
Room 143

The night was dark yet winter breathed and the sky was clear in every direction. Today was the first snow of the season in Korea. Sunggyu was walking home, hands in his pocket as he shivered slightly. Sunggyu wasn't wearing any thick clothes except for his white jacket as he didn't expect a snowy day when he got out of his house to go to work this morning.

Sunggyu liked snow. When Sunggyu was a child, he always cheered every second to watch how snow falls down to the surface of earth on the first day. He always wondered how and where did the snow came from. He was obsessed with snow. However, as years past, he stopped wondering and live his life like any other normal guy. But he still liked snow, it's just that the term like was now different from when he was a child.

He was now infront of a convenience store when a thought of drinking some alchohol came on his mind. Today was a long and stressful day for him as he needed to deal with some annoying and annoyingly stupid customers. Just a few sips won't hurt. He thought as he open the door to the store and walked to grab a few cans of beer. The store wasn't big. The wall was boringly painted in white with no sort of design. He then walked to the counter and the cashier was giving him an obvious flirty look. He smiled innocently as he paid for the beers hinting her that he wasn't interested. He then walked to the door leaving the cashier slightly disappointed. 

Sunggyu was taking a few sips of beer as he walked home when his phone went off and the name Kim Myungsoo showed up on the screen. He answered the call lazily

"What do you want?"

"Hello?" Sunggyu didn't answer because he thought that the voice from the other site of the phone was awfully unfamiliar. He didn't remember Myungsoo telling him that he's gonna do any kind of surgery on his throat.

"Hmm hello there?"

"Who are you?" asked Sunggyu uninterested

"Are you Kim Myungsoo's brother?"

"Why do you ask?"

"He's with me right now and he's really drunk?"

"He's what?!" He was surprised because Kim Myungsoo his brother will never drink - not to say never but rarely drink. The last time he drank was a few years ago when he broke up with his girlfriend. He was really frustrated and almost killed himself but luckily Sunggyu was there to stop him. Now that he's living happily with his-wait

"Did he break up?" Sunggyu asked almost shouting to the phone

"How am I supposed to know. We just met a few..." the person didn't get to finish his word as he got interrupted by Sunggyu's surprisingly loud shout

"WHERE THE IS HE RIGHT NOW?" His shout startled the man and he answered with a slight fear in his voice

"Zeus Hotel room 143"

"Hold on don't go anywhere and never leave him alone till I come. Never" he hang up before running towards the said hotel. The hotel was quite far from Sunggyu's current location but he was too lack of money to use taxi and there was no bus in this middle of night. So he decided to run.





He was practically running to the elevator and pressed the button repeatedly as if his life depended on it. He didn't care the weird look people were giving him as he rushed into the elevator and pressed the number 3 button and ran again when the elevetor door shot open. He was searching the whole floor for room 143 and finally found it with much difficulities.

Sunggyu rang the bell and waited impatiently outside while tapping his foot. The door flew open and standing there was a man in a black tanktop with a tight blue skinny jeans. ohmyGod. His sleevelss shirt showed his amazingly hot biceps and Sunggyu can't help but his lips upon seeing the view.

"You're looking for Kim Myungsoo?" the man asked

"Umm yeah" Sunggyu answered slowly as he hoped the man to not see him his lips because oh my god so embarassing

"He's not here"

"What?! I told you to not leave him alone in his drunken state he might do something stupid like killing himself. He tried to that once but I stopped him and now if he.."

Sunggyu stopped his nag as he felt something soft and juicy being pressed onto his lips. Just when he realized the soft thing was the handsome man's lips, the man pulled over and a creep smile appeared on his face

"What the are you hot little ert in tank top did to my lips?"

"You were so cute I couldn't resist" Sunggyu was about to open his mouth to say something before he was being pulled inside the room. The man slammed the door shut, turned around and introduced himself to Sunggyu.

"Sunggyu-ssi, I'm Woohyun" grinning cutely, Woohyun offered a handshake

"You stalker how did you even know my name?!" Sunggyu shouted for the nth time that night and hugged himself protecting his body from the stranger completely ignoring Woohyun's hand that was floating in the air. Seeing how this stranger dared to kiss him just a few moments ago, he can't deny the possibility that the stranger might do something nasty with his body.

"You don't need to know sweetie" Woohyun's hand reached itself onto Sunggyu's cheek. His hand was slowly carresing Sunggyu's soft cheek before slowly went down to Sunggyu's neck. Sunggyu shivered as he felt an electricity running down his spine. Once again, the man leaned forward and put his lips on Sunggyu's. It's different this time as Sunggyu was shutting his eyes closed because

heck the lips are so soft like cotton candy

Woohyun moved his lips slowly and gently into Sunggyu's as if he was a piece of glass - fragile.

But then, the unexpected came when Sunggyu's head suddenly fell on his shoulder. He panicked and shook Sunggyu violently hoping him to wake up.

"Sunggyu ssi wake up! Sunggyu ssi!"

Yes, he had heard it a lot from his ex that his kisses were really hot and nice that they felt like falling unconscious or maybe die and meet hot angels in heaven. But he swore, not to the point of fainting for real.

He carried Sunggyu bridal style and put him on the bed, still panicked. He went to take a glass of water before sprinkling some onto Sunggyu's face. But the man still didn't budge.

He was planning to call Myungsoo to complain about his miserably failed plan when Sunggyu was suddenly shivering and his lips were shaking.

Is he cold?

He pulled the duvet over Sunggyu's chest and sat himself on the other site of the bed. He watched as Sunggyu didn't stop shivering and so he put his right palm on Sunggyu's forehead.

He's having a fever

Woohyun get off the bed and took his wallet from the nightstand right beside the bed. He was about to leave for pharmacy when he felt someone or something tugging on his shirt begging him to not leave.

"Dad, please don't leave. I'm scared"

Woohyun smiled slightly and put his wallet back on the nightstand and made himself comfortable on the other site of thebed. He tilted his head and watched as Sunggyu moaned signing that he's cold.

His sligtly twitched upon hearing the sound and his eyes open wide when Sunggyu hugged him out of a sudden. Sunggyu moaned again and now Woohyun sure he was going crazy. Sunggyu snuggled closer and now both of their members came in contact. Sunggyu moaned for the third time and now Woohyun was already hard.

It wasn't his fault at first when he was complaining to his friend, Myungsoo about his deprived self and that he was looking for a nice one-night stand. Myungsoo was the one suggesting his brother to him giving "my brother is also deprived but he just doesn't want to admit" as an excuse.

"I'm so cold please throw this cold away"

Woohyun tried to control himself by looking away into the distance thinking about stuffs. But as minutes passed, Sunggyu still didn't stop making inappropriate sounds which in fact, made Woohyun become harder than a brick.

Woohyun couldn't stand any longer and so he jumped on top of the sleeping figure and kissed him harshly. He forced his tongue into Sunggyu's parted mouthed slightly hoping him to respond to his kiss despite Sunggyu being unconscious.

Sunggyu regained from his unconscious self as he felt his under self being pressed by something hard; Woohyun's . His vision was still blurry but he wasn't that dumb to not  realize that someone was actually kissing him violently.

He was about to protest when Woohyun's soft lips moved to his neck and bite him leaving a nice looking hickey. Sunggyu moaned as he felt a weird sensetion running down .

Everything happened too fast that Sunggyu didn't realized that he was now completely from head to toe. Woohyun was still fully clothed and as weird as it sounds, Sunggyu didn't like what he was seeing now. He wanted Woohyun to take off every piece of clothes on himself. Sunggyu was and he knew it.

"Take yours off" he groaned

Woohyun didn't respond as his head was now facing Sunggyu's . He placed light kisses on the tip of it. His right hand was placed on Sunggyu's hips as his left hand hold the base of Sunggyu's . Once Woohyun’s mouth opened, Sunggyu's hands harshly pulled Woohyun's hair closer and his instantly felt the back of Woohyun’s throat.

Today was Monday and it was the first snow of the season. Today was Monday and Sunggyu lost something he valued the most to a complete stranger




a/n: Sorry if this chapter disappoints you and sorry if there's any grammatical error. English is not my mother tongue so please don't hate me for any grammar mistakes. Comments are much loved

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Chapter 10: Update plis TTTT
I miss this story T^T
Chapter 10: the last update was a year ago ㅜㅜ am I too late??
anyway, I like this story, twisting and some hidden meaning here, bcs I don't know what happened in the past (between myungyeol). I thought it will be ty , it turned out to be fluffy little angst ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so I hope you'll continue this story ❣ fighting
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 10: Awww...this story is awrsomeee...when u gonna updte next chap
Chapter 10: I re-read all the chapters bcuz I miss this story. Sorry if I didn't leave any comment before but yes, I like this story esp this chapter. Seems like they unconsciously reconcile.. Hope you'll update this month... ^^
Chapter 10: Woogyu forever. Sometime i hate woohyun personality here, he have gyu and their baby but still playing around with yeol, the kind of man i hate the most.
Chapter 10: the whole chapter screams cute ><
Chapter 10: Yeol.... Myung.... WOOYEOL! in this story nooo!!!! Poor Gyu! TnT
P.S. stupid Soo and I know he has his own story... just...ughhh 7n7
Chapter 10: Hapoy 6th Anniversary !!!
and update on their anniversary
gosh you are so sweet
it made my day
thankiuuu i have been so emotional today because of their anniversary T.T
maedtuggi #9
Chapter 10: I really have no idea why the next button exist after chapter 9 and here you are updating it at infinite anniversary.... how lovely!!!!!
Mmmm just want to tell you my opinion about maybe lil gyu with another man will make hyun jealous? Hehehehe I just love drama in the story
Oh and can you make it longer authornim? Cause I'll never get enough of your story <3
MsTurtle #10
Chapter 10: I like this chapter soo muchh !! >.< thank you for this chp authornim !!