4th chapter


4th Chapter.


Eric walked towards Dongwan’s room and opened it, he saw Andy sitting on a chair and walked towards him before he grabbed him by his arm and dragged him from the room and back into the living room where Minwoo was waiting for them.


“You could have just asked me to follow you” Andy mumbled as he rubbed his arm.

“Didn’t want to” Eric replied.

“Where does your father keep the USB?” Minwoo asked looking at Andy.

“Probably at home” Andy said looking at Minwoo now.

“Where?” Minwoo asked.

“In a save in his study room, and before you ask I don’t know the password and I don’t know where the save is. He never let me enter his study at home” Andy explained.


“That’s okay, Eric get me the blue prints of the house, Andy you will tell me what room the study room of your father is, and Hyesung… Eric get me Hyesung now” Minwoo said as he noticed Hyesung wasn’t with them. Eric walked back to Dongwan’s bedroom and grabbed Hyesung before he dragged him to the living room too.


“What?” Hyesung asked annoyed.

“I need you to buy me a new laptop, I’ll stay with Dongwan and Andy while the two of you are gone, and I’ll pay you back for it don’t worry about that” Minwoo said looking at Hyesung now.


“And that is why he needed to drag me out of the room? You could have just asked me to follow you” Hyesung mumbled glaring at Eric before he grabbed his shoes and coat and put them on waiting for Eric to do the same so they could leave.


“I already said the same” Andy mumbled and moved back to Dongwan’s bedroom.

“Hyesung let’s go then before I will drag you to the car” Eric said and walked towards the car with Hyesung following him silently cursing him behind his back. Minwoo smiled before he walked to the Dongwan’s bedroom too.


“Can I ask why you need that USB?” Andy asked looking at Minwoo.

“Sorry I can’t tell you now, maybe some other time” Minwoo mumbled and looked at Dongwan who sighed in relieve, and silently thanked Minwoo for not telling Andy.


With Junjin


Junjin was called into the boss’s office right after he had lunch and he had a strange feeling about it, he knocked on the door and entered the office after he heard a reply from his boss. Junjin closed the door after him and sat down on a chair while he looked at his boss waiting for him to start speaking.


“Junjin, I know you are the best guard we have but I need to fire you” He said looking at Junjin.

“What?” Junjin asked shocked.

“You had a chance to save my son and you didn’t” The boss explained.

“I’m sorry for not wanting to injure your son while trying to save him, as I told you before they guy who took Andy was just as tall as him so I didn’t dare to shoot” Junjin explained.


“It’s not an excuse, it’s just not doing the job you are supposed to do so by this you are fired. Please pack up your stuff and leaf every access passes and other stuff at the front desk, I want you out of this building in an hour” The boss explained.


Junjin stood up and left the office without saying anything, he walked to the locker room and cleared out his locker and grabbed every access pas he had before he left the locker room not looking back, as he walked past the front desk he threw the passes at the guards there before he left the building completely not looking back at all.


An hour later


Junjin was sitting in a bar now drinking soju shots, he took shots after shots and he was beginning to get drunk as he fished his phone out of his pocked and started to look at the pictures of him and Dongwan. The truth was that he and Dongwan liked each other and Junjin really wanted to confess his love to him but when he wanted to tell Dongwan, he found that Dongwan got fired the day before and didn’t tell him about it yet. Junjin sighed as he looked at Dongwan’s face, he missed the boy so much but he wouldn’t be in town until next week, so he decided to call him, he needed to talk to someone right now before he lost him mind.


‘Hello?’ Dongwan said.

“Hey, I need to tell you something” Junjin mumbled into his phone.

‘You don’t sound so good is everything okay?’ Dongwan asked worried.

“No everything is not okay, I wish you were here” Junjin mumbled.

‘You sound drunk, should I be worried?’ Dongwan asked worried.

“I’m okay I just had a few bottles of soju, I really miss you though” Junjin said.

‘I miss you too’ Dongwan said.

“I wish you were here” Junjin said again.

‘Me too’ Dongwan whispered.

“Can’t you just come here right now? I need you” Junjin said.

‘I will see what I can do, where are you?’ Dongwan asked.

“In our bar” Junjin mumbled.

‘Don’t do anything stupid okay’ Dongwan said before he disconnected the call.


With Dongwan


“Minwoo” Dongwan said as he looked at his phone.

“What is it?” Minwoo asked worried.

“I really need to go to him, can you drive me there?” Dongwan asked.

“Dongwan, I can’t leave him here alone, nor can I take him with me, plus if Hyesung finds out you are gone when he gets back, I don’t know what he will do” Minwoo said.


“I will promise that I will take it easy and that I will return safely and without him following me, I promise so please let me go” Dongwan pleaded with Minwoo.


“Call a cab and make it stop at the end of this street, I will walk with you to the cab, and I guess I will have to chain him to something so he won’t run or do something else” Minwoo said while looking at Dongwan and then to Andy.


“If I would have ran, I would have done it when you were not looking at me, I could have been gone so many times already yet I am still here” Andy mumbled more to himself then to the rest.


Dongwan nodded at the idea he quickly dialed the number for a cab company and asked for one and as Minwoo had instructed the cab would stop at the end of their street. As Dongwan was on the phone Minwoo turned to Andy and dragged him with him to his own bedroom again and placed him on his bed before he looked for something to tie him up with so he won’t run away from them.


“I won’t run away I will promise you that, would you please not tie me up?” Andy spoke.

“Sorry, if Eric and Hyesung comeback before I comeback and they see you walking around without anyone in the house I will get it from both of them, and they both have a short temper but when they have one together it’s no joke and people will get hurt by them then” Minwoo explained and found a rope tying Andy’s wrists to the headboard of the bed but also made sure he was in a comfortable position.


“I’m sorry” Minwoo said as he looked at  Andy.

“Hmm” Andy said.

“I’ll be back soon to untie you” Minwoo said and left Andy alone in his room.

“Minwoo, the cab will be there in 5 minutes” Dongwan said leaning on the doorway of his bedroom.

“Let’s go then, I feel bad for tying him up” Minwoo said and helped Dongwan walk to the end of the street where they waited for the cab to arrive. Dongwan sighed and looked up to the sky.


“What is it?” Minwoo asked.

“I’m just nervous, I hope he’s a little sobered up when I arrive” Dongwan said.

“What is he to you?” Minwoo asked confused as he looked at Dongwan.

“I don’t know, please don’t tell Hyesung I went out he will kill me when I get back” Dongwan said as he saw the cab arriving and stopping in front of him.


“I’ll tell him you are asleep and that you don’t want to be disturbed, just send me a message when you are on your way back, I just hope he won’t suspect anything” Minwoo said and helped Dongwan get into the cab.


“I’ll just take the blame on me then, I just don’t hope he will find out that he shot me” Dongwan said.

“Take it easy and if you suspect trouble then call me and I’ll pick you up okay” Minwoo said and saw Dongwan nod before he closed the door and let the cab drive off, he just hoped Dongwan will be fine after this, before he returned to their house so he could untie Andy.


With Hyesung and Eric


Hyesung and Eric where out doing the tasks for Minwoo, as they drove by a hospital they saw that there were a few police cars, and police officers checking everyone who entered the hospital for gunshot wounds in their leg.


“Now I am really glad you know some medical stuff” Eric said as they were away from the hospital.

“Me too, but I still have a weird feeling about something” Hyesung mumbled.

“About what?” Eric asked concerned.

“I’m sure it’s nothing serious but I have just this weird feeling something is going to happen to one of us” Hyesung explained looking out the window. Once they arrived at city hall Eric smiled at Hyesung and told him he will be back soon with the blue prints of the house. Hyesung nodded his head and grabbed his phone as he dialed Minwoo’s number.


‘Yes?’ Minwoo answered.

“How is everything there?” Hyesung asked.

‘Everything is fine, why?’ Minwoo asked.

“I have a bad feeling so just keep an eye out for trouble okay” Hyesung explained.

‘I will…. Damn Andy come here’ Minwoo said panicked.

“What is wrong? Minwoo answer me please” Hyesung said now frightened too.

‘Ugh the police just stopped right in front of the house, make sure you get me a new laptop and I’ll call you when I find a new place where we can stay’ Minwoo explained to Hyesung who was about to jump out of the car and run to their hideout.


“Minwoo” Hyesung said.

‘Don’t worry we will be fine, please don’t call us I will call you. Maybe you can go to a hotel? And I’ll try to find a place where they won’t find Andy or us’ Minwoo said before he ended the call and as Eric entered the car again.


“I was right” Hyesung mumbled.

“What? Did something happen?” Eric said placing the blueprints in the backseat as he looked at Hyesung who was close to breaking down, Eric placed a hand on his shoulder as he tried to calm him down.


“We can’t go home anymore, Minwoo advised us to go to a hotel until he contact us” Hyesung said.

“What happened?” Eric asked.

“I call Minwoo and in the middle of our conversation he said that the police stopped in front of the house, so he will now find a place to hide where it’s safe for us and Andy” Hyesung explained.


“Okay, let’s go buy that laptop now and then go to a hotel, maybe there is something on the news about it or maybe we can find something on the internet” Eric said and gave Hyesung a hug before he drove to a store where they could buy a good laptop and some other accessories for the laptop before they drove to a hotel and checked into a room.


With Minwoo


Minwoo grabbed Andy’s hand and quickly ran out of the back door of the house as he called Dongwan at the same time, he quickly ran to his garage box and opened it before he gave his phone to Andy as he got the car out of it and let Andy get in before he drove off and got his phone back.


“Did he answer the phone already?” Minwoo asked looking at Andy.

“Yes he did” Andy spoke.

“Dongwan” Minwoo said into the phone.

‘Yes? I am about to arrive is something wrong?’ Dongwan questioned.

“A little, Dongwan do you think you can find a place to stay for tonight? I think the police found us, Hyesung and Eric already know and won’t come back to the house, I have Andy with me and hope they won’t follow me” Minwoo explained to Dongwan.


‘Minwoo, the cops are here too and so is…..’ Minwoo heard Dongwan say before the call got disconnected. Minwoo hit the brakes and tried to call Dongwan back but the phone wasn’t answered. Minwoo was about to throw the phone through the car when Andy stopped him from doing so.


“This is the only phone we have, don’t destroy it please” Andy said and took the phone from Minwoo who looked at him shocked, he felt like crying right now and Andy saw but he only smiled and hugged him.


With Dongwan


Dongwan was taken from out the cab and was brought in front of Junjin who looked like he had sobered up with in the last 15 minutes, he looked at Junjin shocked but he only smiled at Dongwan.


“I’m glad you could come” Junjin said smiling at Dongwan as he took his hand and led him to his car and took away his phone and turned it off. Junjin opened the passenger side door of the car and let Dongwan get inside the car before he got in and drove off leaving Dongwan in shock and not knowing what would happen next.


Updated ^^

@Tezukai   Hyesung is their mommy xd       

@SPYelmo   Maybe, maybe not xd

What will happen with Hyesung and Eric?

Will Minwoo and Andy find a place to stay?

How did the police find them?

What will happen with Dongwan?

What is Junjin planning?

Read to find out (a)

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Last chapter will be done soon ^^


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Chapter 6: they will have a happy reunion in the end :D but first some sort of drama :P no road worth going is easy
NikeIsCraZy #2
Chapter 6: Omg I sense some otp's are on the way hehe!!!! :33
3 rooms, 5people (junjin's not tjere so u.u )
That means mindy and ricsung, moahaahaha!!! >:))
Chapter 5: I think andy and minwoo better make the best of the night and the room just in case the policecathches tthem in the morning... ;D
NikeIsCraZy #4
Chapter 5: Ricsung moment~! :3
And wanjin and mindy :3333
Luv the chapter can't wait for the next update!!! :)))
Chapter 4: That boss is a . Like seriously. From whose is he going to pull as good guard junjin
tmoneyhoney #6
Chapter 4: I'm sorry but I'm totally digging the Wanjin here like I'm all over it. Can we keep that going???...lol
Chapter 3: Junjin and dongwan were passionate lovers obviously >> XD
Chapter 3: Wow, that's a very extreme way of taking a break Andy :P
And Wanjin? I didn't even consider that!
They totally had something now you mentioned it :D
And poor Hyesung, every chapter he tries to help :D
And I never considered Jin with Wan, I thought Jin and Andy had something :P
Chapter 2: Thank you for the reply :D
And this is gonna be a problem now that Andy is someone special, not just any guard
And I can't wait to see what Andy will do, if he just, you know, stays
Chapter 1: This sounds really interesting :D
Really looking forward to the next chapter :D
And it's Mindy, wich is so rare :D