Love Me, Love Me Not

Hyoyeon and Lay: "Love, Live, Dance"

Chapter 2: "Love Me, Love Me Not"

I'm not falling in love, am I? Hyoyeon though as her head twirled suddenly behind Lay's dance practice door. She didn't want to be a creep peeking through people's dance practice doors, but her imaginary took over her. The booming music over the big speakers pumped up Hyoyeon too, but she didn't want to interrupt his dance...and cause major awkward-ty.  "I need you and you want me!" Lay seemed to be mummbling under his breath the song that he was playing to (It's EXO's "History"!).  The music caused Hyoyeon to start moving but soon, she was interrupted by- "Hyoyeon, unnie, the other sisters are calling for lunch, and why are you-" The maknae Seohyun started, but Hyoyeon covered so she couldn't talk and expose Hyoyeon's hiding place. Lay walked out and Hyoyeon smiled nervously and Lay smiled back. "Unnie, who was that?" Seohyun asked in her normal calm voice for an angry question.

 "It was Lay...from-"

 "EXO?!" The maknae finished for her unnie. Hyoyeon covered Seohyun's mouth again so she wouldn't be too loud.

 The nine sisters had finished eating at Lee Bytham's Korean Food and Seohyun promised her sister, Hyoyeon that she would not tell anybody- even their own sisters. Hyoyeon would just worry about it for days, weeks, months, maybe even years! She'd figured she had to talk to him in someway and somehow.


  Hyoyeon always seemed cute, that's what Lay had always thought in mind. Too cute, it seemed. But what if she didn't like him back? He could get rejected, and feel misery and humiliation from the other members.   They'll just tense him, though, he thought. But how was Lay going to ask Hyoyeon out when he's not strong enough to do so? If only he was like Kai, or Suho, or Kris, or any of the other guys, and not be a complete wimp. 

   Lay picked up a golden marigold flower that was on the ground of his parking lot.

 Hyoyeon picked up a purple tulip that she had gotten herself to play a little game.

 Lay and Hyoyeon picked up the flower and pricked off the first gentile petal.

 "He loves me not."

  "She loves me not."

 The second petal flew through the ground by the wind.

 "He loves me."

 "She loves me."

 The cycle went on and on until Hyoyeon stared widely at the last petal.

 Lay had forgotten what his last thought was.

 They both held their breath, and wished that the flower's destiny for them was true.

 "He loves me."

 "She loves me."


Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of "Love, Laugh, Live through Dancing". According through my schedule, new chapters will either come tomorrow (Wedsnday), Friday or Saturday. Saturday is a promise, but Friday and Wedsnday, not so sure. I will promise every week a new chapter will come unless something comes up unexpectedly.  I will try to release multiple chapters on Saturday since on the weekdays I am not allowed to play (lucky day today) Please continue to read this series. 





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oops, LuHan is older than Lay, forgot that. Just ignore the "hyung" part if you catched that