"The Lucifer" Wardrobe

Hyoyeon and Lay: "Love, Live, Dance"

Chapter 8: "'The Lucifer' Wardrobe"

"Luifer! He likes the song 'Lucifer!'" Jessica screamed as she lifted up a huge box of delievery.

  "Just sign here, here, and there," the delivery guy said and then quickly left. Hyoyeon could hear the ruckus from outside, and she wondered what the girls what the girls were doing. Just when she was about to open the her dorm door, it was locked! But how could it have been locked from the outside? "HIDE THE BOX! HYOYEON YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IS IN IT!" Hyoyeon could hear Yoona scream crazly outside.

  "Sisters! Let me out!" Hyoyeon screamed, pushing the door. Something was blocking Hyoyeon's way from opening the door! Great. Hyo just woke up and now there's drama in the house...again. "Hurry up, Sica! Open the box!" Yuri cried and pushed some more sofas to Hyoyeon's door.

  "Okay, okay!" Jessica grabbed a knife and plunged it into the box. No one wants to mess with Jessica while holding a knife. She threw the knife across the room and it landed on the wall, sticking out. "Sica! That's the fifth time! Now we gotta come them to fix it...again!" Taeyeon said and hurried over to the box.

  "Sorry! I'm just...excited!" Excited about what? Hyoyeon wanted to say out loud. She pushed even harder. Wait-Knife. Hyoyeon needed to find something sharp so she could break the door and see what the girls were doing. But she didn't have anything sharp or anything that could break in her room. Her sissors. Hyo came over to the cabinate and opened every single one of them. Where were her sissors? Yes, they were small but they would be able to do the trick. "Oh. About that Hyo, we gave your sissors to Sica, and you don't wanna mess with Sica with sissors." Darn it, Hyoyeon had to think of something else to break open the door.

  "C'mon! We have no time to lose!" Sunny yelled. Hyoyeon could hear Seohyun...she was near...like she was right by the- "I'm carving the door! Shhh," Seohyun told Hyoyeon and she could hear something carve and carve and carve. "Found it! Sooyoung, release the sleeping gas!" Jessica yelled. Sooyoung came over and Hyoyeon could hear Seohyun hide so they wouldn't catch her carving the door. "Sleeping gas activated," Sooyoung chuckled.

  Hyoyeon felt sleeping. What were the girls talking about? Some sleeping ga- Hyoyeon passed out.


  Jessica helped the girls removed the furniture from Hyoyeon's door. "Yoona, make-up," Sica said.

  Yoona handed her the Coach bag of make-up items.

  "Sooyoung, outfit."

  Sooyoung gave Jessica the dress that was hanging on a hanger. "Girls, stylist face activate," Jessica said, and in a matter of seconds the girls looked at twinkily while Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun sang TTS's song, "Twinkle."


  Hyoyeon woke up in a glittery silver dress with her hair tied up and-cough, cough- metallic hair paint all over her hair. "Girls, what happened-"

  "Hyoyeon, we have a new make-over for you for Lay. Now, you can meet-"-Yoona punched Sica in the arm. Hard, but playfully. "-urg, I mean, now you can look good in front of the SHINee boys and get revenge on Sunny for meeting with them on We Got Married!" Jessica finished. Sunny smiled nervously, hoping the girls' acting would work.

  "Huh?" Hyoyeon said as she looked in the mirror. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH






!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A thousand of birds flew away from Hyoyeon's very loud screaming.

  "Lay's favorite song is SHINee's 'Lucifer', since they preformed it at the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) in 2012. Now if you dress that way, he'll like you-" -Yoona punched Yuri this time. "-He'll find it cool, he won't like you. He'll just find it cool." This time, Taeyeon punched Yuri again. "I mean, he'll like you, but at the same time, he'll find it cool. Ow!" Yuri then said the last part quietly.

  "Girls, I don't like Lay...that much anyway," Hyoyeon said quietly.

  "Oh, c'mon!" Tiffany walked over to Hyo. "Hyo, we know you have feelings for him."

  "You need to do aegyo to lure him in," Sunny said and acted like a bunny...quietly.

  "No, she needs to hit high notes." (Taeyeon)


  "She needs MORE makeup." (Yoona)

  "Why can't she just dance for him to like her?" Seohyun said. Everyone looked at the maknae in a awkward way. "Dance?" Jessica asked.

  "That's my job," Yuri claimed. Then, she looked at the maknae. "Just go away, Seohyun. We clearly see that you don't want to do this," Yuri said and pushed her aside. Seohyun's expression changed. She looked angry and sad at the same time. She went into her dorm and slammed the door.

  Frustated, Hyoyeon shouted, "Maybe Lay likes me if I dance. Duh? He's like one of the main dancers in EXO. You girls should think more when you something like this to me and maknae." Hyoyeon slammed the door and disappeared.


  Lay didn't know why the members were driving him to the SHINee's boys' hotel, but he didn't bother knowing. It's been a hour of driving already, and he was tired, sore, and sweating from dancing and the other eleven boys on the car. "Can we get off now?" He asked, but several members ignorered him. Some of the members who answered him seemed like they were lying. He didn't pay attention to the venue outside. It was a fall night in South Korea with no leaves, no pink sky, and no fun. He had spent the whole fall worrying about Hyoyeon knowing that he liked her a bit. Did the members already know that, though? They'd seemed to be chating and giggling lately without him. Or were they talking about him? His now ugly dance moves? This Sehun and Kai overpower him? Did he act weird lately when they got here at SM University? Or even worst, did they know that Lay liked Hyoyeon?

  "Guys, it's cancelled," Kai so suddendly said and pressed the END CALL button on his phone. He looked very upset, too upset for Kim Jogin. "What?! I spent the whole time driving the car!" Suho protested and started to turn around.

  "We'll start to drive since you're tired, hyung. Tao and I," Sehun said.

  "Uh...no thanks," Suho said.

  "Um...why?!" Tao said, clearly unhappy with the leader's decision.

  "You're the maknaes, driving is clearly too young for you guys. Me and Umin (Xiumin) will switch driving," Kris said as Suho and him switched places.

  "Why me?!" Xiumin opposed and made a cute aegyo face.

  "You're the oldest in all of EXO. I really don't know why because you do aegyo all the time, but your birthdate states it all," Kris shot back, and glanced at Umin.

  "Deer will do it!" Xiumin protested.

  "I'm a deer, deers don't...drive," Luhan said and continued reading the magazine that he was reading from before.

  The fight continued throughout the car ride and Kris ended up driving all the way back to SM University. Tired, he got right to bed and told no one to bother him as he needs his beauty sleep (So did Tao, but he seemed more hyper than before). He said he needed sleep for an extra hour because all the members slept in the car for a hour while he didn't. Kris said he needed to follow the rules sang when they were doing the Traffic Car Commerical. No drinking and smoking in the car while driving like the couple BaekYeol or ChanHyun, or whatever. No talking on the phone and buying Gucci bags for Tao like Kris was "doing" in the commercial. He regretted it. No watching TV in the car like Sehun, Luhan, Suho, and Chen (of course the HunHan couple are together). And no getting sleepy in the car like Lay and Tao. (Question, why are the maknaes driving when the hyungs are right next to them?! Like Sehun is driving and Suho is right next to him, so is Luhan! The second oldest! And then Tao is driving when Lay is right next to drive! Really weird, just wondering. Watch the video with ENGLISH SUBTITLES on YouTube)

  Lay slept and wondered what the boys would whisper about next tomorrow. The feeling was kept uneasy to Lay.

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oops, LuHan is older than Lay, forgot that. Just ignore the "hyung" part if you catched that