not worth it!

Cold hearted!

that afternoon you were in your living room watching a movie with taemin. he had his arm around you and you had yiur arms wrapped around his waist.


taemin- hey i will be right back okay?


you- okay.:)


taemin put his phone on the table then went to the restroom.


just a couple seconds later he gets a text from a girl named Allison.


you read the text.


text- hey meet me at the park tomorrow at 8. love you!:)


you- who is this?


just then he came out you quickly put the phone on the table and acted as if nothing had happened.


you- hey i think you should get going i dont want alex to get home and see you here so late.


taemin- yea your right its getting late.


he grabbed his phone and checked it and he smiled.


you- umm hey we should hang out tomorrow!


taemin- cant i have football and you have track.!


you-  oh right i totally forgot. well bye then:)


taemin- bye cutie see you at school tomorrow:)


you- bye!:)


he left then you went upstairs you were getting your uniform ready for school when you got a tex it was from and unknown number.


text- he is lying! what to do what to do! :)


you- somebody is just messing with my head!


you went to bed. the next morning you were in science sitting next to soyou, bora, cindy, and taemin! the girls were all queenkas just like you!:)


the bell rang and everbody headed to math class. but you headed to your locker to get a book. the hallway was deserted except for two guys that were talking. on of them was taemin the other was his friend named max.


taemin- how much?


max-  900 dollars!


taemin- not bad!


the guy named max was holding a check taemin reached for it but max pulled it back!


max- no its only been one year , it was supposed to be 1 year and 1 month. dont worry only 2 more weeks and the money is yours and the bet is over!


taemin- ugh but....


max- no buts it will soon be over!


taemin- fine! i cant wait to be done with this!


they both left! you were left standing in the hallway by yourself.


you- 1 year.. that how long we have been dating and only 2 more weeks and we will be dating for 1 year and 1 month. huummm bet?

oh well probably something else!


after school you were walking home when you spotted twon people under a tree kissing!


you- awe how cute i wish me and taemin could do that!:)


you then got closer .


you- ahh taemin!!


there kiss ended.


taemin- i love you allison!


allison- i love you too taemin!


they then started kissing again.


tears started rolling down your cheeks! it then started thundering and raining you ran to your house and whenyou got home you ran to your room and locked the door. you were sitting on the floor crying you were soaking wet.


you held the necklace he had once given you and ripped it off your neck. you opened the door to your balcony and threw it! you wiped your tears.


you- you are not worth it taemin, i hate you!






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peterhan #1
Light story
Good story
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
123love456 #6
Awe! This is a cute story!(:
jo-twins0424 #7
Oka once i start it i will tell you the name thanks for reading!!:)
kaytbear3 #8
aww boo. o well. ill read your next one
jo-twins0424 #9
Yea!:( sorry