
Room 143

Sunggyu woke up to a nice strawberry scent lingering in the air. He felt very warm despite the fact that it's snowy outside. He didn't want to open his eyes afraid that the warmness and the nice scent of strawberry will disappear.

He groaned as he remembered that today was Tuesday and he still needed to go to work. With a heavy sigh, Sunggyu helped himself out of bed. He stood up for a few second before his kissed the floor.

Urgh . Sunggyu cursed under his breath when he felt pain shot down his lower abdomen. He tried to stood up once more and this time, he screamed because the pain was too much to bear. He took a few steps to the bathroom, limping.

"Since when did I start sleeping ?" Not sure if Sunggyu was acting dumb or was simply dumb but he just realized that he was really . When he reached the bathroom, he was now really confused because the said place didn't look like the bathroom that he usually used everyday when he woke up in the morning or in the night when he came home from work.

Where am I actually?

Even after knowing that he has woke up in someone else's place, Sunggyu didn't seemed like he was bothered. It was just then when he felt something sticky in between his thigh. He touched that thing just to realize that it was a freaking .

What the actual hell?

Sunggyu swore to God that he did not jerk himself off last night. He tried remembering what actually happened but everything seemed so blurry and there was as if a black hole in his mind, which what preventing him from remembering things. He quickly took a shower to clean himself then sat on the toilet bowl, continuing his mission of remembering what happened last night.

okay, first i was walking home while drinking some beer. and then myungsoo called me and then i was running and and.... urgh i can't remember

It wasn't long after when he heard a knock on the bathroom door and a sound of someone yelling his name. Sunggyu was still in a dazed and didn't answer to the knock. Soon after, the knocks turned into bangs and he swore the person from the other site of the door even threatened to kill him if he didn't open the door. Sunggyu grabbed a freshly folded towel on the counter and wrapped it around his waist. He opened the door and a  stranger rushed past him then shutted the bathroom door in a split second. He sat himself on the bed and started thinking again.

I remember running somewhere to a hotel to meet Myungsoo because the guy said Myungsoo was drunk. And then I saw someone and .....

"Nam Woohyun open the door now!" Sunggyu was shouting so loud that he felt like going deaf himself.

"Wait a sec."

"Just ing open the door you er!" now his shouts are getting even louder

"Can you freaking shut up. I'm searching for a towel right now!"

"I don't care about you searching for a towel! All I care right now is you er to open the door!"

Soon after, the door opened with a very man standing on the door frame, narrowing his eyes.

"On second thought, you should search for a towel first. I'll wait for you on the bed." Sunggyu turned around to walk for the bed, face all flustered. He didn't expect for the man to stand there all , showing his very nice abs and his, well you know his very thick .

Sunggyu managed to find his shirt scattered all around the room before putting them on piece by piece. Then, Woohyun returned from the bathroom still in nothing but his towel hanging on his waist. Sunggyu looked straight into Woohyun's eyes and Woohyun knew it. Sunggyu was mad. No, to say that he was mad was an understatement. Sunggyu was beyond pissed.

Woohyun didn't understand. He couldn't believe the Sunggyu that was standing before him right now was the same Sunggyu that was shamelessly begging for a second round last night. This Sunggyu looked like he's gonna kill him any second by now. Afraid of having an eye contact, Woohyun avoided Sunggyu's gaze and stare at the floor, fingers all tangled. He was sure that he's gonna die just by staying under Sunggyu's intense stare.

Woohyun was still keeping his gaze down when he heard a soft sobs coming from the latter infront of him. He took his eyes off the floor and looked at Sunggyu. He wasn't sure why, but he didn't like seeing Sunggyu crying, especially because of him. He cupped both of Sunggyu's cheeks and looked straight into his eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" Woohyun's voice was so soft and full of worries. If Sunggyu wasn't sane, he was sure gonna fall for Woohyun's nice act.

"You cause me like this and now you're asking me why? ." Sunggyu barely answered and Woohyun almost couldn't hear what he said.

"I'm sorry okay? I was so last night."

"But why must me?" his voice soften and that almost break Woohyun's heart.

There was a long pause after that. Woohyun wasn't sure how to answer to his question. He couldn't possibly just blurt out saying that his little brother was the one who offered him to Woohyun. He also couldn't  simply say that Sunggyu was the ty one begging to be filled with Woohyun's big last night right? Woohyun thought for a while before answering.

"Okay now. How about we forget everything that happened last night. I'll forget bout you and vice versa, okay?"

This was hard even for Woohyun. Sunggyu was the best one-night stand he ever had. He even thought of asking for Sunggyu's number last night because, as crazy as it sounds, he wanted to make Sunggyu his . And now, forgetting everything that happened last night seemed to be next to impossible for Woohyun.

"You took my ity away and now you're asking me to forget everything?!" Sunggyu was now throwing everything he could possibly caught with his hands into Woohyun's direction. He was really pissed and sad not to mention his burning down there. And now this was just adding fuel to the fire.

"I know there might be a billion you have ed living their lives out there and I know last night was no difference than any of them but.." Sunggyu was crying again.

"Last night do have a difference." Woohyun said almost whispering, keeping his gaze down which cause Sunggyu to look at him, eyes sparkling with tears.

"What do you mean by that?" He looked so cute. Woohyun felt like squishing his cute cheeks but hold the urges in because he knew this was not the most suitable time to do so.

"Because I didn't wear any last night." Woohyun blurted out.


Woohyun closed his eyes expecting a slap across his cheek or maybe a punch in the stomach but nothing came. Not even a slight punch on his arm. He opened his eyes just to be greeted by a weak smile hanging on Sunggyu's tired face.

"You know what Woohyun?" Sunggyu turned around, obviously avoiding Woohyun's gaze.

"I once promised myself to marry whoever my first is but now that i think abut it, it seems impossible." Sunggyu chuckled as if he just said something funny.

Woohyun felt guilt gnawing at his stomach. It was a if he had murdered someone out of purpose and the person's family didn't want to blame him even after knowing everything. Which in fact, made Woohyun felt even more guiltier.

"I guess I shall get going now." Sunggyu walked for the door before stopping the moment his hands touched the doorknob.

"Let's just pretend nothing happened between us okay? Like what you suggested."

Woohyun watched as Sunggyu's back disappear from his sight.

"Kim Sunggyu, you're so complicated. I hate you."







Woohyun walked to his front door when he heard his door bell rang. He opened the door and standing there was Myungsoo with his hands full of plastic bags, which he figured to be groceries.

"Yo. Whats up, Nam?"

"Shut up you Kim." Seriously, Woohyun wasn't in the mood to deal with Myungsoo right now. He's having a headache and what happened between him and Sunggyu this morning didn't help at all.

"Is this about my brother?" Myungsoo smirked.

" you, Kim"

"Oh well, you ed a Kim last night." Woohyun gave him a glare causing Myungsoo to give him an okay-I'm-sorry look, afraid of what Woohyun will do if he went any further with his teasings.

"So what happened last night?"

"Why don't you ask your brother instead?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for two weeks already." Myungsoo shrugged.

"I thought you guys live together?" Woohyun said uninterested.

"Nope" Myungsoo walked to the kitchen and put the groceries on the table. He took a glass and pour plain water from a jar at the corner of the island.

"What brought you here anyways? And don't tell me its because of these groceries. I'm sure there's something else you want to know." Woohyun said as he peeked a look into the bunch of plastic bags that Myungsoo brought just now.

"I took a leave today and you know the reason"

"You really wanna know what happened last night right?" Myungsoo nodded and Woohyun sighed as his shoulder fell. It wasn't the first time Myungsoo took a leave for the most stupid reason ever and he's used to that. Like really used to that. 

Woohyun sat himself on the couch at the living room and offered Myungsoo to sit beside him. Myungsoo eagerly took his offer and literally jumped onto the couch.

"First of all, Kim. Why didn't you tell me he's a ?"

"Simple, because you never asked." Myungsoo grinned innocently as if he never just offered his brother to Woohyun for him to .

"Seriously, Kim?" Woohyun asked, dumfounded. He knew it from the beginning that Myungsoo was dumb but never once did it crossed his mind that Myungsoo was this dumb.

"Relax, Nam. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I'm sure he snapped on you this morning right?" Woohyun nodded.

"He'll be okay. He'll forget everything by tomorrow, believe me."

"Why are you so sure?" Woohyun asked, still not believing that his friend is an idiot.

"It's because I'm his brother."

"If you say so." Woohyun shrugged. Eyes filled with worries.

There was a short silence after. Myungsoo knew it very well that Woohyun wasn't in a good mood.

"I've bought you some strawberries" Myungsoo stated.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Woohyun yelled and ran to the kitchen almost immediately to grab his beloved strawberries.

Myungsoo just chuckled at how cute his friend can be sometimes. Honestly, Myungsoo himself was worried about how will Sunggyu react if he knew that Myungsoo was the one who suggest him to Woohyun but decided to keep it to himself, not wanting Woohyun to become more worried than he already was.

He sighed and close his eyes, trying to clear his mind. Soon after, Myungsoo fall asleep with  Woohyun watching tv besides him while eating his strawberries.




a/n: Comment are appreciated because they give me strength.

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!