
Cold hearted!
A couple days later you got a call from your oldest brother, David! Your brother David lives in America with his wife! David- hey An Min how are you kiddo!?;) You- hi David and I am okay how are you!? David- great! You- so why did you call!? David- umm I want you to come live with me and Janice! You- WHAT! David- its best you need an adult to take care of you! You- Alex is here! David- Alex can bearly take care if himself! You- well since mom and dad have been gone Alex has done a great job taking care of me! David- I will talk to Alex later! You hung up! Alex came down stairs! Alex- hey let's make dinner! You- okay!:) You and Alex Sat down for dinner! You- Alex if David told me I had to come to the u.s what would You do!? Alex- I would try to convince him to let you stay of course! You- oh okay! Alex- why dis he tell you that when he called!? You- yes he said he would call you! Alex finished his dinner! Alex- don't worry about it kiddo!:) He then went upstairs! You went outside and took you dog shadow for a walk in the park! Kwangmin saw you! He happened to also be walking his dog! He walked close to you! Kwangmin- hey!:) You- hey!:) You gave him a hug! Kwangmin- you feeling better!? You- yea..:) Kwangmin- hey you know what we should do!? Youngmin caught up to you guys! He walked next to you! Youngmin- gee thanks Kwangmin for waiting for me! Kwangmin- any time!:) Youngmin- because you left I got stuck with the little brat! He looked back and so did you! It was hyunmin! Hyunmin squeezed between you and Kwangmin! Hyunmin- hello beautiful! You- hahah hey! Youngmin- woah haha Kwangmin looks like you have a little rival haha!:) Kwangmin- I have 2! You- 2?! Kwangmin- this brat and Taemin! You- ugh Kwangmin I like you not him silly!:) You poked his side! You kissed Kwangmin! Hyunmin was right in-between the two Of you so when you kissed he looked up and saw! Youngmin- hey An Min I have wanted to ask you something!? You- what is it!? Youngmin- does Cindy like me!? You- yes alot! Youngmin- okay thanks do you know where I can find her!? You- her house! Youngmin- okay later! Kwangmin- hold while you at it take Hyunmin home! Youngmin- fine! They both left now it was only you and Kwangmin! You sat on a bench and talked for hours! It was almost dark! Kwangmin- hey since it is dark let me walk you home! You- okay!:) Kwangmin- is there something bothering you!? You- um no!:) Kwangmin- I am your boyfriend you can tell me everything!:) You- okay.... I might be leaving! Kwangmin- what and you didn't tell me! You- I am sorry I didn't want to upset you! Kwangmin-............ So I am going to loose you! You- no Kwangmin that will never happen I will stay here I know That if it was you leaving you would stay for me! Kwangmin- of course I would and if I have to fly to the moon just to be with you I will! You hugged him tightly! He cupped your face and kissed you!:) You smiled and him!:) Kwangmin- you should get some rest!:) You- okay bye!:) He kissed your forehead and then went home!:)
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peterhan #1
Light story
Good story
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
123love456 #6
Awe! This is a cute story!(:
jo-twins0424 #7
Oka once i start it i will tell you the name thanks for reading!!:)
kaytbear3 #8
aww boo. o well. ill read your next one
jo-twins0424 #9
Yea!:( sorry