author :)
arialy #4
Chapter 10: OMG!!!
you updated you updated..
i'm so freaking happy right now, i could cry an ocean..TT

yayyyy for more xiuhanesss..
i love this story so much that it hurts xD..
hope minseok and luhan would quickly get together, my poor heart can't take it..

please update soon authornim ^^
moli16 #5
Chapter 10: aAAaaAaAa im so happy thank you so much!!!!! <3 your awesome ,really kyaaaaa !!!!!!!
Itkunpillahdus #6
WAaaaahhh thank you for the update !! I'm so happy now !i really like tjis story 6v6 <33
Chibi_ #7
Chapter 10: glad you are back ;A;

the xiuhan here is soo cute but i wish they would talk soon about their feelings;;
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful! ^^ aha fighting!

Update soon! ^^
moli16 #9
Chapter 9: so depresing that u dont update......... so depresingggggggggggggggg aaaa~sign i reallyREALLY love yourstoryyy no bad you stoped.....
moli16 #10
Chapter 9: please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!