
Protecting You. [Hiatus]


“WHERE IS MIN AH?” one of them spoke, I watched as he stared at me, his nose flaring.

“Who are you?” I asked calmly.

“I’m Lee Joon and I demand to see Park Min Ah!”

“Who are you to her?” Doona asked stepping in front of me, “What do you need with her?”

“You girl get out of the way,” I watched as ‘Lee Joon’ grabbed Doona by the wrist and pulled her to the floor.

“Hyung don’t be so rough on the girl,” one of them ran over but before he could touch Doona she kicked Joon’s leg making him fall. Standing up she quickly grabbed Joon’s arm and twisted it behind his back.

“Just because I am a girl doesn’t mean you need to go easy on me,” Doona said her voice icy cold, she learnt well.

“What do you want?” I asked stepping up, a dark circled eyed boy walked up to me.

“We want Min Ah.”


“Because she is ours.”

“What do you mean?”

He looked at me up and down, “She’s one of us.”

“Excuse me?”

“We are her protectors,” a mustache man spoke up.

“No, you are not, we are,” Doona said letting go of the struggling Joon.

“SEUNGHO OPPA! BYUNGHEE OPPA! MIR! JOON OPPA! CHEONDOONG!” I turned to see Min Ah run down the stairs with Changmin behind her, he looked at us with a shrug.

“MINAHHH!” they all yelled crowding around Min Ah.

“How did you get here?”

“Rain hyung sent us from America,” Joon said smiling happily, they then turned towards us.

I eyed them and Doona started to loosen up, she turned to look at Min Ah, “Is it true that they are your protectors?”

She nodded her head, “They are under my cousin’s group, my cousin has a business like yours, but it is placed in America.”

“I see,” I turned around and moved towards the office room, the rest followed, “If they are your protectors we don’t need to protect you correct?”


I cut Donna off, “It means that I don’t have obligations with you, since you already have some people.”


“Yes, since she has us now, she doesn’t need you,” Joon said.

“Okay, then I guess this is established, let’s go,” I said looking at Changmin, “Order our men to start packing.”

“We are not leaving her,” I heard Doona speak looking straight into my eyes, “We are going to protect her.”

“Doona, she already has other people to protect.”

“We already signed a contract to protect her! I don’t want to break that contract nor do I want to leave Min Ah to these these guys. One of them couldn’t even fight me off! How are they going to protect her?!”


“You’re supposed to be prepared for everything and anything, don’t you know?” Doona said glaring at him, “They seem unprofessional, if anything happens to her you know how I will feel!”

I closed my eyes, “You know our policy if the person that we are protecting has other people willing to protect her we end the contract. We don’t work with other companies to protect one girl.”

Doona turned away from me and stared at Min Ah, “Who do you want to be your protector? Us or them?”

“Of course us,” Joon said smirking.

Min Ah looked at both parties and looked down, “I don’t know.”

“WHAT?!” Joon yelled, “You’re supposed to choose us unconditionally!”

“But oppa I’ve gotten quite fond of them...”

“I see,” I watched as Doona smirked, “Then if you can’t choose then we will have to test each other’s skills, whoever wins gets to protect her. Is that okay Oppa?”

I sighed, “If you insist, but I ain’t in this.” I watched as she nodded and looked at the others.

“WE’RE IN!” Seungho bellowed.


I stood outside as Doona gathered some of the guys, “You will be crushed under my hands,” she smiled.

“HAHAHA, yeah... RIGHT,” Joon said laughing loudly, “Let’s see you got a short man over the---”

“HEY WHO YOU CALLING SHORTY, FOOL,” Jay yelled moving towards the front but Doona held her arms out.  

“YEAH YOU SHORTAAAY!” Joon smirked, looking towards his friends, who shook their head.



I laughed, this kid was pretty hilarious! I sat down on the edge of the driveway beside Min Ah, even though there were a lot of us I still had to stay close to her.

“Children, children,” Doona said trying to hide her laughter, “When are we going to begin this fight?”

“Now?” Seungho spoke.

“Whose going to go first?” I asked, watching intently, I could recruit these people, if they would leave their other company that is.

“I will,” a very tall slender boy said.

“You’re name?” Minho asked.

“Cheon Doong,” he smiled.

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Great story! :)
m0zarts0nata-- #2
Update soon ^^
yay ! you updated ! please update soon ! i want some progress between jae and minah relationship
Finally they are making progress! XDD and the boys are fine too!!! LoL<br />
Jaejoong just face your feelings, no need to be embarrass lol<br />
Please update soon!
I'm so sorry guys! I will try my best to update tomorrow, after I finish my essay, which I will be finishing tonight, no matter what! <3
msmjjeje36 #6
agree with them update soon please!!!
update soon!<br />
ii hope everything will be alright!
It's getting more complicated! And Jaejoong and Min Ah are getting closer!!<br />
Please update soon!<br />
Pray for Japan!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
I hope the other two are FINE~!
i love the bad Jae! ^^ update soon ^^