Chapter 10

Room 143

His palm was sweating and Woohyun closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He couldn't believe that he was feeling anxious over meeting Sunggyu. That was so not him, but then again it was Sunggyu he was talking about- someone he couldn't even understand very well so what made he think that he could understand what Sunggyu did to his heart.

Woohyun nervously rested his hands on the steering as he waited. He had told Sunggyu over the phone announcing his arrival and that he was already downstairs but Sunggyu only gave him an okay before hanging up. He really, really wanted to meet him but Sunggyu was one unpredictable human being. What if Sunggyu changed his mind? What if the short okay he gave him over the phone was Sunggyu's way of telling him that he didn't want to meet Woohyun? Or worse, what if Myungsoo told Sunggyu not to meet him since they're yet to be on good terms and all after the fist fight they had at Woohyun's place. He worriedly glance to the glass door of the apartment entrance every few seconds, he parked his car quite far as there were a long line of cars ahead of him. God, it had only been over ten minutes but to Woohyun, it felt like an eternity.

What is taking him so long?

After a few moments of self monologue Woohyun did in order to grow out of nervousness, Woohyun finally saw him. He's standing right outside of the glass door, a thick dark blue scarf wrapped around his neck, almost reaching his mouth as he looked down at his phone.

Sunggyu was wearing a long winter coat in dark green that reach down to his knee over a black hoodie. He had a simple black jeans on, hugging his thigh perfectly as it drive Woohyun crazy. His hair was styled down different from the bed hair he always had when he went for work. Woohyun could tell that he put some effort into dressing up.

He's gorgeous

Too busy imprinting the image of Sunggyu in his mind, Woohyun almost missed the call on his phone.


"Hey. You down here? I don't see you anywhere?" Sunggyu said as his eyes wandered around to search for Woohyun.

"Give me a second." Woohyun step out of his car and slightly ran towards where Sunggyu was, not hanging up on him.

The latter saw him from afar and wave him a hand, smiling so wide that Woohyun felt attacked. Sunggyu was about to hang up but Woohyun stopped him over the phone, earning him a confused why.

"I might get hit if I say this in your face but, you really are beautiful tonight. I like the way you dress up." He saw Sunggyu made an amused face before folding his free hand over his chest.

"Thank you, but this coat and scarf belong to Myungsoo. Oh! And I'll still hit you for calling me that." He said before hanging up.

Sunggyu shook his head cutely and slowly walked towards Woohyun while his eyes glued on his phone as he felt awkward being the subject of Woohyun's hungry stares.

"Hi." Sunggyu greeted. Woohyun didn't answer but instead smile at him and raised his eyebrow naughtily. Sunggyu laughed.

"So where are you taking me to?" They've been in the car for almost half an hour but it seems like, wherever Woohyun was planning to take him to, it wasn't as far since they still seemed like they were somewhere in the city.

"Just going to take you for a dinner date but you're too handsome tonight I might as well take you right here, right now." Woohyun said casually as he drive. Sunggyu laughed at his remark and called him an idiot.

A few more minutes of sharing conversations, Woohyun finally parked his car opposite of a children playground somewhere in an unfamiliar town. Excitedly, Sunggyu immediately step out and looked at the surrounding.

Different from what he imagined on their way here, the street in front of him wasn't fancy at all. It was a usual night view of a middle-class neighbourhood. Sunggyu couldn't help but felt slightly disappointed as he thought Woohyun would have taken him to a high class restaurant considering him being wealthy and all.

He turned his head to look at Woohyun who was now staring at him with apologetic eyes. Oops he must have had accidentally showed the disappointment on his face. Sunggyu felt bad for that.

To make up for it, Sunggyu held out his hand and told Woohyun to hold it. Woohyun, of course gladly took the offer but he clearly was still feeling sorry.

"You know, we can go somewhere else if you want." Sunggyu shook his head a no and asked Woohyun to quickly find him a place to eat as he was hungry.

"There's this place I want to take you to. I frequent there when I was a little kid." Woohyun made a hand gesture of how little he was and Sunggyu found it really adorable. He nodded and let Woohyun guide him the way.

They walked through a small open market, hands interwined as Sunggyu learned that this was actually Woohyun's hometown. He used to live here with his grandmother while his parents work and rented a house somewhere in the heart of Seoul.

At the market, they passed through lots of shop that sold varieties of snacks and Sunggyu had to hold himself back from stopping at every shop to buy some. However, he couldn't held himself anymore as they passed this small bakery selling various breads. Sunggyu tugged Woohyun's sleeve and pointed at the shop, telling him that he wanted to eat the pizza bread. Woohyun nodded and Sunggyu grinned as he made his way towards the bakery.

"Hi ma'am. Can you give me four of this?" Sunggyu pointed towards the bread that made his saliva drool.

"Of course, young man." The shop owner packed him exactly four of the said bread and Sunggyu paid her as he said his thank you.

He looked over to Woohyun before taking one of the bread from inside the plastic bag and shove it into Woohyun's mouth.

"My treat." Sunggyu said before interwining their fingers again. Woohyun could only laugh, mouth full of food.

Four pizza breads, five sticks of fish cakes and four sets of spiral-cut potato skewer later, they finally arrived in front of an old building. It was painted in white but mostly covered in moss that the paint was barely visible. Woohyun pointed to one particular restaurant among the many old shops and Sunggyu followed his sight.

"It's a ddeokbokki place but they sell other stuffs too. Come on, you told me you were hungry." Sunggyu held back a smile from forming on his face. He wasn't hungry anymore. Woohyun looked excited to have a meal at that place so Sunggyu guessed he must have forgotten the amount of snacks they ate before they arrived here.

The small restaurant was almost empty, there was only a few customers in sight so it was easy for them to find a table.

"Hello auntie!" Woohyun greeted loudly.

"Hello too, young man. Welcome, here is your menu book. I'll get back to you when you are ready to order." The old woman hand Woohyun the menu book and Sunggyu swore he saw Woohyun's face turned sour and his lips forming a pout.

"You don't remember me?" Woohyun asked the woman. Her eyebrows twitched as she studied Woohyun's face before apologising. She didn't remember.

"I'm your Woohyunnie!" She gasp.

"Lord, Woohyunnie what happened to you?! When did you grow up so much?! You were such a toddler when I last met you!"

Sunggyu didn't know who the woman was but he figured that she must have been someone important to Woohyun's childhood. Strangely, they were talking and laughing so freely like they hadn't just met for the first time in years. Sunggyu watched them converse and couldn't help wondering would it be the same for him and Woohyun if one day they were to meet again after a long time. 

Will we be awkward?

He was snapped out of his thought when he felt a pair of eyes staring at him while Woohyun laughed shyly.

"This feels so surreal! You were just a kid Woohyunnie! I can't believe you're now becoming a father!" Sunggyu's eyes widen.

He told her?

"Hi. I'm Hain, the woman Woohyun wanted to marry when he was little." They shook hands before Sunggyu introduced himself.

"Don't worry about it. I'm no rival. I'm a married woman with three kids on top of being way too old for this little bunny. He was just a kid with too much imagination." Sunggyu laughed and nodded his head, not saying anything more. He wasn't jealous, he was just awkward.

Screw me and my social abilities.

Hain then left saying that she will come back later with the food they ordered. Sunggyu nodded again. To be honest, he didn't remember ordering anything but, whatever. Woohyun knew this place better so he will just trust Woohyun for the food he ordered.

"You two must have been really close." Sunggyu said as he looked at Woohyun.

"We were but mostly just me bothering her. I liked her a lot. She was so pretty back in the days when she was a young lady."

"She isn't anymore now?"

"Still is, but already taken and a little too old for me." Woohyun shrugged. He then took Sunggyu's hand that was on his laps before intertwining their fingers under the table, hidden away from prying eyes.

"You're healthy right? The baby too?" Woohyun suddenly changed the topic, voice sounding worried. He felt another hand placed gently on his stomach and Sunggyu assured him a yes.

"I'm almost always dizzy but other than that, both of us are fine." Woohyun nodded, hands still on him.

"I can feel it. Our baby is really growing in you." He caressed Sunggyu's covered tummy with a small proud smile. Sunggyu felt his heart skip a beat. Sunggyu opened his mouth to diss Woohyun's idiotic smile but immediately closed it again after deciding that this time around, he'll just let Woohyun savour the feeling of being a father-to-be without interrupting.

A few moments passed and they were engulfed in a silent with Woohyun still looking down at his tummy while caressing it. Sunggyu studied his face and wondered.

"You seem like you're ready to be a father." Sunggyu stated. Woohyun looked at him in the eyes before sighing.

"I'm not. If anything I am scared of the huge responsibility that comes with it." Woohyun said sadly and Sunggyu patted his back.

"I'm sorry, Sunggyu. I'm just.. I don't know." Sunggyu squeezed his hand slightly and told him that it's okay to feel that way and that honestly he was scared too.

"Do you like...not want it?" Woohyun frowned before denying it. He wanted the baby, he really did. Sunggyu threw his eyes away from Woohyun and pretend like he was looking for Hain to come back with their food.

In all honesty, when he told Woohyun that he was scared too, it was for a totally different reason. He was scared of Woohyun, of him leaving the baby under Sunggyu's care alone while he goof around in the club for some pleasure, of Woohyun letting him to be a single parent. Heck, they didn't even know where their relationship stood at the moment. Sunggyu was scared as hell but he'd rather not tell.

"Anyway, why did you bring me here?"

"I just wanted to show you where I grew up." Woohyun pulled away his hand from Sunggyu's stomach and put it on top of their intertwined fingers.

"I would love to show you my old house, but it's gone now and there's a new building standing there proudly like it didn't just take my traces of memories away." Sunggyu chuckled at his dramatic remark.

For a while, Sunggyu stared at him and thought that he's completely fine if their baby were to inherit Woohyun's cuteness, he was positive that he could handle two Woohyun. Sunggyu decided that it's better to bond this way, letting himself be at the place Woohyun grew up rather than spending so much money going to some expensive restaurant, much more cozy and comfortable.



A/n: Few hours before June 9. Infinite 6th anniversary yeay! Can't believe they're no more babies :(


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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!