its over!!!

Cold hearted!

you were at the park walking your german sheperd shadow! you had six but he was your favorite!

you were walking shadow when a girl named madison walked up to you!!


madison- hey hey!!:)


you- hey madison.:)


madison- i wanted to invite you to my b-day party its tomorrow!


you- umm i am not sure if............


madison- please please go!! you will hvae so much fun!


you- ummm..


madison- please!:)


YOU- okay!:)


madison- yayy!:) see you tomorrow!:)


you- k.


you kept walking!


it was the day of the party and you were getting ready. you wore a blach short and tight dress with blue accesories!


you put your hair in a side pony tail. cindy was spending the night at your house so she was there too!


you were both ready!


cindy- hey do you think the guys are gonna be there!??


you- ha i dont know beats me!


cindy- why are you so mean to them they are so sweet!:)


you- i dont know i just dont want to fall for any of them!


cindy- you should get to know them i did and they are cute funny and nice!


you- which one do you like!


cindy- i like youngmin and minwoo!


you- awe!:)


cindy- which one do you like!??!:)

you- ummm none!


cindy- really none!


you- none!


cindy- okay if you say so!:)


you- ugh come on lets go!:)




you both left in you ferrari!


when you got there you saw so many people!


a kingka at your school walked up to you , his name is tyler!


tyler- looking hot An Min!!!


you- shut up!


tyler- later hottie!


you- ugh!


cindy- hey i am gonna be over here ,k?


you- yea okay!:)


you went to talk to soyou.


soyou- An Min!!:)


you- hey:)


allison- hey !


you- what do you want!


allison- me and you have some unfinished business to do!


you- soo!


allison- you embarrassed me the other day! did you forget!


you- psh how could i forget!


allison-fight me!


you- i dont want to waste my time!


allison- excuse! why dont you just say you cant!


you- allison you know i can!


allison- show me!


you pushed her away which made her slip! her foot hit a table and ontop of the table was the birthday cake.

and when she hit the table the cake wobbled and fell!  it fell rright on top of her!


allison- AN MIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you backed away! and she ran towards you!


you were about to fall in the pool but you moved and when you moved allison didnt stop in time and she fell into the pool!


you- oops sorry Allison!


allison-  I HATE YOU AN MIN I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you- now now dont blame it on me remember you came to me first! hahah:)


allison- taemin help me!!


taemin- i'm good and allison i am breaking up with you!


allison- what your kidding right!


taemin- if i was kidding i would have added a "hahah just kidding" at the end!




she was still in the poool covered with cake!


you- bye!


you bumped into kwangmin!


kwangmin- hahahahh nice!


you- umm thanks!


kwangmin- can i walk you home!?!?


cindy heard and h=she gave you a thumbs up!


you- umm i cant sorry!


kwangmin- its okay!:) see you monday!:)


he winked!


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peterhan #1
Light story
Good story
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
123love456 #6
Awe! This is a cute story!(:
jo-twins0424 #7
Oka once i start it i will tell you the name thanks for reading!!:)
kaytbear3 #8
aww boo. o well. ill read your next one
jo-twins0424 #9
Yea!:( sorry