
The Death Notebook (Hiatus)
In the Underworld... "Haven't seen Joon lately, where is he?" asked G.O
"Maybe he lost his Death Note in the human world and a human picked it up," Thunder thought
"Then he would have to watch over that person until they die. There's no way he would do that," said Seungho
"Besides, he would be an ugly pet to keep around. I'm way more cuter and ier than him." Mir said
"See. I look so y while swiping my lips."
"And see. I look so cute dancing to Bo Peep by T-ara-" Three skulls hitted his face.
"YOU !"
He made a face, "OW! What was that for, hyungs!? You could've just hitted me in the crotch instead of my beautiful face!" Mir cried out dramatically
"Oh really?" All three of three of them picked up three skulls and aimed it at his crotch.
"NOOOOO! I was just joking! Don't hit me in the crotch because it will hurt me so much. Wait that sounds like a rap now." Mir yelled. Starts rapping, "Don't hit me in the crotch because it will hurt so much!" 
"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY, YOU LOOK UGLY AND YOU !" All three of them yelled
(Ok, back to the story)
Kai's POV
"I guess I'll say no," Kai said
"What?" Joon asked. He had a slight tone of anger. 'Damn you, stupid kings of the Underworld! I followed your orders and waited for 1000 years for nothing!? I thought he would let me have his soul. He has like 180 years to live because a grim reaper sacrificed her life to protect him. If he agreed, it would be 90 years for him to live.'
"I'm trying to create a new world without evil and I intend to live as long as I can to do so. If you were talking about increasing it, I would consider it. But decreasing isn't worth talking about. I thought you knew that before?"
Joon tried to come up with an excuse. "Um, just wanted to tell you that the deal exists more early on. So that you don't go complaining about it to me later." 
"Really? You call this "early on"? Isn't it already late? I don't see why you couldn't have just put it in one of the rules in the Death Notebook." Kai thought
"Err, guess you're right," Joon said. 
"Anything else you want to tell me "early on", Joon," Kai mocked
"No. Maybe." 
Few minutes passed, "I got it. I know how to get my stalker's name. But first, I'm going to test the Death Note."

I'm so sorry for the lame late update 

But, I got a history project to do, so I will probably not update until January 16th I think. So mini hiatus

Oh well, now I must superman fly out of here 

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yummybunny123 #1
I like the poster :)
Deathnote kpop story=). This is a great idea=).