
Room 143

Sungyeol shifted on his bed for the nth time that night, trying to hit some sleep.
The night was already old, and the cold weather didn't help at all. His heater broke this morning and Sungyeol didn't have enough money just yet to fix it.
He tried blaming both the heater and the weather for him to can't fall asleep but in the end, the reason was the absolute different. 
Since morning, he couldn't think of anything else but Woohyun. It's not that he liked him or anything, it's just that he couldn't believe that a guy like him existed. Helping a random guy that people thought was crazy on the street, treated him coffee, scolding him for wearing thin clothes in this weather and even gave Sungyeol his jacket.

"We've just met, so why be so nice?" Sungyeol said as he look at the business card Woohyun had gave him in the morning.

So he works at a hotel 

Taking his phone from the nightstand, Sungyeol typed in the number in the card before saving it as Woo. Then like his other usual nights, he curled into a ball and started to cry with his head buried in the crook of his knee. He didn't know the reason himself for crying, it's just something he always did before sleeping. He cried so much that he felt it had become a habit. A habit that's probably will stay forever as a habit. Like a year ago, yesterday and probably tomorrow, he felt asleep along with his never ending tears. 



"I told you I don't wanna go!!"
Woohyun pretend to not hear and continued driving. He purposely sing along with the song on the radio out loud.
"Woohyun! If you don't stop the car now, I'm gonna jump out of the car!" He threatened but was still ignored by Woohyun.
"I'm not kidding." Sunggyu said with a serious tone, his hand ready to open the door.
Woohyun gave him a look before pulling into a stop at the roadside. Sunggyu waited no time and went out of the car. Woohyun didn't catch him up though, in fact he just sit there humming along to the song on the radio.
"1." Woohyun counted.
"3. Now"
"Nam Woohyun! Send me home now!" Sunggyu's head poke cutely from out of the car and pout slightly.
"Come on get in." Woohyun said with his oh so sweet smile.
"I won't get in if you don't promise to send me home. And by home, I mean my home and not your home." He stressed the word home, and folded his hands angrily trying to appear mad. Woohyun thought that was cute. He decided to tease Sunggyu more.
"Then don't get in because I'm not gonna send you home. Go find a taxi or something."
"Oh okay fine!"
"Yeah right as if you're brave enough to go by taxi this late at night." Woohyun rolled his eyes
Sunggyu pouted, giving Woohyun a nice view of his lower lips. It's true though that he's scared to go by taxi this late at night. Hell no, he's scared to use taxi even in the daylight. He wasn't like this before, feeling paranoid over everything. He didn't know why, maybe because he's scared that something might happen to their baby.


I mean my baby

He glanced over Woohyun in the car, who was looking at him with a victorious look. He sighed before getting inside the car, already tired of fighting with Woohyun.
"Good boy." He patted Sunggyu's head softly before giving him his signature smile.

"Promise me you'll send me to work tomorrow okay?" Sunggyu said tiredly.
Woohyun placed his hand on top of Sunggyu's and nodded softly. He then continued driving with his one hand still on Sunggyu's.

It wasn't long till they arrived at Woohyun's driveway with a sulking Sunggyu on the passenger seat. 
He wanted to drink some Soju but Woohyun didn't allow him to do so, considering him still in his early pregnancy. Woohyun walked out first before helping Sunggyu out of the car. 
"We're here, my princess."
"Princess my ." Sunggyu said while stomping his feet to the door.
Woohyun ran before opening the door for Sunggyu. 

"Is this your house? You live here all the time?" Sunggyu asked almost too excitedly while Woohyun was searching for the key inside of his pocket to which Woohyun answered with small but clear hum.

"But why do you choose a beach house? Do you like beach too?" 

He could see a clear view of the beach from the moment he step his feet into the house. The sliding glass doors lead to a nice covered deck to enjoy the beautiful view of sunset and bay. He could even hear the sound of waves crashing to the singing of birds surrounded by the lush local surroundings complimented by beautiul flowers. Whilst, the house itself  had an elegant blend of contemporary and classic architecture furnishings.
For a moment, Sunggyu felt self-conscious over the furnitures in Woohyun's house. It felt like he didn't suit to even step his feet into this house let alone sleep over, like what Woohyun wanted him to.
Woohyun fake a cough, waking Sunggyu from his dream. He closed his mouth that he didn't remember opening and act like usual, as if he didn't just drool over what he saw inside this house.

"Yeah, I really like beach. I t makes me feel calm."

Woohyun chuckled before shaking his head slowly, making Sunggyu felt slightly stupid.
"Shut up, you idiot!" Sunggyu said. 
"Show me my room. I'm tired, I need my beauty sleep." Sunggyu said again, trying to sound cool.
"Your Highness." Woohyun took his hand and lead him upstairs to which Sunggyu assumed was where his room was.
"This is your room, Your Highness." The moment he opened the door to his room, Sunggyu was caught in awe yet again for the second time that night. 
His room was just simply beautiful. Like the living room downstairs, this room had sliding glass doors, which could make him see the view outside clearly. The bed was placed in the middle of the room, facing the beautiful beach. 

He couldn't believe that he was gonna sleep to the beautiful sound of waves tonight and going to wake up to a nice smell of the ocean tomorrow morning. He felt like crying, really. He was a big fan of beach. He loved going to the beach, it's just that he rarely do that because of his busy life. The last time he went was with Myungsoo, when they tried to talk things off about a misunderstanding, which unfortunately didn't really go well. Which well, lead to their relationship now. Not fighting nor do they were close.

Woohyun stood there awkwardly before asking
"Sunggyu? Are you okay?"
Sunggyu wiped away the tears on his cheek before assuring Woohyun that he was fine.
"Are you sure? You don't seem fine though. Do you not like this room? You can sleep in my room if you like and I can sleep here."
"No, it's okay. I like it here."
Sunggyu sat himself on the bed before bouncing up and down like a little kid. He started to laugh hysterically, scaring Woohyun for his action.
"What's so funny?" Woohyun seated himself beside Sunggyu and hold him down to stop him from bouncing.
"I don't know."
Woohyun moved forward to place a small kiss on Sunggyu's cheek, making Sunggyu blush.
"Sure then. My room will be next to yours. Just call me if you need anything. Sleep well, your highness." Woohyun stood up to walk to his room before he felt a pair of small hands hugging him from behind. He put his hands on top of Sunggyu's and smiled to himself. From behind, he could hear Sunggyu trying to hold back his sob, but Woohyun knew better.
"I can sleep here with you if you're scared to sleep alone." He tilted his head slightly to look at Sunggyu.
"I'm not scared, you idiot!"
"Then why are you hugging me?"
Sunggyu didn't answer. Being the short one he was, he put his head on Woohyun's shoulder before snuggling into Woohyun's neck, sending shivers down Woohyun's spine.
Don't talk don't talk don't talk
"You smell nice, Hyun."
Woohyun answered with a small hum, too engrossed into the feeling of Sunggyu's soft lips on his neck.
Damn, he's doing this on purpose
"Hyun, answer me."
Woohyun turned around before holding Sunggyu's face on his hands. Woohyun slowly leaned forward, nose touching and eyes staring into each other. After all those nights Woohyun came to Sunggyu's workplace, after all the ignores he received from Sunggyu, he couldn't wait another moment. Grabbing Sunggyu's shirt, he moved up to the last half inch so their lips could touch. Softly. Lovingly. They breathed their souls into the kiss. The kiss was hard but soft, fiery but cool, matching the cold night sky, giving Sunggyu a chill and somehow making him felt safe and protected. Sunggyu shutted his eyes, wanting to feel more from Woohyun. He new Woohyun was good kisser since the night at the hotel, and now he wanted to know how skilled the latter really was.

And then the door to Sunggyu's room slammed open. It in opened in the middle of a kiss
"Oh my god, you're kissing my brother!"
They stopped kissing almost immediately, probably faster than the speed of light upon hearing Myungsoo's voice. Soon after,Woohyun walked to the living dragging Myungsoo along by his arm and kept on squeezing it, making him yelp in pain.

"Explain to why the did you interrupt my moment with Sunggyu." Woohyun demanded.
"No, you explain. Why did you kiss him?" Myungsoo said while folding his arm. Myungsoo wasn't mad, he just wated to tease Woohyun.
"That's none of your business."
"In case you forgot, Sunggyu is my brother. My brother, my business."
Woohyun gave him a disgusted look
"Don't try to act all protective over your brother. I'm not stupid! I know you guys haven't been talking or probably have not met each other since forever." Woohyun stated harshly, boiling the hidden anger inside of Myungsoo's self.
"You probably made him had with other guys before, like how you make him do to me." 
Wow you seriously said that Nam
Myungsoo grabbed Woohyun by his collar before punching him right in the jaw.
"You listen here Nam, you can insult me all you want, but never!"
Myungsoo leaned closer, so close till Woohyun could feel his hot breath which scared Woohyun a lot.
"Never ever call my brother a !" He was about to throw another punch into Woohyun's pretty face, but stopped halfway. Woohyun was still his friend after all. He walked out of the house angrily, not forgetting to slam the door shut.

Damn he seriously threw a good punch




a/n: That was short hmm. I'm sorry but as always, comments? hehe

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!