Chapter 9

Room 143

Along the hallway of the apartment, he scrambled breathless. He hold his chest as he inhaled the air slowly with much difficulty. He had to climb up seven floors of stairs to reach here all because of the stupid broken elevator and that caused him to curse for an up-tenth number of times that night alone. Sunggyu, covered in nothing but a pair of lose sweatpants and washed thin blue shirt, slowly lowered himself onto the ground and took a sit as he slide down the door. Tiredly, Sunggyu knocked.



"Coming!" he heard a shout from the other side of the door.

The door slid open and Sunggyu who was leaning against the door sitting, stumbled out of shock and fell to his back onto the floor.

"What the , Myungsoo?!" yelled Sunggyu

"It isn't my fault that you didn't back out when I was about to open it."

"It is! You could have warned me!" he stood up and walked pass Myungsoo not before hitting him at the back of his head. Idiot he mumbled

Myungsoo hissed in pain. He was not in the mood for some silly fight so he just let Sunggyu slide this one time. Just this one time.

"Help yourself. I'm going to sleep." Myungsoo said indifferently and walked back to his room to catch up his interrupted beauty sleep. He received a silent hum from his brother. However, Myungsoo was not one heartless person. Soon after, he came back to the living room where Sunggyu was. Sunggyu was pretending to watch television but his eyes was obviously unfocused. He handed two pillows and a blanket to Sunggyu and was about to leave before he heard his brother saying something.

"You don't have to fight with him because of me." It was a very small and soft whisper but suprisingly he could hear it clearly. Maybe because it's night time and it was very quite here in his apartment or maybe, just maybe he was expecting Sunggyu to talk about this matter. He knew all along that Sunggyu wasn't as clueless as how he played to be.

"Make up with him. Don't worry, I can handle this myself." Sunggyu said again, this time louder than before.

Myungsoo scoffed "I'm anything but worried about you." He left Sunggyu alone in the living room and went straight back to his bedroom, not forgetting to slam the door shut purposely loud.

That night, none of the two actually got much sleep that they most needed. Myungsoo didn't sleep a blink while Sunggyu kept waking up every once in a while. In the morning, nevertheless, Sunggyu got up early and went to the kitchen the first thing to make some food. He looked through-roughly into the cupboard, fridge and basically everywhere around the kitchen but still found nothing that is worth to cook. Feeling a tiny bit responsible to feed both his brother and the growing fetus inside him, Sunggyu went to bathroom to wash up before putting on the same shirt and sweatpants that he wore for the night. He grabbed Myungsoo's coat that he found in the laundry room and leave for the door to buy some breakfast.

Sunggyu came back an hour later, both hands full of plastic bags containing packed breakfast that he bought across the street. He was greeted by a sight of Myungsoo putting on his shoes near the entrance door.

"You're going out? Isn't it too early?" Sunggyu asked as he handed him one of the many plastic bags in his hands.

"Eat that on your way down. The elevator hasn't been fixed yet." He demanded. Myungsoo only gave him an okay. Sunggyu patted him on his back before walking pass him.

"I'm going to be home at 4 tonight." Myungsoo said, trying so hard to sound cool which ended up awkward in Sunggyu's ears. He then left the house quickly.

Myungsoo, who looked strong on the outside was actually just a softie that's forced to grow up, to be mature at such a young age. He was left with no room to be childish as his parents passed away right when he was just a little child. It did not shock Sunggyu at all that there was still a side of him that wanted to be pampered and to be told that he did great at the end of his day.

He didn't do it often but usually, after randomly staying the night at Myungsoo's for no apparent reason, Sunggyu would always left the morning after. Myungsoo knew that and he might not like it at times. He purposely mentioned the exact time he's going to be home, indirecting Sunggyu to be there when he's back, to not leave him and to just stay. He was still a little kid after all, at least by his heart. Sunggyu found himself smiling because he knew and understood Myungsoo too much that it's funny.



Woohyun groaned loudly to no one in particular as he ruffled his messy bed hair. It's half past one of a Sunday afternoon and Woohyun had just awakened from his beauty sleep. He slowly got up from his bed and stumbled his way down the kitchen, yawning every five second. He already had an addequette amount of sleep enough for two days yet he's feeling strangely tired, and no, he's not wondering why as he knew exactly the reason. 


He smiled as the thought of the younger guy invaded his mind. Woohyun who once had an impression of the guy being freakish yet at the same time looking sweet and timid, had changed his mind after one whole day spending time together. Sungyeol if anything was a wild and humorist person. One simple comment from that little lips of Yeol and Woohyun would already found himself in tears of laughter.

He had so much fun yesterday, from the awkward first conversation they shared during breakfast to the night they spent dancing and flirting around with girls at the club, it was full of enjoyment and lighthearted pleasure. Even though he had woke up to a throbbing head in result of the alcohol intake the night before, it still surely was a day to remember.

Feeling giddy and wonderful despite the headache, Woohyun leaned against the kitchen counter, playing around with his phone for a few moment before sending an evening greeting to Sunggyu via text message. He smiled as he put the phone on the counter and ventured to make himself some food. It wasn't long after he finished his glass of milk that he realized he was supposed to be mad at Sunggyu-or Sunggyu was supposed to be mad at him, he wasn't sure himself.

Oh crap why am I sending him text?

Being the dumb person he was, Woohyun reached for his phone with the thought of sending Sunggyu another message asking him to just ignore his previous drunken text or probably made up a series of lie to not make himself appear dumb in Sunggyu's eyes but well, he was too late. Sunggyu had replied him with another evening greeting and asking how his day had went by. 

Spent most of my day sleeping but still tired :( Hby?

It wasn't even a minute after that he received another text from Sunggyu.

Aw poor thing. I'm at Myungsoo's place but he went out to god knows where :(

Want me to come over? ;)

No, not really haha.

They shared a few more text messages before Woohyun deciding that if yesterday was wonderful, then today was ten times better because Sunggyu had just agreed to meet up with him tonight. He threw a fist into the air and screamed an excited yes to the empty house.



an: Too short isn't it? :(

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!