
Year of Us

Your POV

"Are you.. Lee Taemin of SHINee?"

The words escaped from my mouth and echoed in the empty hallway. He looked at me in shock and ran to his next class, heavy boots clomping on the linoleum floor.

Great, he must think I'm a freak for asking him that.

"You're late, ____. Sit down and copy the equations from the board."

"Sorry sir."

The lesson passed quickly and I began to daydream in class. His sandy brown hair.. It looked so soft and silky. I wanted to run my hands through it. Curious eyes.. cute button nose and his perfectly sculpted soft pink lips, they looked so kissable. I my own lips at the thought.

No, snap out of it! I shook my head, to clear the thoughts. Why was I even thinking about him this way? He probably isn't Taemin from SHINee.

The bell rang, signalling the end of school.

I walked out of the school gates with relief. Maybe I should visit Joon oppa? We could celebrate that fact that I got out of school alive on my first day.

Amidst my thoughts, I heard a crowd chant in the distance,

"Fight fight fight!"

I shrugged, not my business, right?

I continued home, the chanting was coming from the park outside the apartment complex I lived in. The crowd mostly consisted of students from my school. What the hell?

I pushed my way through them to see what was going on.

In the centre of the chaos was Taemin and another boy. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put the name to the face.

"Who's that?", I whispered to the girl next to me and pointed to the muscley boy, with bleached almost-white hair.

"Lee Jiyong!", she squealed, "The kingka and hottest boy in the school!"

"And him?", I pointed to the smaller boy, Taemin. I knew his name, infact I couldn't get him out of my head.

"Lee Taemin.", she frowned, "Arrogant bastard. Thinks he's king , because he's in SHINee."

My suspicions had been confirmed.

The kingka grabbed the scruff of Taemin's neck and punched him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground with a terrifying thud and spat blood from his mouth, recoiling from his attacker.

"Come on! Fight me you whimp.", growled the kingka, cracking his knuckles.

The crowd booed and leered at the beaten up boy, who was huddled on the wet grass. Blood was running out from the corner of his mouth and he coughed violently, spewing out even more of the crimson liquid. There were painful purple bruises on his face and he began to sob, curling up into a ball. I had never felt so much pity for anyone in my life.

The kingka snarled, and kicked the hopeless boy, who yelped in pain. He didn't fight back. The crowd cheered, and I felt anger bubbling from within me. The boy kicked Taemin again, hoping for a vicious reaction. That's when my bubble of anger burst.

Without thinking, I stepped into the centre of the crowd.

The crowd hushed and I felt dozens of pairs of eyes at my back, watching my every move. The kingka stopped attacking and looked at me quizzically.

"Hey, new girl. Did you want to take some anger out on this bastard?", Jiyong said gesturing to the wounded Taemin, who whimpered in fear.

He smirked at me and ruffled his bleached hair. As attractive as he was, I couldn't find any interest in him after seeing what he had done to another human being.

I took a step towards the son of a kingka and slapped him. A deafening smack was heard as my hand met with his cheek, leaving a red mark in the shape of a distinctive hand print.

I squated down to meet Taemin's eye level.

"Let's get out of here.", I mumbled, helping him up. He nodded, in too much pain to speak.

He leaned on my shoulders for support as we walked unsteadily towards my apartment complex. I looked back for a brief moment, the kingka and his crowd were staring at us, too dumbfounded to do anything.

We were sitting next to eachother on the couch, in the living room of my apartment. The first aid kit was on the coffee table. I poured some disinfectant on a cotton ball.

"This might hurt."

I patted it lightly on his cuts and grazes. He bit his lip, trying not to cry in pain.

I began to unwrap a bandaid. He grabbed my hand to stop me. I looked at him in surprise.

"Can we keep this between you and I? I don't want my hyungs to find out.", he murmured.

"Why not let people know what they've done to you?"

He shook his head.

"The fans will go insane. I can just imagine all the controversy. I'm graduating at the end of the year anyway. I can put this behind me."

I sighed in fustration.

He looked around my apartment. It was small, but had large windows and sliding glass doors, with a balcony. I could see the sun setting outside, the sky in pastel pinks and oranges. Taemin's eyes feel upon my life sized SHINee poster, which I had put up this morning before school. I remember taking it down from my room at home, so I could have it in my apartment in Seoul. It wouldn't seem like home without it.

He chuckled in amusement, and I looked away, red-faced with embarassment.

"I see you're a fan."

I yawned, still refusing to look at him. My body ached with weariness. I felt physically tired from the adrenaline rush I had from slapping the kingka. Emotionally tired from witnessing what he had done to Taemin.

I closed my eyes, giving into the fatigue. I felt Taemin scoot closer to me on the couch. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rested my head on his shoulder. I was too tired to protest and began to nod off.

That was the day I fell asleep in his arms.



Late-ish update. I took forever to write this chappie, sorry. It was hard to come up with ideas, and I got distracted with school and other stuff.

But it's longer than the usual chappies, ne? :3

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great fic, thank you!
teddiebears #2
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 1: Super sad, but definitely intriguing! Cool stuff!
when will you update?
Anonymous_15 #5
SungHoney #6
This is so cute! I love your character ! This story seems realistic unlike others! I'll be waiting eagerly for your next update :)<br />
Ayamee hwaiting!
Aish! The jerk! Lol anyway, I hope she ends up with Taemin! :) Update soon, okay?
YEY! dubu coming right up!<br />
I LOVE YOU! dear author! (I sound so awkward)<br />
^^ update soon.
-//-<br />
i"m kindA anGry On suNgmiN!<br />
updaTe sOon~
that cheater Sungmin ! wanna kill him <br />
update soon ~~