Chapter 8

Room 143

Woohyun arrived home after a rough day outside. He put the car keys on the table and let out a sigh as he thrown himself on the couch. Maybe he was tired of the drama or maybe there was so much things going in his life that he exploded.

Woohyun, for the whole life he had been living, had never been the most patient person existing. He if anything, was stubborn and had quite a temper inside of him. Being able to held himself from snapping at Sunggyu for the past two weeks was already an achievement.

Even for a blind person, it's obvious enough that there was something going on with Sunggyu and him. Be that flirting or whatever people call it, Woohyun definitely had a thing for him. Sunggyu was not oblivious himself, but a person like Sunggyu was not an easy person to deal with. They hadn't known each other for more than three months, yet Sunggyu had been giving him headaches enough for the next fifty years of his life. Why did he never expect this when he was about to fall in love with him? Seriously, he was the brother of Kim Headache Myungsoo, why oh why didn't it cross it mind that Sunggyu, too, could be a pain in the ? Now he had fallen too far deep to climb back up. Woohyun knew that it might be the hormones controlling him, but he refused to be understanding, simply because Sunggyu never try to make him understand. Woohyun didn't ask for much, he just wanted Sunggyu to tell him what he did wrong so he could fix it. Or, he could start opening up to Woohyun, so it would be better for them if they were to date one day in the future.

Ruffling his lock, Woohyun screamed to no one in particular, letting go all of the tension building inside of him. He was doing anything to fell better emotionally, be it kicking the air or cursing to a picture of Sunggyu on his phone. His self-therapy session was interrupted by a text message send to his phone.

Are you free tomorrow?

Woohyun frowned, trying to figure out who was texting him, it's an unknown number. Woohyun sighed. It had been a long day for him, he didn't have time to deal with someone who did not even bother to introduce himself before sending him a text. In the end, he just ignored it and let sleep took over his exhausted body.




"So remind me again why are you here? I don't recall the director inviting you to this show?"

The only sign of Hoya’s irritation was a slightly twitching eyebrow. Hoya scowled. “Aren’t you supposed to be smart?”

Cook-Bang was a large television cooking show, known for almost the whole of South Korea. Woohyun looked around and noted the bustling production assistants and technical people, and for a moment felt like he was a singer, working in a music show. Except that, he was here to do some cooking.

“If you're here to talk about him, you better leave and be productive with your own life instead. I don't like people butting their nose into my business” said Woohyun.

“And how is it productive, exactly, to send you to a show like...” Hoya looked around and notice that nothing here in this studio will give Woohyun any benefit.

"..this" he continued

Woohyun sighed "I do get something out of this, Hoya.”

Most of the studio was dominated by what looked like a bunch of tables. Tech guys and staff were running this way and that, trying to get things set up.

“In order to make people drool over my food, and then bamm they will go to the hotel I work at to get some taste of what they've been seeing on television.” They had drifted over to the set now. Pots and pans were being laid out on the tables, along with rows of ingredients.

Hoya stayed silent as he watched Woohyun filling a pot with some water and boil them on the gas stool. This was a total chaos. People were shouting here and there, opposite to the silent set he had been watching on television all this while. He complained, “What are they doing shouting?”

Woohyun ignored his question as he rolled his eyes. “How did you get in? You know anyone around here?”

“You could say that.” Hoya shrugged.

"You can't possibly have a...sugar mommy couldn't you?" Woohyun point to Hoya and gave him a shocked face.

"I don't, er." Hoya scoffed

"Well, who knows. This place is like a zoo for people in the industry. They would do anything to please powerful people just to get a little more screen time."

"I have nothing to do with this industry you are talking about. If anyone that is closer to what you said, it's yourself." Hoya said as he sighed for the uptenth time that day. He really didn't want to, quoting what Woohyun said 'butting his nose into people's business' but he couldn't help it. Sunggyu hadn't been himself anymore, smiling and being nice to anyone in sight, that's anyone's personality but him. He always had his y expression plastered on his face and seeing him being all smiley was just too cringeworthy and worrisome. He just needed to help.

"Whatever problems you have with him, you better fix it quick. Sunggyu had gone insane." Hoya said as he shivered slightly. A smiley Sunggyu was way too scary for him. Soon after, someone came in and gave Woohyun his phone, saying that he had a call. Woohyun excused himself to answer the phone call.

Hoya didn't mean to eavesdrop but Woohyun wasn't standing too far from him so it wasn't his fault that he could hear Woohyun's side of the talk.

"Oh so it's you who texted me last night..."

"Yeah I know right, I'm sorry..." he laughed

"Tomorrow? Of course. I'm free like a bird."

"Hahaha be my date than..."

"It's Channel 17, you idiot. Make sure to watch me alright?"

"Babe sorry, I got to go now, I'll text you later?.. Okay I'm hanging up." He hung up and walked back to where Hoya was while his hands were busy texting. There was a heavy silence between them as Woohyun's eyes were glued to his phone. After what Hoya felt like an eternity, Woohyun looked up to him and finally, finally saying something.

."So, back to where we were. He is not a little kid. He can handle it well." he said indifferently, putting his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.

"True that. But the thing is, he might have a little kid in his stomach. Probably looking for the father." Hoya received a deathly glare from him.

"Why is it me that always, and always had to make the first move? Why not him?" Woohyun complained, hands dramatically in the air and face all crunched.

"Probably because Sunggyu is not the kind that apologize easily."

"Well, you know what? Me too! If he is gonna keep on being like this, than so do I!" Woohyun turned around angrily, just to see that his pot of boiling water was now a pot of fire. An alarm blared from somewhere.

"Oh !" he grabbed the pot and flew it to the sink. He could hear the crew murmuring about him, in mostly derogatory tones. Furious, he turned back to see Hoya smirking.

"Ugh you better leave now, Hoya!"




"Good morning chef." Sungyeol said with a grin which made Woohyun chuckle.

"Good morning too. I took my time to look good for you. You must have waited for long." Woohyun said as he help himself to sit opposite of Sungyeol, so he could see him better from this view. Sungyeol nodded softly.

"I shouldn't have made my date wait for long shouldn't I?"

"You should not. I demand an apology for that." Woohyun was about to recite his words of apology when Sungyeol cut him.

"Apology that is not simply words." Woohyun gave him an impressed face. This guy is surely something.

"Going so smooth here, huh?" He teased. Sungyeol could only smile.

"Alright, spill it. What do I do to make up to you?" Sungyeol lean back onto the wooden chair, hand folded as he gave Woohyun a sneaky smile. There was five minutes of silence following them as they stare at each other and gave a small smile every once in a while. Woohyun swore he saw Sungyeol smirking at some point.

Interesting guy

Sooner than later, a waitress broke the silence and approached them with a menu book in one hand. Sungyeol look through the menu before deciding.

"I would want a set of bacon and mushroom crepes, extra crispy please. For the drink, I would like a pumpkin latte" he said before handing the menu to woohyun.

"Your turn." He looked at the menu for a few minutes before deciding that he would like the same as Sungyeol. With an addition of two sets of apple waffles, caramel poured on top. One for Sungyeol and another one for himself.

"I wouldn't want to miss the taste of what my date is having, do I?"

"Of course you wouldn't, chef."

"Woohyun is fine with me."

"Woohyun it is, then" Sungyeol said before taking his phone from his pocket. He played with it for a few while.

"Isn't it rude?" Woohyun pointed out. Sungyeol smiled, head still looking down on his lap and played with his phone.

"I'm only changing your name in my phone book. From Mr Nam Woohyun to just Woohyun. Much less formal and I like it." Sungyeol shrugged. Truthfully, he had been saving it as Woo all this while, but he just needed to change it before Woohyun caught him.

"So, I heard there's a new movie coming out yesterday. Wanna catch up to that?" He put the phone on the table and look up to Woohyun.

"Is this my way of apology?" Woohyun asked genuinely.

"Only part of it." Woohyun raised an eyebrow, confused. The waitress then interrupted their talk as she laid out their order on the table, one by one. They vow their thank you to her as she left.

"You need to lend me a day, today to be exact." Sungyeol took a spoonful of his share of breakfast and nodded quietly. Hm not bad he thought

"Of course, Sungyeol. anything to make you forgive me." Woohyun smirked.

"I've made sure to watch your show yesterday, like how you demand me to. You were great, I must say." Sungyeol complimented him as he gave Woohyun the sweetest smile, showing his gummy that could melt anyone's heart.




"Do you want some popcorn?"

"Nah, I'm not a fan." Sungyeol shrugged him off.

"Let's just quickly get inside. It's noisy out here." Woohyun gave him an okay and walk by his side into the theatre. He'll be spending a day with Sungyeol today, he might get a little excited for it, considering that he had been pressured recently.

"Are you a fan?" Woohyun asked to a focused Sungyeol who was searching for their correct seat.

"Hm? What is it?" Sungyeol raised an eyebrow.

"I mean the series for this movie." Woohyun noticed that his eyes dropped to showing a little sadness. He pointed out two seats to Woohyun indicating that it was their place. It was a couple seat, located at the very back corner of the theatre. This was not the best seat to watch a movie if Woohyun must say. He shrugged the thought off.

"After you, babe"

"Don't act like that. You make me feel like a girl." Sungyeol said as he take his seat. Woohyun could only scratched his neck awkwardly before taking a seat himself. It wasn't even itchy to begin with.

"I wasn't a fan back then." Woohyun tilted his head to look at him.

"Someone just had to force me to watch the first movie. I got hooked up and ended up watching a marathon for the whole series." Sungyeol chuckled softly. Woohyun could hear a little sadness in his tone. He guessed it was probably someone special.

"Were they good? I've never watched any of them. It's weird that I'm going to watch this without knowing a single thing about the story"

"If you are a fan of sci-fi than they are definitely worth your time. No worries, you could always watch them later."

"That's a good idea." Woohyun said

"Now shh! It's starting."

The whole time in the theatre, Woohyun felt wonderful. The movie was definitely worth his time, he could catch up easily even though this was his first movie in the series. That was the first thing. The second thing was that, Sungyeol was a very,very good company. He could be supportive to him when everyone else was feeling nostalgic for the scenes, saying that 'it's okay. Don't feel left out. I'll lend you my copy of the movies' like it's not the weirdest thing to say over a movie, in a theatre at that. It's hilarious and cute at the same time. He could also be annoying at times. Like when Sungyeol kept on story-telling him about the previous movies when he was trying to focus. But overall, it was nice and comfortable,

"Where are we going next, Yeol-ah?" He might have gotten a fresh new nickname for Sungyeol. The guy was too cute for his own good. Woohyun just had to use pet names for him.

"Somewhere that only I know. I might need to drive your car since I came here by public transport." said Sungyeol. There are both in Woohyun's car, still planning on what to do next.

"Hell no I'm letting anyone drive my precious baby!" Sungyeol scoffed at his overdramatic remark.

"I can drive you idiot!"

"That is anything but my business. What I know right now is that my car is my business." Woohyun said as he hugged the steering of his so-called baby.

"Fine! Let's do go-cart racing! The winner get to drive your car!" Woohyun's head shoot up hearing what Sungyeol just said.

"You do know that you are putting the safety of my car on the line right now, do you?" Sungyeol had this stupid challenging expression all over his face and Woohyun would never want to lose to him. He was sure he could win this, although he was yet to know about Sungyeol's driving skills











a/n: so uhm? wooyeol anyone? no?

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!