chapter seven.

Maybe It's Something More
luhan slowly walked out of his room to find minseok sitting on the floor, while yixing and kris was sprawled out on the couch in front of his television, making small talk and watching a drama that seemed to be playing. minseok was resting his head against the small coffee table in front of him, eyes staring up at the television in concentration. after a couple of seconds of luhan just standing there, minseok slowly looked up, a small grin on his lips. "look who's up." 
yixing glanced up, shoving chips into his mouth. "if you don't mind, we took some food out to eat!" he said, grinning happily with his thumbs up. kris just glanced over at luhan, nodding his head at him. luhan chuckled, rolling his eyes as he slowly took a seat on the floor next to minseok, stretching his legs out as he slung his arm over minseok's shoulder, leaning his upper body onto minseok and resting his head on the older's shoulder.
"what are you guys even watching?" luhan asked, staring up at the television. oh look, lee minho.
"heirs." minseok muttered, sitting up as he tried to shake luhan off of him. "yah, you're heavy." he pouted cutely at luhan, grinning as he pushed luhan's head off. 
luhan pouted back at minseok, watching as minseok shuffled off into the kitchen. luhan followed after him, quickly rushing behind him and wrapping his arms around the older's small waist. luhan felt minseok stiffening slightly, before relaxing as he got used to luhan's touch. they somehow waddled over into the kitchen, minseok opening luhan's refridgerator to look inside.
"my apartment is tiny compared to your mansion." luhan muttered quietly, head resting on minseok's shoulder as his eyes tried looking for something edible in his fridge
"mansion?" minseok laughed, shaking his head as he let his own hands rest against luhan's who was wrapped around his waist. "i wouldn't say mansion. besides, i like your apartment. it's small and cozy. instead of my home, let's come here. it's closer to the school." minseok said, reaching over into the fridge to take out some kimchi.
"but your place is so big and secure." luhan said, eyes widening at the sight of the kimchi. "i didn't even know i had that in there."
minseok checked the expiration date on the kimchi, closing the refridgerator and grabbing out a bowl to pour some in. "i like your place better."
luhan groaned softly, shrugging his shoulders. "fine." he whined, chuckling as he untangled himself from minseok's waist. "we'll stay in my teeny tiny apartment and eat the only food in my fridge, kimchi." 
minseok grinned happily and glanced at luhan, who was pouting in a childish manner. "sounds like a plan."
luhan ignored the way people stared and whispered whenever he walked by in the hallways. he could faintly hear the name jongin and luhan in one sentence, which makes him grit his teeth in annoyance because he doesn't want his name to even be uttered in the same breathe as kim jongin's name. he let those negative thoughts of jongin slip past him, choosing to look foward to a new school day ahead of him.
as he settled down into his first class, tossing his backpack onto the desk as he pulled his phone out to check his messages. oh look, one from minseok.
i'm sick. :(
luhan blinked, a frown immediately drawing onto his face as he quickly typed his message back.
is everything okay? ㅠ.ㅠ
he settled his phone down onto his book, switching to silent mode so he can text in class without any distractions from his annoying ringtone or the buzzing sound when his phone's on vibrate. he lazily stared at the board, resting his head on the palms of his hand as he dulled out the boring voice of his teacher. 
he checked his phone again after trying, and failing, to pay attention to whatever class he was in. he always passed his classes with flying colors, so he doesn't understand why he even bothers coming to the class. 
i guess so? i just have a fever and stuff..
luhan pouted, fidgeting slightly in his seat as he glanced up, in fear that his teacher was looking. when he was sure his teacher was busy rambling off about something he honestly didn't need to know for his future, he quickly typed back his message.
my poor minseok. don't worry, luhan will come over with some soup and chicken!
luhan was about to lock his phone before he saw another message from minseok.
who ever said i was yours? (¬_¬) kekekeke soup and chicken? i feel better already knowing i get to see you later
luhan let out a loud laugh escape his lips, eyes widening when he realized just where exactly he is, hands clasping over his mouth as he slowly lifted his head. all of his classmates, including the teacher, had their attention on him. 
"would you like to share with us what's so funny, luhan?"
"hey luhan, it's been awhile since i've seen you here." joonmyeon said when he saw the younger stepping into the house, bowing down to the butler who opened it for him.
luhan looked up from his spot to joonmyeon who was at the top of the staircase. "ah, it has, hasn't it?" luhan said sheepishly, kicking off his shoes and hurriedly running up the stairs to meet with joonmyeon. "not much changes here, huh?" 
joonmyeon chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as they both started to walk off to the kitchen. "i guess not. hm, what's that you have in your hands?" 
luhan blinked, seeming to have forgotten what he brought with him. "oh! yeah, i brought some chicken and soup. i heard minseok wasn't feeling so well." he said, setting the food down onto the kitchen counter. joonmyeon nodded his head, almost hesitating to say something next.
luhan glanced back when he didn't hear a response from joonmyeon. "everything okay? is something wrong with minseok?" luhan asked, concern written across his face.
joonmyeon seemed to break from his little daze, nodding his head. "oh, right right. uh, we need to talk luhan." 
"talk? about what?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he quickly followed joonmyeon into the dining room. he took a seat across from him, fingers drumming against the table.
"minseok was ignoring you for quite some time, right?" 
luhan blinked. how'd he--
"how'd i know that?" joonmyeon said, breaking the younger's thoughts. "because i was the one who told minseok you were only friends with him because you pitied him."
luhan's eyes widened in shock. "y-you! you told him that? that's not even true!" luhan yelled, standing up and pushing back the chair from underneath him. joonmyeon closed his eyes at luhan's loud reaction, glaring up at the younger.
"be quiet! minseok fell asleep for a nap, you wouldn't want to wake him up right?" joonmyeon said. "let me explain, atleast." 
luhan eyed him, sitting back down and glaring daggers into joonmyeon. 
"okay, i understand. you hate me for doing something like that, but you have to know that i was just doing it for minseok's own good." joonmyeon said, voice desperate.
"what good would it do for minseok to know i only pity him? that probably made him even worse, am i right?" luhan asked, his hands folded over his chest. 
joonmyeon bit his lip, nodding his head. "it did seem to be worse.." he let his words trail off, before looking up at luhan. "that's when i knew i had to trust you."
luhan blinked, slightly taken aback by the sudden words. "trust me?"
joonmyeon nodded. "i didn't want minseok getting close to someone because of his disease. it shortens his life expectancy by a lot and i didn't want him passing away with regrets. that's why i always tried to keep minseok with acquaintances, never someone as close enough that he'd grow a sort of trust and closeness too." 
"however, you came into the picture and you changed minseok entirely. i'm not saying that's a bad thing, but i can tell how easily minseok's taken a liking to you, and it was evident how hurt he was when i had told him you only pitied him. he never confronted me, or told me you guys mended your friendship back. but from the smile on his face when he got back from school was enough to tell me something happened which made you guys come back to eachother." 
luhan took all of his in, his deathly glare subsiding into a thoughtful look, listenin and paying close attention to what joonmyeon's saying. "and you said now you have to trust me?" luhan asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. "what do you mean?"
joonmyeon took in a deep breathe. "i have a favor to ask of you."
minseok was woken up to the sound of knocking against his door. he sleepy rubbed his eyes, sitting up as he heard the door open. luhan came in with a bright smile that seemed to light up the darkened room.
"hey sleepyhead. are you feeling any better?" he asked, a smile on his lips as he carried a bowl of soup in his hands. minseok blinked his sleepy eyes a couple of times, a weak chuckle escaping his lips as he scooted over on his bed. luhan plopped himself down next to minseok, carefully placing the bowl into minseok's hand.
"i guess i'm a little bit better." minseok said, voice slightly nasally. "i guess i got sick from the rain couple days ago."
luhan nodded his head, watching minseok take small sips of the soup. the silence settled between the two, with the only sounds of minseok drinking down the warm liquid. luhan couldn't help but notice the way minseok's skin looked sickly pale, and his hands shook slightly as he held the bowl to his lips. luhan carefully placed his hand over minseok's hand to let him have a sturdy grip on the bowl, tipping it up slightly so minseok could let the soup run down his throat. 
when minseok was finished, luhan placed it the bowl down onto the nightstand, turning back to find minseok sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"hey, if you're sleepy you could sleep, i'll let you rest." luhan said softly.  minseok blinked his eyes quick, shaking his head immediately.
"no, don't leave." minseok said, letting out a small cough into his hand. "i'm not sleepy. how was your day?" minseok asked, sitting up more to stretch his arms out.
"my day?" luhan repeated, shrugging. "lonely because i didn't see you at lunch today." 
minseok blinked, his cheeks reddening slightly at luhan's words, sniffling a bit from his stuffy nose. "was it that lonely?" he asked, a laugh escaping his lips. 
luhan nodded his head. "it was." he placed the back of his hand against minseok's forehead. "you're pretty warm. have you taken medicine?"
minseok nodded his head against luhan's hand. "before i fell asleep i took some." 
luhan nodded his head as he listened to minseok's words, letting his hand trail up to minseok's messy bed hair, fixing it slowly by running his fingers through his hair, patting it down gently.
"luhan?" minseok asked, breaking the silence between them. luhan hummed in response, eyes locking with minseok's.
"it was lonely for me too."
"luhan, face the facts. you like minseok, and i don't mean it the way that i like minseok or how kris likes minseok." yixing said, flicking luhan's forehead. luhan whined, frowning as he rubbed his forehead, turning his body away from yixing's to focus on the board and the teacher.
"stop talking about this so openly." luhan hissed, "and i like minseok the same way you or kris would like him."
he could practically hear yixing rolling his eyes. "oh really? are you sure? because i'm pretty sure i don't look at minseok as though he was the only human being living on this planet." 
"and you're saying i look at minseok like that?" luhan retorted, frowning as he rested his hand against the palm of his hand. he let out a small sigh, blinking a bit before turning to yixing.
"what exactly are you saying?"
yixing blinked, shrugging his shoulders. "i don't know, luhan. that's for you to figure out."
minseok sat on his bed, trying to catch his breathe desperately as he gulped down a glass of water. he let out a small sigh, running his hand through his messy hair. he placed the cup back down onto the nightstand, plopping his body back down onto his bed as he pulled the blankets over his head.
a knock came at the door, and minseok groaned. "no!" he yelled out loud, his voice straining slightly as he ended up a coughing fit.
there was a couple of tug of wars with his blanket, before luhan's shining smile came into view.
"you're really annoying." minseok groaned. luhan's smile only grew bigger as he quickly pulled minseok onto his feet, running his hand and patting minseok's messy bed hair. 
"i know i am." he said, as he pulled minseok out of his room. "c'mon, i made you some soup and i bought you bubble tea!"
("minseokie." joonmyeon cooed, poking minseok's cheek. minseok frowned, eyeing joonmyeon as he took a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
"handmskd?" he said, mouth full of food. 
"have i ever mentioned you're super cute when you eat?" joonmyeon said, laughing as he continued to poke minseok's cheek.
"yah! joonmyeon, why are you so cheesy now?" minseok said, pouting as he tried to move away from joonmyeon's poking. 
joonmyeon stopped for a moment, staring at minseok with sad eyes before he shrugged. "hey. remember something?"
minseok blinked, looking at joonmyeon. "sure, what?"
"i love you, and don't forget it." joonmyeon said, ruffling minseok's hair.
minseok let out a small laugh, tryingg to move away as joonmyeon ruffled his hair. "you sound like you're not gonna see me ever."
joonmyeon shrugged, poking minseok's cheek again.
minseok smiled at joonmyeon. "but i won't forget. i love you, too, joonmyeon. thanks for being there for me when no one else was."
joonmyeon bit his bottom lip, pulling the younger into a quick hug as he let a tear roll down his cheek. "good, don't forget.")
minseok sipped happily on his bubble tea, watching as luhan placed a bowl of soul for him. "hey, luhan?"
"hm?" he asked, taking a seat next to minseok.
"is joonmyeon hyung home yet?"
a/n: hello guys! another updateeeee! hehe i really hope you guys like what i've been writing so far! i get really paranoid about my work, and i hope i didn't mess up on anything ;___; anyway thank you guys so much for subscribing and upvoting and sobs you guys are amazing, honestly! <3 leave comments, criticism, or just say hi! 
twitter: xiuminseokpls
i'm weird so follow me and let's be friends? uwu
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Chapter 10: Update soon unni
moli16 #2
Chapter 10: unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T^T T^T <3
samsung43 #3
I really like this story, please update soon dear author :)
arialy #4
Chapter 10: OMG!!!
you updated you updated..
i'm so freaking happy right now, i could cry an ocean..TT

yayyyy for more xiuhanesss..
i love this story so much that it hurts xD..
hope minseok and luhan would quickly get together, my poor heart can't take it..

please update soon authornim ^^
moli16 #5
Chapter 10: aAAaaAaAa im so happy thank you so much!!!!! <3 your awesome ,really kyaaaaa !!!!!!!
Itkunpillahdus #6
WAaaaahhh thank you for the update !! I'm so happy now !i really like tjis story 6v6 <33
Chibi_ #7
Chapter 10: glad you are back ;A;

the xiuhan here is soo cute but i wish they would talk soon about their feelings;;
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful! ^^ aha fighting!

Update soon! ^^
moli16 #9
Chapter 9: so depresing that u dont update......... so depresingggggggggggggggg aaaa~sign i reallyREALLY love yourstoryyy no bad you stoped.....
moli16 #10
Chapter 9: please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!please update!!!please update!!! please update!!!