
Cold hearted!

you were in class. you were supposed to be reading in your text book.


your eyelids were closing!


you fell asleep!


your teacher walked by and saw you sleeping! she slammed her hand on the desk!


you- okay i'm up!


teacher- an min do you have any idea what we just read about!!??


you- yea! ha:)


you slighty looked down and read the title of the chapter!


you- we were talking about........ decompsers!:)


teacher- pay attention!


you- sorry!


teacher- okay read for us!


you started reading!


teacher- An Min next page!


you- right!:)


you turned the page and started reading!


class ended and you headed to your next class! you had to do group projects you had to read a novel and do a report on it!


teacher- allison you and youngmin and bora!


teacher- an min you and kwangmin and ........................... well i looks like it will only be you and kwangmin!


kwangmin- :)


you- lucky me! not..


the bell rang and you went to your locker!


you were getting your things! when kwangmin came by your locker.


kwangmin- hey you should come home with me so we can do our project!:)


you- why we still have 4 days!


kwangmin- to make sure we are done with it in time!


you- ummm fine let me just text my mom!


kwangmin- k i will be outside!:)


he walked and as he left 6 girls walked up to him and started flirting with him one girl asked him a question and he shaked his head and said no!



you walked outside!


you- my mom said okay!


kwangmin- great come on lets go!


you started walking!


kwangmin-  hey can i ask you something!!??


you- sure but if it is stupid i will punch you!


kwangmin- its not!:)


you- okay then go ahead!:)


kwangmin- why dont you like me!?


you- its not that i dont like you its just that...........


kwangmin- just what!?


you- hey are we almost at your house!?


kwangmin-  dont try to change the subject!:)


youngmin walked up!


youngmin- hey you two!:)


you- hello hey youngmin where is your house!?:)


youngmin- right there!


he pointed to a huge 2 story house it was white and it was surrounded with a huge black gate!


you- great!


youngmin- wait you are coming in our house!?


kwangmin- yea me and An Min are going to work on the project!:)


youngmin- oh okay!:)


you got to the house they opened the gate and you went inside! it was very elegant it had the same design as your house except your house was more quiet!


there was a little boy running around!!


the little boy stopped when he saw you! his mouth dropped open!


hyunmin- mommy mommy look at the pretty girl!!


he pointed to you!


mom- well hello!:)


she walked up to you and you shook her hand!


you- hi my name is An Min!:)


kwangmin- umma she is my partner for a project she is here so we can start it!


mom- oh okay just tell me if you need anything okay and if you are hungry just tell me okay...:)


you- okay thank you!:)


you went upstairs to kwangmins room!


kwangmin- wait here i need to change!


you- okay.


kwangmin went into his closet you just stood there looking at the room it was very orginized and clean!


kwangmin came out of the closet wearing jeans and he had no shirt on!


you- ahh! gosh put a shirt on!


you quickly covered your eyes and turned around!


kwangmin- hahahaha just needed to get a shirt from my drawer!


you- are you done!


kwangmin- haha yeah!:)


you turned aroung and punched his arm!


kwangmin- hey now! come on lets get to work!


after 4 hours you fell asleep on the floor!


kwangmin also fell asleep he was sleeping next to you!


kwangmin woke up!


he slightly shook your shoulder!


you yawned and sat up!


you- what time is it!?!?

kwangmin- umm its 9!


you- oh no i have to get home!


you quickly got your things!


and you went down stairs!


he followed.


kwangmin- hey mom i am going to drive An Min home i will be right back!


mom- okay!:) bye An Min!!


hyunmin- NOOO!


he ran towards you and hugged you tightly!


kwangmin- hyunmin let go of her!


hyunmin- no An min you cant go home!! stay here!:)


kwangmin- hyunmin!


 his mom walked up to you!


mom- i am so sorry!


you- ha no its okay!:)


she pulled him away!


hyunmin- nooo!


you- haha bye mis.jo it was nice meeting you!:)


mom- you too sweeite!:)


kwangmin opened the door and you got out of the house he closeed the door behind you!


he opened the door to the car for you and when you got to your house he opened the door of the car and walked you to the door!


you- thanks!:)


kwangmin- no problem see you tomorrow sleep tight!:)


he winked!


you- k bye!


he left and you went inside and went to sleep!





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peterhan #1
Light story
Good story
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
123love456 #6
Awe! This is a cute story!(:
jo-twins0424 #7
Oka once i start it i will tell you the name thanks for reading!!:)
kaytbear3 #8
aww boo. o well. ill read your next one
jo-twins0424 #9
Yea!:( sorry