Saranghae, noona

Love Curse
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Author’s POV


After two years, Kai finally decided to come back. He was sitting in the plane and he felt like his heart was going to explode, thinking about meeting Young Mi again. He thought he was going to die without seeing her face for two years. Two years, Kai felt like it was 20 years without her. He missed her so much; he couldn’t even describe how he felt in words.


During the flight, Kai tried to fall asleep as he wanted time to go faster but his excited heart didn’t allow him to. His head was filled with young Mi and it wasn’t something special either, she had always been in his mind and heart. He couldn’t even stop thinking about her for one day. He was disappointed in something though, he sent her email but she never replied and he was quite sad about that.



As much as he was excited and happy to see her, he was scared at the same time, what if she found someone else, what if she forgot about him? He was afraid that it would happen. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, so much to say. But little did he know, Young Mi had just as much to say.


Kai who never once stopped thinking about Young mi, many girls approached him but Kai had no interest at all. During his stay at Canada, Kai made a lot of good friend and Kaeun was one of them. They were close as she was also Korean so it was easy for both of them to communicate. Kai was thankful for Kaeun, because of her, he wasn’t lonely.




“Yah! Leave the poor phone alone, will you?” Kaeun said while laughing at her friend who had been glaring at his phone since the moment they got into the café. Kai looked up and sighed. He was waiting for Young mi to reply to his message but she never did.


“Sorry…” Kai murmured lowly and Kaeun looked at him, curious.


“Who are you waiting for?” She asked him, curiously and Kai just drink his Americano and frowned, angrily. Kaeun laughed at his childish self.


“Young mi…” He murmured irritated at the thought of her ignoring his message. Kaeun just laughed, it wasn’t her first time hearing that name. She was wondering what kind of person Young Mi was, that made Kai fell so deep in love with her.


“Tell me about her!” Kaeun cheered excitedly and Kai just looked at her weirdly and continued to frown. He was pouting while onto his straw.


“There is nothing to talk about her.” He said boringly when the truth was, there was so many things about her that he wanted to talk.


“Come one~ tell me how you meet her!” Kaeun said a bit too cheerfully and Kai just stuffed himself with donut.


“I just met her.” He said, acting disinterested but Kaeun knew him too well. She knew he cared.


“You just met her and love her to the point that you can’t stop thinking about her?” Kaeun smirked and Kai didn’t answer and just continued to eat his donuts.


“She must be your first love.” Kaeun smiled and Kai just stayed quiet, all she said so far was true.


“Isn’t it a little too late for you to have your first love?” Kaeun laughed at the thought of Kai having his first love at the age of 20.


“You said her smile is pretty.” Kaeun continued and Kai could only think about Young mi.


“Pretty, my .” Kai said annoyingly when he knew exactly that what he said was just a lie and Kaeun laughed as she knew it was a lie as well.


“What about her personality?” She asked him again.


“She is cold and she seems like a too.” Kai said and Kaeun laughed at him even more, he was so cute when he was mad or jealous.


“And you still love her that much?” Kaeun smiled at him cheekily and Kai stopped for a second.


“Because she’s Young mi.” Kai said softly and went back to stuff himself with donuts. Kaeun stared at her friend and she just wanted to hug him as he seemed so cute when he was jealous like that.


End of flashback



Kai finally arrived and the first place he was heading to was Young Mi’s apartment, he hoped she didn’t move out. If she moved out, he might die. He missed her too much to wait for even one more minute. As soon as he arrived at her apartment, he was taking a deep breath and when he was about to ring the bell. Her apartment door was opened, revealing a good looking guy and Kai was standing there shock.


But he was even more shock when Jae Won ran out from behind the man and called that man something at Kai didn’t expect to hear from the little boy.


“Appa! I want to go too!” Jae Won called that man appa and Kai was just standing there and his mind was flying to only god knows where. Then Jae Won saw Kai and quickly ran to hug him. Kai hugged him back but his mind was still on the guy in front of him. Who is he? What is Young mi

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Dear readers!!! I'm so sorry about the update thingy. I was iditing every chapters because i noticed that I did many mistakes. Sorry and i will update soon!!!


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Chapter 16: Oh I just saw in the comments that I did read this story in 2015 already haha well I still like it a lot ^^
Ayanomehhh #2
Chapter 16: That was soooo great!
Hey awesome story. That kid is really cute too...
Kim_devilhyojae #4
One of the best romantic/ touching ( for me i felt that is romantic and touching ) stories ever... Love it ♡♡♡ Good Job and Keep it up! Looking forward to have more like this kind of stories from you.
Chapter 16: aaaah did you now really stop with the "of course you do, I'm you" ?!??? argh so confusing and tooo open. please write a sequel. you could write about how it comes that he is he even if when he did die already was 6 yeard old.
I really enjoyed reading this story
jessi828 #6
Chapter 16: hurts alot....good job authornim
mieza_s #7
Chapter 16: heart~~~~~
Love this story so much..!!!!!!
nerdyviv #8
Chapter 16: wow this is a really good story!!! good job authorniimmm :DD
Chapter 16: Love your story.
Chapter 16: how can do be kai? I dont get it.. anyway I'm so happy that they are married. maybe a sequel of this should be great.. :)