The World's Rotting

The Death Notebook (Hiatus)

Joon's POV

I'm a grim reaper of the Underworld and me and the rest of MBLAQ are the makers of the Death Notebook. My job is to reap souls by killing humans. But these days, we're too lazy to go and kill humans. Even writing a name in our Death Notebooks seems to be too much work.

"Aish, I'm so bored right now," Seungho yawned.

"We all are. Nothing interesting has happened for thousands of years," Thunder replied.

I was going to go to the well and a voice stopped me in my tracks. "Yah! Where are you going?" Mir asked.

I turned around and just plainly said, "The well." 

Then I walked towards the well. The well was used so we could go to the human world. Sometimes, we just used it so a thing would just randomly fall out of nowhere on to humans. I took out the Death Notebook and I stared at it.

'This would be interesting if a human tried using it.' I wrote instructions in the book and closed it. I close my eyes and when I opened them, my eyes turned red and I smirked.

'I wonder what will happen when a human uses it.' Then I threw it into the well. 

"The world's been rotting too much. Let's see if a human uses it for good. Finally, something interesting will happen to entertain me and MBLAQ."

I know this is a short update and this might sound boring, but I just wanted to put why the notebook fell randomly in Kai's life

So, see you on the next update, hopefully. 

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yummybunny123 #1
I like the poster :)
Deathnote kpop story=). This is a great idea=).