Chapter 15

Sweet & Sour (Hiatus)

 The next morning, Hyukjae woke up from the best slumber he had ever slept. He felt refreshed. A feeling he hadn’t felt in quite a while. As he sat up he stretched his arms as high as he could while arching his back and then slouched back down into a lazy posture. He stayed in the same position, contemplating about the tutor session he had with Donghae yesterday. Specifically about the kiss and what had happened after. From what Hyukjae knew, he had always liked girls, but then again he never had any problems with guys. His ual orientation was never really a concern to him or his mother, but he wasn’t so quite sure about his father. Hyukjae and his father weren’t really close, so it worried him a little about telling his dad that he was dating a boy. But he pushed the thought to the back of his head.

To be honest, Donghae wasn’t Hyukjae’s first kiss, but it definitely was his first kiss with a guy. For kissing someone of the same as he was, he felt pretty calm and lenient about it, which was probably proof that he was most likely biual. Hyukjae touched his lips, recalling the warmth and smoothness of the kiss. He had only known the other for almost three weeks and they were already dating. He knew that people who charge into dating don’t have long lasting relationships, but he didn’t plan to take any steps further until they were both ready.  

After sitting down too long, Hyukjae’s started to hurt. He finally got up to change his clothes along with brushing his teeth. He ate a light breakfast and prepared himself to head over to Donghae’s house.

He exited his home and crossed the street in almost a skipping manner. His hand then reached out to knock on the front door and he waited. The door opened and Henry was the one to greet him.

“Morning, Hyukjae!” Henry chirped.

“Morning! Is Donghae awake?” Hyukjae asked, leaning in to peer around the inside of the house.

“I think he’s still in his room. Not sure if he’s still sleeping, but you can go check. Oh, and wake him up for me, too. Tell him that I’m making breakfast.”

Hyukjae nodded and headed up the stairs, his heart pounding to see his lover. He opened the closed door to Donghae’s room and spotted a sleeping fish in the bed, curled up, looking like he was still sound asleep.

“Donghae-yah~” Hyukjae called softly while nudging the younger gently. “It’s time to wake up.”

“Mmh…” Donghae moaned, not bothering to open is eyes.

“C’mon. It’s me, Hyukjae. Wake up.”

Instead of getting a verbal response, he received a gesture. Donghae scooted towards one side of his bed, patting the empty space, signaling Hyukjae to snuggle in with him. The older gladly took the offer and lifted the covers to slide his body under. He then rested his elbow on the other side of the same pillow Donghae was using and rested his head on top of his palm. Donghae unconsciously wrapped his arms around Hyukjae’s waist and moved closer to the heat source. Hyukjae could feel his face getting hot. His boyfriend looked so innocent while he was asleep and he couldn’t help was caress the latter’s face with the back of his fingers.

Soft… I want to ravish this boy’s lips, but it would be mean to take advantage of him while he’s asleep…

 But it’s so tempting…Maybe just a…

Hyukjae! Get ahold of yourself! You’re turning into a ert!

Not long after the couple had been snuggling with each other, Henry had barged in, making Hyukjae jump a little. Donghae on the other hand was indifferent about the noise.

“HYUNG! I made breakfast! – Whoa, I told you to wake him up, not cuddle in bed with him…”

“You made what?!” Donghae quickly sat up from his position, shifting his balance to his hip and hand.

“He made breakfast, why?” Hyukjae asked, startled from Donghae’s sudden reaction.

“Oh my god.” Donghae said before he stormed out of the room and downstairs, leaving a confused Monkey behind.

“I don’t get it. You just made breakfast, what’s wrong?”

 “Yup, I made breakfast. A special dish I like to call ‘disaster’.”

Hyukjae wondered what Henry meant by ‘disaster’ and went downstairs to find out. Henry followed not too far behind. Hyukjae was shocked to see burnt eggs, burnt sausages, and burnt toast. Pretty much everything looked and smelt burnt; even the milk, which Hyukjae had no idea how that was possible.

 “Whoa, that’s intense.” Hyukjae commented while chortling a bit.

“My god. Henry, why would you ever cook when I’m not watching you?” Donghae scolded.

“I was hungry and you wouldn’t wake up. Plus, there was nothing left in the fridge to microwave and eat, so cooking something was pretty much the only option I had.”

“Did you honestly think that you were going to be able to eat this crap and survive?” Donghae said, picking up an egg from the pan with chopsticks. It looked like a chunk of coal that Santa would give a naughty child on Christmas. “You didn’t even take out the egg shells and look – what is this? – why is there red and green stuff on this burnt egg?” Donghae continued on.

“Those were from sauces.”

“What kinds of sauces did you put?” Hyukjae jumped into the conversation.

“I don’t know. Whatever I could find. I think it was some sort of coloring sauce.”

“You put food coloring on these eggs?!” Donghae shouted in shock.

“What? It made them look cooler. I put some on the bread, too. You should see it, it’s like a master piece.”


Donghae fixed his eyes to look at the burnt bread that had been taken out from the toaster not too long ago. Hyukjae and Donghae hadn’t really noticed it before, but there color splatters of purple and blue on the toast. Donghae bit his bottom lip.

 “By the way, we’re out of bread, eggs, and ramen.” Henry quickly reminded.

“That’s it. You’re not allowed to cook every again.” He sighed while throwing away the poisonous foods and milk.

 “Relax, Donghae. Henry just made a few mistakes.” Hyukjae defended Henry while throwing his arm around Donghae's shoulder. “All he needs is someone to teach him how to cook. Here, how about you sit down at the table while Henry and I make breakfast.” Hyukjae looked confident upon the words he had just spoken, but Donghae threw him a worried glance.

“Fine, I’ll be upstairs cleaning myself first, though.”

Giving his boyfriend and little brother full permission to cook as they wished, Fishy marched on upstairs. Donghae could hear chopping, sizzling, and flipping going on in the kitchen, and he hoped to smell food soon, not disaster. A smile then tugged on the corners of his mouth when he thought about how Hyukjae was in the kitchen cooking with his brother. He felt thankful to have met such a kind person, but they’ve only known each other for not even a month and they’ve only just recently started dating. There was still so much more they didn’t know about each other, and they still had to tell their families about their relationship. Donghae had no problem with telling his, but he had a pretty good understanding of Hyukjae’s situation. His father was a traveling business man and their relationship together wasn’t very strong. It made Donghae curious as to what Hyukjae’s dad might look like. Maybe he was tall and scrawny or short and stout. Either way, he just hoped that the man would be an accepting person.

The same time Donghae had finished his routine upstairs a plate of fried rice was place in front of him as he sat down.

“Did you really make this, Henry?” Donghae asked, flabbergasted.

The platter looked like a legitimate dish you would actual be served in a fancy restaurant. To say the least, the older brother was impressed.

“Well, some of it…” Henry said. “Hyukjae did most of the frying, but he taught me a cool way to chop vegetables.” Hyukjae soon placed the other plates of fried rice on the table and gave Henry and Donghae forks to eat with.

“It’s called Beijing Fried Rice. I learned a thing or two from Hangeng about cooking when he visited Heechul’s house. I think I was sleeping over when he taught me.”

Donghae took a bite of the fried rice and a gleeful smile plastered on his face. “This is delicious!” He exclaimed, his voice muffled from his mouth being full of food. He ate more and Henry took a bite too. “Wow! I can’t believe I actually help cook this!” Hyukjae watched the brothers eat with such joy in every bite. He was too busy paying attention to the feeling of satisfaction that he forgot to eat his own food. He took a bite and the flavors instantly danced with his taste buds. It turned out better than he had expected and nonetheless he was happy with the outcome.

“Sooooo…” Henry smirked. “You guys are dating now, I see.”

Hyukjae looked at Donghae and Donghae returned the glance, both choking on their rice.



Sorry this chapter isn't that interesting... I'll try to spice things up, but I can assure that more character are to come and more plots, too! Thank you~

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 19: This is great!!!
Chapter 19: Well it was about time they got some action and a good thing no one did come in..Great Update(:
LarryxEunhae #3
Chapter 19: I'm a new reader I love ur story so please update soon :]
pilikpoplove #4
Woah!! Hae got sassy, that was quite an advance in their relationship :O
tvxqsujushineeexonct #5
Chapter 19: That was so hot! Finally some action... :D
tvxqsujushineeexonct #6
Chapter 18: It's been so long since you last updated! Where are you? I miss your updates! I really love this story so please update sooooooon.
sapphireblue940421 #7
Chapter 18: hello,it's been two month since you update please update soon, it's great story i hope to see what happen next.
update update update update update update
thank you☺
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 18: Finally~ it's so nice tht u updated!
MeinAltire #9
Chapter 18: can't wait to read the next chapter, hope u will update soon...