chapter one.

Maybe It's Something More
luhan quickly made his way out of the school building, running onto the large field with his arms stretched out as though he was about to fly up into the sky. "finally i can see the light!"
he earned himself a slap upside his head from his best friend, causing him to wince, hands cradling the back of his head as he glared at yixing, who was snickering at him. he nudged luhan's shoulder with his own. "soccer again?"
luhan nodded his head confidently, bringing his arms to rest on his hips, walking with a superman-like kind of pose. "of course. yixing, you should be honored you're playing with the best soccer player to walk this school ground."
yixing laughed out loud, shaking his head as he started to ramble on about how self-absorbed luhan is but the older completely lost his train of thought when he noticed a fiery, orange haired boy sitting alone on the bleachers, across from the soccer field, with a small book in his lap. luhan blinked a bit, wondering why he hasn't seen him around before.
"luhan? hey, you look like a deer in front of headlights." came yixing's voice, causing luhan to snap back into reality. he blinked once, shaking his head a bit as though he was disoriented for a moment. he realized yixing was now standing in front of him, blocking the orange haired boy from his view.
"who were you--" yixing started, turning around to follow the older's gaze. 
"hey, yixing. who's that?" luhan asked, clinging onto yixing's arm as he used the younger's tall stature to hide behind, peeking over his shoulder to get another glimpse of the orange haired boy. yixing quirked an eyebrow as the older hid behind him, spotting the orange haired boy luhan must've been talking about.
"oh, the new kid minseok?" yixing asked, "what about him?"
"minseok." luhan said, the name rolled off his tongue with a slight spark as he peeked over yixing's shoulder again to look at minseok.
couple minutes passed with luhan muttering "minseok" over and over again as yixing tried to drag the older away, whining that yi fan and the others were waiting for them.
"honestly luhan, let's go play soccer. you have to practice for your game. go say hi later or something because it's kind of weird if we just stand in the middle of the field as you watch some random boy on the bleachers." yixing groaned, managing to drag the older away and onto the soccer field.
"sorry yi fan ge, luhan was being weird." yixing huffed, glancing at luhan who was still staring at minseok.
"who is he even--minseok? he's staring at minseok?" yi fan questioned, following luhan's gaze. he rolled his eyes, flicking luhan's forehead. 
luhan jolted immediately, breaking out of his trance as he let out a loud whine, rubbing his forehead with both hands. "what was tha-- oh, hey yi fan. when did you get here?" luhan said, smiling brightly at the taller guy. 
yi fan blinked at luhan once, before handing him the ball, muttering under his breathe as he walked off towards the others, yixing following close behind. luhan pouted, bouncing the soccer ball on his knees as he gave it a small kick into the air, catching it in his arms. 
"alright, i call team captain!" luhan yelled, running over to the others, minseok slipping away into his thoughts for now.
luhan was sprinting all over the place, yeling for his team mates to pass him the ball, and always scoring a goal for his team. he high fived his friends, and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand as he let out a couple of breathes, running his hand through his hair. from the corner of his eye he saw something bright moving around a bit, causing him to turn in that direction
minseok was moving down the bleachers, taking a seat once he was  a couple of steps before the ground, slipping his backpack off his shoulders as he looked up with wide, happy eyes, watching the soccer game play out from behind luhan.  luhan heard his name being called from his team mate, glancing away from minseok to take part again.
the game was cut short with the sound of the bell, indicating classes were starting again. everyone groaned, making their way back into the school building as luhan desperately looked around for minseok. there wasn't any orange haired boy in sight throughout the day.
luhan spotted minseok the next day on the bleachers, watching intently as yi fan and yixing were passing the ball to eachother. luhan decided to be courageous and jogged his way over to minseok, who noticed right away and quickly started fumbling around with his backpack, making it look as though he was actually doing something and not watching a couple of guys play a game of soccer. 
"hey!" luhan called out, waving his hand to minseok, who sheepishly glanced up from his rummaging around. luhan jogged up the bleachers, plopping his body down next to minseok. 
"hi." minseok squeaked, eyes wide as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "i-i wasn't watching you guys play soccer, i swear!" 
luhan laughed, shaking his head. "no, it's fine! you just looked lonely over here. oh, i'm luhan, by the way."
minseok smiled softly, nodding his head. "oh,  i know. captain of the school's soccer team. wow, it's an honor. i'm minseok."
luhan laughed, "of course! it's always an honor to be in my presence." earning a roll of the eyes from minseok. "well it's nice to meet you minseok!" luhan smiled brightly, offering his hand out to shake, realizing he's probably sticky with sweat, retreating his hand away with a sheepish laugh. minseok grinned, his lips pulling back slightly.
"i don't think we have any classes together, sadly." minseok mentioned, nodding his head as his gaze wandered off towards the soccer field as the game resumed without him. luhan followed his gaze, chuckling softly under his breathe.
"do you play soccer?" luhan asked randomly, "since you like watching us play so much." luhan teased, a small smirk on his lips as minseok pouted, glaring at luhan as he tried to open his mouth in protest, before luhan cut him off with a loud laugh and a "i'm joking" managing to sound through.
minseok puffed his cheek, eyes growing sad as he gave a small nod. "i played when i was younger."
luhan's laugh died slowly, a small smile still on his face as he gave a nod. "oh really? why don't you play with us now?" luhan asked, "the guys are really friendly, and they all kind of considering they're so tall."
minseok let out a small laugh, his shoulders slumping a bit as he shook his head. "ah, it's okay. i prefer to just watch, i guess." he shrugged his shoulders.
luhan blinked, nodding his head slowly as he figured he wouldn't push the other to play. "then, i'll stay here and accompany you."
minseok's eyes widened, shaking his head immediately as his arms flailed around a bit.
"no! don't do that. that's unfair to you and your team mates, you know? besides i like watch--" minseok blinked, stopping himself short before he made a fool out of himself. "don't worry about me, go have fun." minseok nodded, pushing the boy off his .
luhan rolled his eyes, quickly moving down the bleachers, hopping back onto the ground. he turned around, pouting. "are you sure this isn't just an excuse because you actually think i'm creepy and you just want me to get away from you?"
minseok blinked, suddenly breaking out into a laugh, eyes disappearing and his smile wide with all of his teeth showing. he let out a fake gasp, hand pressed against his chest with a shocked expression playing on his face. "why on earth would i want someone such as the team captain to ever leave my side? however, a big game's coming up soon and i wouldn't want you missing a goal or two on my behalf. go practice, hwaiting!" minseok grinned, hand raised up with his fist closed tightly.
luhan let out a laugh, "maybe you should join the soccer team next year! you'll most definetly get in, considering the team captain likes you so much." he teased, waving off to the younger as he quickly hurried back onto the field, the sound of minseok's laugh lingering behind him.
couple of days passed since luhan has spoken with minseok, and he hasn't seen the older sitting at the bleachers. (which makes him slightly sad but he won't admit it to anyone, not even to himself)
a week goes by and when luhan looks over at the bleachers he spots minseok sitting down, watching the soccer game (and luhan) unfold with wide, excited eyes. he spots luhan looking over at him, and he starts waving his arms at him. luhan laughs, his heart practically skipping a beat as he waves back.
luhan noticed minseok mouthing something, hands cupped around his mouth in hopes it'll project his voice louder. luhan could hear faintly minseok's coixe, but not clear enough to understand what he was saying. he tilted his head to the side, placing a hand to his ear as though asking, "what'd you say?"
minseok hesitated for a moment, taking in a deep breath as he shouted "hwaiting luhan! you're the best!" which brings a smile to luhan's face, bringing his hand up in the air towards minseok as he yells back, "hwaiting!"
aa luhan was about to turn around, he noticed minseok tensing up immediately. he saw how he clutched at his chest, and from where he was standing, minseok seemed to be in pain. 
he quickly ran over to the bleachers, as he heard minseok's desperate gasps for air become louder and louder, eyes shut in pain as he tried to his backpack with shaking hands, the lack of oxygen to his lungs making everything blurry. fear arose in luhan, climbing up the steps of the bleachers two at a time to the older, immediately grabbing the bag and ripping open the zipper to pull out a bottle of pills.
minseok grabbed onto the bottle desperately once he saw it, popping open the top as he poured out two pills into the palm of his hand as he brought them to his mouth, swallowing them dry as he took in slow breathe through his nose, eyes closed shut, trying to control his breathing rate. his eyes fluttered open, jumping slightly when he saw luhan sitting next to him as though he forgot he was even there.
minseok's cheek flushed red, letting out an awkward cough as he quickly grabbed his bag and shoved his pills inside. "s-sorry." he muttered softly under his breathe, smiling sheepishly. "i just wanted to cheer with you. i-i guess i lost my breathe, there."
luhan blinked, eyebrows furrowed slightly as he shook his head. "lost your breathe? minseok, you could barely breathe! what would've happened if i hadn't gotten those pills out for you?" luhan voice rose slightly, causing minseok to flinch from the harshness. luhan's expression softened, a frown on his lips.
"i-i would've been fine, luhan!" minseok spoke, voice hoarse as he
shook his head, his breathing rate seeming to have gone back to normal.
"stop frowning, it makes you look ugly." minseok started, a small smile breaking out onto his face. "smile, and stop worrying about me."
luhan pouted, poking the older's cheeks. "baozi."
"nothing, nothing." luhan said, chuckling softly as he studied minseok's face, his features seeming dull and almost deathly.
minseok felt his cheeks heat up slightly, looking away from luhan. "stop looking at me, creep."
"is that my nickname now? creep? i'm your creeep, so what are you to me?"
minseok blinked, a smiling playing on his lips gently. "how about your number one fan?"
luhan blinked, trying to ignore the way his heart seemed to be jumping rope in his chest. he let himself smile, figuring he would find the older after school and talk more about him. "number one fan, huh? so i'd expect to see you at our first game this saturday, right?" luhan asked, eyes sparking with a hint of hope.
minseok nodded his head, clutchingg his backpack to his chest. "i'll be cheering in the bleachers, so don't get too mesmerized by all the girls cheering for you and try looking for you number one fan, okay?"
luhan shrugged his shoulders, "knowing you'll be there, i don't think i'd really pay much attention to anyone else." 
minseok blinked, his eyes quickly darting away as he felt another blush creeping up his neck and to his cheeks and ear. he let out a small cough, clicking his tongue. "ah, we'll see about that."
luhan chuckled, nudging minseok's shoulder. "what's your number? maybe we could hang after school or something?"
minseok bit his bottom lip, almost as though he was hesitating to answer. "here." he said finally, fishing around his backpack to rip out a piece of looseleaf, scrawling his number onto it.
"text me when mr. team captain has enough time for me." minseok joked, his smile shy and eyes twinkling slightly.
luhan took it, nodding his head as he folded it, placing it into his pocket. "i have all the time in the world for you." 
and with that, luhan jolted off the bleachers, heading back to the soccer game he abandoned with a bright smile on his face.
a/n: hello guys! wow another xiuhan fanfic hehe i don't know how to categorize this, to be honest. is this romance or angst? i don't think it's angst, more of romance? hm anyway, forgive me for the lack of capitalization because i wasn't sure whether i was going to post this up as a fanfic online or not, and after much convincing from my friend i decided, why not? it's xiuhan! i'm actually really proud of what i have so far, just not this first chapter. /sigh/ this chapter is just to establish and create a base for the beginning of minseok and luhan's friendship! i'll post chapter two up later today? i already wrote it all out so it's all about posting it up. hopefully you guys will like it! leave some comments, say hi, and yeah! thanks for reading! c:
twitter: xiuminseokpls 
(lets be friends uwu)
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Chapter 10: Update soon unni
moli16 #2
Chapter 10: unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T T^T <3
samsung43 #3
I really like this story, please update soon dear author :)
arialy #4
Chapter 10: OMG!!!
you updated you updated..
i'm so freaking happy right now, i could cry an ocean..TT

yayyyy for more xiuhanesss..
i love this story so much that it hurts xD..
hope minseok and luhan would quickly get together, my poor heart can't take it..

please update soon authornim ^^
moli16 #5
Chapter 10: aAAaaAaAa im so happy thank you so much!!!!! <3 your awesome ,really kyaaaaa !!!!!!!
Itkunpillahdus #6
WAaaaahhh thank you for the update !! I'm so happy now !i really like tjis story 6v6 <33
Chibi_ #7
Chapter 10: glad you are back ;A;

the xiuhan here is soo cute but i wish they would talk soon about their feelings;;
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful! ^^ aha fighting!

Update soon! ^^
moli16 #9
Chapter 9: so depresing that u dont update......... so depresingggggggggggggggg aaaa~sign i reallyREALLY love yourstoryyy no bad you stoped.....
moli16 #10
Chapter 9: please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!