The Notebook

The Death Notebook (Hiatus)

Kai's POV

As usual, I was just sleeping in class. Besides, school is so boring anyway. Then a voice woke me up from my sleep.

"KIM JONGIN! What is this!?" yelled the teacher pointing at a duck.

"It's a duck," I replied flatly in perfect English.

"See class, if you're like him, I will let you sleep as much as you want."

I was about to close my eyes again, but a black notebook caught my eye outside the window. 'Huh? Who's notebook is just dropping out of the sky randomly during class?' 

The bell rang and I ran out of the classroom. I have no idea why, but the notebook that fell just made me way too curious about. I saw it lying on the ground and I picked it up. It read:

The Death Notebook

"What is this suppose to be? A notebook of death? Probably just a prank," But, I was so curious about it, so I just stuffed it into my backpack and went home. As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room and locked the door. I took the notebook out and opened it.

1. Write the full name of the person and remember their face. People who share the same 
name will not be effected
2. Write how they die, if  not, wait for 20 seconds and they will die of a heart attack
3. If you give this to someone or destroy it, your memories will get erased

"This book's really detailed for a prank." I the T.V.

"There has been 7 students and 5 teachers that are hostages right now being held. We have confirmed the name to be Jung Okumara"

'Jung Okumara, eh?' I took out a pencil and wrote it down

Jung Okumara

I looked at my watch waiting for it to past 20 seconds. 20 seconds passed and nothing happened. "Oh, well nothing happened. I knew this was a prank." Then I continued watching T.V.

"The hostages were released and said that Okumara just suddenly fell on the floor and he stopped moving after that."

My eyes widened. 'No way, this is total coincidence. Wait, I'll just test this and this time the death will happen in front of my eyes'

I ran out of the house to a nearby alley. I mean, bad guys are mostly in alleys, right?

"Hey let's go and steal that rich looking person's money!" 

"Slow down, Lee Michael!" I wrote the name down and how he died

Lee Michael died from running across the street and got hit by a truck

As soon as Michael stepped on the street, his friend yelled, "WATCH OUT!" 

But, it was too late, he got hit by a truck. I looked at the notebook in awe and realized my wish could come true. All of evil could be gone because of this notebook. I smirked, 'All of evil is wrapped around my finger now.'

Sorry if the chapter was boring, but I tried my best

Now, I'm off! Good bye!

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yummybunny123 #1
I like the poster :)
Deathnote kpop story=). This is a great idea=).