
Hyoyeon and Lay: "Love, Live, Dance"

Chapter 6: "Confessions"

No one agreed to have a slumber party over at Taeyeon and Tiffany's (TaeNy, anyone?) dorm, but Taeyeon decided to lure the girls in with her high notes...again...for the sixth time...of the month.

  "We forgot to make invitions, so I decided to make everything pink!" Tiffany declared, holding up a pink plate with a pink fork. Everything of that room was pink, even Taeyeon's part of the side. "Fany! I said I like pink, but I didn't say paint my part pink!" Taeyeon yelled from across the room.

  "Well, at least you said you liked pink!" Tiffany said as she ran from being chased.

  Hyoyeon looked around the room. There were CDs lined up on the shelf of Tiffany's side, with American singers' names. On Taengoo's side, there was a poster of every song the girls debuted. Hyoyeon continued to the food aisle, where Sooyoung was busily munching on some pajeon (Korean Onion Pancake, it looks very good! There's a funny and not helpful very good tutorial on it. Check out Simon and Martina {Eat Your Kimchi}'s tutorial!). "Sooyoung, sister, may I have some pajeon?" Hyoyeon asked quietly, while trying to grab a piece of the pancake.

  "No!" Sooyoung said as she pulled the plate away. Hyoyeon only caught the green onion on the piece of the pancake. "Ask Tae and Fany to make you another one!" Sooyoung said as she continued munching away.

  "But it's a whole platter! Six or seven pieces," Hyoyeon mumbled under her breath. She covered . That was a bit too loud.

  Tiffany pulled out the regonizable glass jar out. "CONFESSION TIME!" She yelled loudly. Very loudly.

  "Tiffany, unnie, please do not raise your voice like that again." Maknae Seohyun made a scowling face as she does not like screams.

  "Sorry," Tiffany said like always.

  Hyoyeon knew what Confession Time was. It was a time where you release all your secrets to your fellow group sisters. You could not keep it in...or else unnie Taeyeon would know. Tiffany would pick out from the glass jar a slip of paper, in which one of the members' names would be on there. For example if it was Jessica, after Jessica had said out all of her confessions, it would be her turn to pick out the jar and the cycle would keep going until it was the last member speaking. members could fight each other, cry, or argue with each other.

  "Aww! I'm not done with my pajeon yet!" Sooyoung complained.

  "You'll eat your pajeon later," Yoona said. But with saying that, Yoona took a piece of Sooyoung's pajeon after Sooyoung had took it onto the floor. Hyoyeon tied her wavy hair into a bun. Oh, how she would regret ever having a crush on Lay. (All because of

  "I confess that I spend all the money on Tae's credit card"-Taeyeon's eyebrown turned-"for all the pink's curtains here." Tiffany smiled nervously at Taeyeon, who was folded her arms but quickly her expression changed happily.

  "Taeyeon?" Sunny asked to see Tae to look in Tiffany's eyes to see if there was anymore hidden secrets.

  "Nope." Tiffany's hand reached carefully into the jar. Somehow, she was always confident and brave enough to go first everytime. Hyoyeon hid back to see who the name was. "Yoona."

  "I dated Kim Jogin this week"-Jessica scowled-"but I quickly broke up with him!" Yoona screamed as Jessica held her by her collar.

  "HEY! HEY! HEY!" Jessica made her dolphin noises.

  "Okay, the fight: seprate!" Seohyun said loud enough for everyone to hear, but not too loud.

  "Yoona! You know that Kai from EXO is my favorite!" Jessica said.

  "I know! I'm sorry!" After the fight was over, Sunny told Taeyeon to comfirm any more confessions.

  "Nope." The cycle repeated several more times.

  "Sunny," Tiffany called.

  "I did aegyo for all our fans today...without you guys around, so now twenty people transfered their bias from Yoona to me." Yoona kept her cool. "And I also secretly did a We Got Married with all the SHINee boys. They're all so cute!" A huge fight abrupted into that one. Even Seohyun got invovled for a little bit.

  "Nope." Taeyeon said as she looked sharply into Sunny's eyes. Hyoyeon got a bit bored.

  "Taeyeon." Taeyeon would sometimes lie to the girls, but she couldn't look into her own eyes, could she? She was caught sometimes, but neitherless, she was victorious always.

  "No confessions," she said which made Tiffany angry for so many times she had said that. Seohyun saw and spoke. "Unnie Taengoo, please. It's been"-she counted with her fingers-"eight weeks you have said that." Taeyeon sighed. "Fine. I was about to paint Tiffany's side of the room dark grey today for what she did." Tiffany hid the pink make-up intitled: "FOR TAEYEON" behind her back. Hyoyeon saw, but dared say nothing.

  "Jessica." (Tiffany's voice)

  "I sang all of our songs and kept it secret." (Jessica's voice). Now, that wasn't a big deal, but the girls loved singing their songs over and over again so that indeed made some of us mad.

  "Taeyeon?" (Sunny's voice)

  "Nope." (Taeyeon's voice)

  The cycle went on until it was Hyoyeon's turn.

  "I-I-I put cucumber sauce in Sica's sandwich this Monday." Jessica got up immediantly. Hyoyeon scooched back when Seohyun was kind enough to hold Jessica back. "I'm done," Hyoyeon said.

  "Taeyeon?" Sunny asked. Taeyeon looked straightly into Hyoyeon's eyes, confidently. "Yes. You have not yet released all your confessions." The rest of the girls gasped. Seohyun looked nervously at Hyoyeon.

  "I-I," Hyoyeon started.

  "HYO!" The girls screamed.

  Hyo! Hyo! Hyo! The girl's voices echoed in Hyoyeon's head.


  "Hyoyeon c'mon, you're breaking the rules."

  "'re no fun."


  "Hyo, c'mon just say it!"

  "Girls, just leave her alone." (Seohyun)

  "You better confess...or else."


  All the girls gasped.


(I will release RANDOM GIFS, my computer is being annoying now)

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oops, LuHan is older than Lay, forgot that. Just ignore the "hyung" part if you catched that