chapter five.

Maybe It's Something More
just as quick as their friendship had started, the school year was slowly nearing the end. the blazing summer heat was enough to remind everyone that vacation is just around the corner. 
the last day of school slowly rolls by, and when the final bell rings everyone is cheering and running out of the stuffy school's building into the fresh air and the radiating sun's comfort. luhan's among those kids cheering, laughing along with his friends as they push out into the world. they there uniforms and let loose there ties, crying out like a bunch of wild men.
luhan let all his worries roll away and left it all at school; he figured he'll just worry about them next year. he bid his friends goodbye, claiming he'll text them over the summer break to play some soccer or whatever they had in mind. he ran past a bunch of people, a few of them calling out his name to say goodbye. he jogged his way over to the front gates, fishing his phone out as he looked around the place.
he frowned, quickly going to send a message until he felt someone's warm presence from behind, and before he could react someone was blowing against his ear, causing him to let out a girly shriek and jump away. he was faced with a grinning minseok, books in his hand as he laughed at the younger's reaction.
luhan glared at him. "yah! that's not funny, what's with you and scaring people? and besides, where were you? we were supposed to meet in front of the gates! you weren't at the front of the gates!"
minseok snickered slightly, sticking his tongue out in a playful, childish manner. "yah, i could be late at times too, you know!" minseok said, eyebrows furrowing slightly. "besides, i was talking with my friend." 
"you made a friend?" luhan asked.
"yah, it's not like you're my only friend lu." minseok chuckled, kicking the younger's leg lightly. "don't be so jealous over one friend i made." he teased, pushing the younger foward to get him to start walking.
"w-wait, i'm not jealous!"
the rest of the day consisted of walking around the bustling city streets, minseok clutching desperately onto luhan's arm with his face buried into the back of luhan's neck, his breathe prickling against the younger's skin as he clenched his teeth, ignoring the way he felt his heart speed up from the action.
("we honestly don't have to go to the city if you don't like being around so many people, minseok. we can go somewhere else with less people.
"n-no! it's fine, really."
luhan frowned, glancing at the older. "are you sure?"
minseok blinked, looking at luhan as a shy smile played on his lips, nodding his head quickly. "just--" he pasued for a moment, as though he were choosing his words wisely. "stay by my side and i'll be fine.")
luhan, afraid of losing minseok, quickly shook the younger's hand off. he glanced back to find minseok giving him a puzzled look, before he reached his hand back and grabbed the older's hand, lacing his fingers with the other. he noticed the way minseok's eyes widen immediately at the sudden warmth from luhan's hand that quickly overtook his cold hands. he averted his eyes shyly from luhan, following him close behind.
"get out." minseok grumbled, shoving his head under his pillow as he was woken up by the loud voice of luhan singing random chinese songs. 
"kim minseok, wake up!" luhan yelled cheerfully, jumping onto the older's bed and rolling around, bumping into minseok a couple of times.
"yah!" minseok groaned, pulljng his head from under the pillow to glare at luhan, eyes still sleepy and barely trying to stay open to get a look at the younger's face. he blinked, realizing just where luhan was laying down. "where's joonmyeon?"
"joonmyeon? he let me in." luhan said, nodding my head. "he woke up at 8 in the morning, like a normal person.
minseok blinked. "are you saying i'm not normal?" 
luhan was staring contently at the ceiling, feeling minseok's stare dig deep into his bones. "of course not. but normal people don't wake up at one in the afternoon." 
"i slept for that long?" minseok groaned, letting his head fall back onto the pillow, pouting as he continued to look at luhan.
"you did. seeing that you already slept away the morning of the last day of summer, why don't we do something now?" luhan asked excitedly, tilting his head to look at minseok who was already staring. he blinked, cheeks turning red when he finally looked away from luhan's precious face.
"like what?"
luhan took a minute to think, biting his bottom lip. "well, we've already done a lot of stuff over the summer so there's not much left we can do." he said, pouting a bit.
minseok closed his eyes, feeling a certain drowsyness overwhelming his senses. "why don't we just sleep the last day of summer, hm?"
"oh!" luhan said, sitting up immediately.
"you're so god damn loud." minseok groaned into his pillow, burrying his face into it.
"we haven't done karaoke." 
"but why not?" luhan whined, turning to the older who was hiding underneath his blankets.
minseoks response came out as a blurred muffled noise until he pulled the blankets a bit, repeating his words again. "because you sing better than me."
luhan let out a cheerful laugh. "my singing isn't the best, besides i want to hear you sing!"
"no one wants to hear me sing." minseok muttered, trying to roll away from luhan who was practically trying to squish him as he pressed his chest to minseok's back.
"please please please please." luhan said, whining loudly. this continued on for the next ten minutes until minseok grumpily agreed, leaving luhan cheering for happiness.
when minseok was finally, fully awake, luhan had brought over a bowl of ramen noodles for them and they both ate silently on his bed. 
"how was your sleep last night?" luhan asked quietly.
minseok blinked, shfiting slightly as he shrugged. "the same thing happened again." 
luhan nodded his head, his chopsticks poking at the noodles floating in the soup base. "has it been getting better?" 
he could sense the small motion of minseom shakjng his head no. "not really."
luhan scooped some noodles up and brought them to his lips, slurping the noodles into his mouth quickly. as he was chewing, he felt a frown take over his face.
"anything i can do to help?" luhan asked, glancing sideways at minseok. their shoulders bumped against eachothers as they ate, minseok's legs outstretched in front of him underneath his blankets as luhan was seated cross legged.
minseok hesitated for a moment, his chopsticks pausing for a moment before he looked at luhan, their eyes locking together. "not yet."
"luhan!" minseok whispered harshly, pulled by the younger to who knows where. he cautiously glanced around the school hallways, quickly walking past classrooms filled with students learning--something they should be doing aswell. "what are we--where are you taking me?!"
luhan chuckled, glanced over his shoulders to see if anyone was around, and came to a stop in front of a door. he give it a small shove and it pushed open. "c'mon!"
luhan made minseok follow him up the stairs until they reached a sort of opening. luhan grunted a little, pushing the opening out of the way so the cold autumn air filled in the room. luhan quickly hoisted his body up through the hole and out, sticking his head back down as he extended his arm out. "minseok, c'mon!"
minseok hesitated, but took the youngers hand as he felt himself being lifted off the ground and out through the hole, the sun hitting him square in the face as he squinted his eyes, hand trying to block the sunlight. he felt luhan tug him over to the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the school field.
"how'd you know about this?" minseok asked, as they settled to sit down despite the cold air that kept slapping them all over the place. they were slightly leaning against eachother, shoulder to shoulder, as their legs dangled off the edge of the school building, looking out further to notice the city buildings coming into view.
"stumbled upon it one day during class. i was bored and did a lil exploring."
minseok let out a cheerful laugh. "any other discoveries?" 
luhan let out a sigh, the air so cold that his breathe actually showed. "sadly, no." he could hear minseok letting out a breathy laugh, and he liked it when minseok laughs. that was the one out of so many things he liked about minseok.
luhan likes the way minseoks always smiles no matter what. how he always pretened he was okay when he wasn't. he loves the way minseok smiles that seems to make the world stop just to admire it. he likes minseok just a little too much.
they sit in comfortable silence for a moment, staring out at the open sky until luhan feels minseok's body shiver slightly from the cold. luhan blinked, brought back to his sense when he turns his head to minseok, a frown on his face. "cold? mm let's go back."
"no! i mean, we don't have too." minseok muttered, dropping his head to stare at his lap.
"but you're cold minseok." luhan said softly.
"i like it up here, though. i feel so relaxed and everything's just so small compared to being up here." minseok muttered, lifting his head up to look at luhan. "all my worries just slip away for now."
there eyes met and for a moment they didn't really say anything, until luhan nodded his head, a smile playing on his lips. "mm, i figured it would. that's why i took you up here. we can always come back, minseok. when it's not cold." he started as he turned around to get up.
"w-wait!" minseok yelled, holding onto luhan's uniform jacket to prevent him from taking his next step. "please, let's just stay here for a little bit more."
luhan sighed, readjusting himself back down so his shoulders once again touched minseok's slightly, grazing over each other occassionally. luhan was about to speak up before he felt a sudden warmth lacing in between his, giving it a small squeeze. 
luhan took a deep breathe, staring at the city below them. minseok's hand was warm against his, and he let a smile linger on his lip. his thumb slowly grazed over gently the back of minseok's hand and figured he could probably get used to this.
a/n: my last update for now!! i will be working on the future chapters to come, so i won't be updating until i finish three chapters! this is some fluff before the real drama happens. it's short lived though, only a chapter length of drama because you can't have much drama between xiuhan. but there will be a couple of more, so please anticipate! next chapter will definetly be...something! uwu anyway, thank you soo much for subscribing and reading and commenting ah <3 you guys are amazing! please comment, leave criticism or just say hi! thank you so much! 
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Chapter 10: Update soon unni
moli16 #2
Chapter 10: unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T T^T <3
samsung43 #3
I really like this story, please update soon dear author :)
arialy #4
Chapter 10: OMG!!!
you updated you updated..
i'm so freaking happy right now, i could cry an ocean..TT

yayyyy for more xiuhanesss..
i love this story so much that it hurts xD..
hope minseok and luhan would quickly get together, my poor heart can't take it..

please update soon authornim ^^
moli16 #5
Chapter 10: aAAaaAaAa im so happy thank you so much!!!!! <3 your awesome ,really kyaaaaa !!!!!!!
Itkunpillahdus #6
WAaaaahhh thank you for the update !! I'm so happy now !i really like tjis story 6v6 <33
Chibi_ #7
Chapter 10: glad you are back ;A;

the xiuhan here is soo cute but i wish they would talk soon about their feelings;;
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful! ^^ aha fighting!

Update soon! ^^
moli16 #9
Chapter 9: so depresing that u dont update......... so depresingggggggggggggggg aaaa~sign i reallyREALLY love yourstoryyy no bad you stoped.....
moli16 #10
Chapter 9: please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!