
Room 143

"I don't do pregnant people."

Sunggyu's eyes widen and for a second, he lost his source of air. He turned to face Woohyun looking like he just saw a ghost. A very scary one.

"How... did you know?"

Woohyun just stayed silence. He had this terrified look in his face which Sunggyu couldn't figure out why. Maybe Woohyun was there when he bought the pregnancy kit at the pharmacy? Or maybe he stalked him?

"No! I didn't stalk you!" Woohyun said and covered his mouth immedietly after.

"How?"  Can he read people's mind or something?

"Don't get me wrong. I can't read people's mind. I just.." Sunggyu narrowed his eyes waiting Woohyun to continue.

"I just.."

"Just in say it already!" Sunggyu was half yelling, leaving Woohyun frozen.

Woohyun hung his head low, whispering softly with his eyes glued on his tangled fingers. A habit of him whenever he's nervous or scared.

"I'm not sure myself but I just guessed based on how you throw up the other day." He looked up, scratching his neck awkwardly and that was when he saw tears on Sunggyu's cheeks.

No, he didn't sob, he have this stern expression. He didn't make any sound. He just stand there, expressionless with tears slowly flow out of his eyes.

So he wasn't sure and just guessed it.

"Hey did I say something wrong?" resting his hand oh Sunggyu's shoulder, asking with eyes full of concern.

"You didn't say anything wrong." said Sunggyu, wiping his tears away.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because you did it wrong, you ! Why the didn't you use !"

Wow this man sure is a bipolar

"I told you before. It was because I was too and you being too y didn't help at all."

Woohyun didn't even get to breath after done talking as Sunggyu suddenly cupped both of his cheeks and connected their lips together. Sunggyu pressed himself harder onto Woohyun, giving him no space to breath.

Being the shocked one he was, Woohyun didn't respond to the kiss and just stand there with his hands hanging awkwardly in the air, not sure whether to wrap them on Sunggyu's waist or hold the back of his head. He just didn't know.

He didn't expect to get a sudden kiss from Sunggyu. No, he didn't even expect for Sunggyu to talk to him and now kiss? Sunggyu was kissing him?

It took a while for Woohyun to get back into reality. Sunggyu wrapped his hands around Woohyun's neck, pressing his body closer to Woohyun's and kissing him rather forcefully and somehow cutely, yet Woohyun liked it. He liked the way Sunggyu impatiently kissed him wanting him to respond. But no, he's not gonna do that anytime soon. He was curious on what Sunggyu was going to do next so he intended to stay still, while Sunggyu immersed himself into the kiss.

It was then when Woohyun was about to deepen the kiss, Sunggyu broke it without warning, open his apartment door then slammed it right on Woohyun's face, leaving him dumbfounded.

"What even?!" Woohyun was speechless. He seriously didn't know what's wrong with that guy. One moment he was being all angry and enraged then the next moment he's crying. The next seond Woohyun blinked , Sunggyu already broke the kiss and leave him all alone in this place.

Woohyun didn't know what to do next. The war between whether or not he should be knocking on Sunggyu's door and apologize over something that he didn't know what or just leave, rages onwards. In the end, he just leave and called Myungsoo once he'd arrived home. He asked a few things about Sunggyu like how he usually behave, is he usually that bipolar, what he liked to eat and such.

He did get all the answers but the problem is that, he got teased by Myungsoo on how obsessed Woohyun was with his brother. He denied it, yelling cursed words to the phone and hung up quickly.

No, he's not obsessed. He's just being responsible. I mean it was his fault really when he ed Sunggyu without using protection. So, he's not obsessed right? He's just kind and generous enough to help people in need like Sunggyu, right?

That night Woohyun can't sleep. He tried to count how many sheeps there were in a picture Myungsoo sent him before on KaTalk (there was exactly 78) and he even did some simple exercises to make himself feel sleepy but none of them actually help. Woohyun just lay there, hoping to hit some sleep before sun rises.




Sunggyu shut the door hard, after  leaving Woohyun outside. He didn't have a solid reason for kissing Woohyun, he just did what his body led him to do.

Screw hormones

Sunggyu changed into pajamas, though it's still way to early to go to sleep (well, it's 6 pm now) and didn't even bother to clean up. He's feeling really tired though he did nothing at all today except for sleeping in class then took a bus ride home.

Sunggyu lay in bed for hours already, keeping his eyes glued on the white ceiling, thinking about absolute nothing. He was tired but no matter how many times he tried, his eyes was still stubborn enough to shut down. In the end he ordered two boxes of pizza because he's too hungry. After eating them alone in his living room while watching TV, Sunggyu fell asleep on the couch, curling.



Sun just practically rise as Myungsoo's phone went off with TroubleMaker's Now as the ringtone. He didn't answer but snuggled himself deeper into Sungjong's soft hair.

It was probably the fifth times his phone rang and the same amount of time he ignored the call when Sungjong asked him to just answer giving his phone was too loud and that he wanted to sleep more as an excuse. And so, he answered his phone all because of his sweet boyfriend.

"Why the hell are you calling me this early, Nam Woohyun?" Woohyun cringed as he heard his full name being mentioned by Myungsoo. Myungsoo only called him with his full name whenever he's mad, no other time.

"Where does Sunggyu work?"

"How do you even know that he work?" Myungsoo asked back while he caressed Sungjong's hair carefully not to wake the younger, with his eyes half closed, still sleepy. He wondered if Sungjong changed his shampoo becauseit smells different. Something more like feminine. God, Myungsoo just loved Sungjong's hair no matter what smell it had.

"You told me last night."

"I did?"

"Yeah. You said he work part time."

"Oh. He work at a cafe."

"Which cafe? Where? What time does he usually go to work?"

"I'll text you the address later. I'm going back to sleep bye." Myungsoo almost hang up when he heard a shout from the other line.

"No! Myungsoo wait!"

"What now?!" Okay, Myungsoo was mad. Why would Woohyun call him this early and disturbed his sleep anyway. His tiredness from his hot session with Sungjong last night still haven't cool down yet and now he needed to deal with this Woohyun.

"Calm down bro! I'm just asking what time does he usually go to work?"

"4 pm if he has morning class and 8 am if he has afternoon class." then he hang up. Woohyun nodded, smilling as he mentally thanked Myungsoo.

So he still studies




He stared into the space as he sit on the swing slowly swinging it back and forth. The night was really cold as it's the winter season. It wasn't snowing but the white snows on the ground and the cold night air were more than enough to make him almost freeze to death.

Sungyeol closed his eyes tightly, allowing his tears to flow. He had been crying over the same reason every night, almost every time he sit on this very swing.

The swing, this whole playground reminded him of someone. Memories, sweet and sour, everything. Sungyeol was tired of crying. He was tired of pretending to be a loud and cheerful Lee Sungyeol but a gloomy and crybaby Lee Sungyeol in the night. He was tired of himself.

He smiled bitterly as the memories of their first meeting flooded his mind.

"Hi? What's your name?" the little boy with a black shorts asked him with his eyes blinking cutely.

"None of your business" Sungyeol answered coldly and continued his attempt to swing faster, yet he failed.

"May I help you?" Sungyeol's eyes widen in happiness and flipped his long bangs slightly, giving him a better view of the boy.

"Really?!" The boy nodded and gave him a warm smile.

"Thank you so much! You're my hero!" Sungyeol shouted excitedly and motioned for the boy to do it quickly.

"I.. I'm not a hero." The little boy blushed and looked away shyly after being called hero.

"Yes you are! You wanted to help me swing so you are my hero! You are my Captain America!"

"But, I don't like him." The boy pouted looking like he's about to cry. It made Sungyeol felt guilty and afraid if he hurted the other.

"Okay okay you're not Captain America. You're my superman. Now don't cry okay?" Sungyeol said and patted the other's head like how his mother always did whan he's crying or sulking.

"I'm a Superman?"

"Yes. Now help me with this."

The boy taught him how to swing better as he announced to Sungyeol that he was the best swing player in the world. Sungyeol bluntly believed him. Sungyeol introduced himself. His name, his parents' name, his puppy and also bowed 90 degrees like how his mother taught him. He told the boy about himself. About how he always got scolded by his mom for stealing his classmates' lolipops everyday in the kindergarten. About how he was called "giant" for being too big in height compared to his other classmates and about how he was being outcasted and had no friend because of the same reason.

The boy listened to Sungyeol's every word, calling Sungyeol's classmates jerks for treating Sungyeol like that. He hugged him now and then telling Sungyeol that he was willing to be his friend. He received a high pitch screamed from Sungyeol in respond saying things about how happy he was to finally have a friend.

They talked and played for quite a while in the playground until another boy who looked older then them approached the boys with his hands on his hips. He was using a school uniform. His shirt was neatly tugged in his pants and he wore a small name tag on his upper left site of his uniform. "Kim....sung...gyu" Sungyeol tried to read his name and smile widely when he succeed. He's so gonna tell him mother about this.

He had a caramel coloured hair and his eyes lookes scary despite them being small.

"Mom told you to not leave the house untill we both come home. Why aren't you listening!"

Sungyeol already had tears in his eyes, threatening to fall down as he was not used to get yelled at. Sure, the boy wasn't yelling at him but it was his friend -one and only friend- that got scolded. How can he not cry?

Sungyeol started to cry very loudly, gaining attentions from parents who were accompanying their children playing in the playground. Sunggyu started to get panic as he was not used to deal with crying kids. His little brother never really cry, if he does he will only sob softly and will get calmed by their mother. But this crying boy infront of him was different, he was literally weeping and seriously, he looked like a mess.

Sunggyu walked forward and hold Sungyeol's hand. "Hey why are you crying?" He awkwardly asked. They boy didn't answer immediately as he was still sobbing, and it was hard for him to talk at that moment.

"Because you yell at my superman."

"Who's your superman?" Sunggyu narrowing his eyes in confusion. Sungyeol pointed to his little brother and use the other hand to wipe his tears.

Thank God, you stop crying.

Sunggyu looked over to his blushing brother who purposely looked away.


"I'm sorry for yelling at your superman but I need to bring him home now before our mother comes home. Is that okay with you?" said Sunggyu

"But who's gonna play with Sungyeol?"


"You should go home too. It's getting late now. Your mom must be worried." Sunggyu pinch the boy's chubby cheek because he was too cute.

"But Sungyeol don't wanna worry mom." he looked up to Sunggyu with his twinkling eyes.

So his name is Sungyeol.

"Then go home okay?"

"But Sungyeol still wants to play with superman."

"You guys can play tomorrow. For now, you need to go home."

"Pinky promise?"

"Yup, pinky promise." Sungyeol grabbed his small backpack and ran to the opposite site of where the were playing just now. Just before Sunggyu could turn around and go home, he heard a shout from Sungyeol.

"Superman! I'll wait you here tomorrow! Bye bye!"




"A cup of caramel macchiato and another cup of espresso con panna please."

"Your name?"

"Nam Woohyun."

"Please take a sit. I'll call you in a short while when your order is done." Woohyun sat on the back corner of the cafe, far enough from the counter where Sunggyu takes order yet the most suitable place to stare at him without him noticing. He looked through his phones while waiting for his order. Woohyun was scrolling on twitter timeline when Sunggyu called his name.

 Woohyun hand Sunggyu a few dollar notes and tapped his hands nervously on the counter waiting for Sunggyu to give him the change.

"Here, sir. Enjoy your drinks." Sunggyu smiled at him and Woohyun could have sworn that he saw nothing at that moment except for Sunggyu and pink flowers floating in the air as the background.

He have never seen Sunggyu smile. Though Woohyun knew that the smile he received was fake, still it didn't change the fact that he looked angelic and beautiful even when forcing a smile.

Woohyun felt a hard slap across his arm.

"Ouch!" Woohyun groaned and looked at Sunggyu weirdly.

"What was that for?" Woohyun rubbed his arm, trying to sooth the burning feeling away.

"For staring at me." Sunggyu stated.

"Staring? What? Ew I didn't stare at you!" Woohyun staring at Sunggyu? Woohyun? He found himself rather funny because no matter how much he tried to deny it in front of Sunggyu, he did stare at Sunggyu just now and Sunggyu clearly saw it.

"Whatever you say. Just go sit somewhere else. Don't stand here and disturb me doing my work."

"That's rude to say to a customer." Woohyun gave him a pout that made Sunggyu feel kind of disgusted.

How old is he seriously?

Sunggyu rolled his eyes and Woohyun pouted his lips even more.

"I'll just get going." Woohyun walked out of the with a cup of coffee in his hand.

A cup only?

Sunggyu realized that Woohyun didn't bring his other cup of coffee along with him and left it on the counter.

Why didn't he bring this too

He stared at the cup for a while. There was a sticky note on top of the cup saying

don't overwork yourself

Sunggyu smiled upon reading the note. It was only one small sentence but Sunggyu can see the sincerities in it.

He really like to put sticky notes, isn't he?




Since that day, Woohyun had been coming to the cafe everyday. He always come as the first customer everytime Sunggyu do a morning shift and as the last customer when Sunggyu do night shifts.

They didn't really talked except for him asking what Woohyun wanted to order (though he already knew) and Woohyun thanking him or whatsoever. 

It was a Thursday on February today and Sunggyu was already two months pregnant. It has also been one month since Woohyun guessed that he was pregnant. Exactly three weeks since Woohyun kept on coming to this cafe, not uttering a single word. He just came over to buy two cup of coffees. One for Sunggyu and one for himself. Sunggyu's cups of coffees always came along with and gave different colored sticky notes with difference words written on them everyday.

Drink well

I'll order something else tomorrow.

Eat this beef too. I bought them for you.

The weather is cold outside. Wear thick clothes. 

Take care of your baby.

Sunggyu wasn't exactly sure why, but he felt sad when Woohyun asked him to take care of his baby. Its not his baby, its their baby. Maybe he don't want this baby? What did the baby did wrong till his father don't want to call it as his?

It's true that they never really shared a conversation, but Sunggyu still thought he should have write our baby, not your baby.

"Your father should die." Sunggyu muttered to himself and rubbed his palm on his belly. He's having a night shift today and it's already late. It's already about time for the cafe to close and yet Woohyun haven't come to get his coffee.

Sunggyu was worried. He didn't know since when he had grown attached to Woohyun and he didn't want to know either. His other colleagues already went home as their shift had already ended. Sunggyu was the only one left in the cafe waiting for Woohyun to come.

2 hours passed and he still saw no signs of Woohyun. He already made two cups of what Woohyun usually ordered an hour before and Sunggyu was sure the coffees were already cold.

Why did I even wait for him.

Angrily, Sunggyu put on his layers of jacket, turn off all the electrical appliances and locked the cafe door after. Sunggyu purposedly walked home really slowly, in case he bump into Woohyun on his way home.

His guessed was right. He wasn't that far from the cafe when he saw Woohyun's car speed past him and stop right in front of the cafe. Woohyun came out of the car and ran towards the cafe's door just to see a "Closed" sign on the door. He looked so frusrated and Sunggyu was sure he heard Woohyun screamed something  about being late  to no one in particular. 

The night was cold but he couldn't feel it due to his burning heart. He was mad at himself for being late. He was mad at himself for not buying Sunggyu coffee today. Above all, he was mad at himself for being too and ended up ing some random girl in the bar and miss his chance of meeting Sunggyu. Truthfully, it was Sunggyu who made him like this; a bastard. It was Sunggyu who turned him into a total obsessor.

Woohyun kicked a rock on the floor, letting out all his of his frustration. He was missing Sunggyu so much. Sure, he can still meet Sunggyu tomorrow but for him, a day without seing Sunggyu making coffee for him is a day without breathing. His feet hurt from kicking rock. He limped over to his car, feet still hurting.

Woohyun's car was dark inside, he barely can see anything. He turned the engine on and was about to drive home when he heard a groan from the passenger seat. Woohyun freezed for a second, thinking about the one who was sitting besides him could possibly be a ghost or maybe a monster. Woohyun shut his eyes, already giving up with his life, so it won't hurt if the monster would want to eat him alive.

"Argh!" There was another groan and Woohyun heard his name being called and something like word help being mentioned.

Why is this monster asking for my help?

He slowly peeked from the corner of his eyes and saw an outline of a human face, thanks to the help of street lights.


When did he even get in my car?

Then there was another loud groan coming from Sunggyu. Sunggyu was clutching his stomach tightly with his right hands. His left hands grabbed Woohyun's arm tightly and a pain expression can be seen on his face.

"Oh my God, Sunggyu what happened to you?" Sunggyu is worrying him so much right now.

"Woohyun.. it hurts.." His voice was so soft, Woohyun wasn't sure if Sunggyu even said anything just now.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm very fine. Thank you for your concern." Sunggyu said in a sarcastic tone.

"No, you idiot! Bring me to hospital now!" Sunggyu half yelled to him, still trying his best to not cry due to the pain.

"Okay, just be patient okay? I'm gonna drive real fast so hold onto me if you feel scared."

Woohyun wasn't kidding when he said he's gonna drive real fast. He was literally speeding up in the speed of light. He also speed when the traffic light was red, because that's just  how desperate he was to arrive in hospital on time.

He won't ever forgive himself if anything happened to Sunggyu and their baby, especially now when Sunggyu didn't know about his feelings yet.

Please, please be safe, Sunggyu.





a/n: I love comments so much ((but i love my subsribers more)). Comments encouraged me to update more. /winks/


p/s: I edited the Sungyeol part

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!