Love Pain

Year of Us

Your POV

I flopped onto the couch lazily, the first week of school had passed quickly, but not without gossip spreading.

"Is he paying you to be his friend?", one girl had scoffed at me while I was at my locker.

Despite that, Taemin and I had stuck together and become quick friends, since the dreaded bullying incident.

"Am I older than you?", he grinned, passing the basketball to me. It was after school, and we were shooting hoops at the basketball court.

"Maybe.. When's your birthday?", I said, aiming the ball at the hoop. It bounced off the backboard and missed the hoop completely.

"Tsk, you don't know? Nah, just kidding, 18th July, 1993.", he caught the ball with two hands and passed it back to me.

"It seems like I'm your dongsaeng then.", I aimed again, and it went through the hoop.

Taemin clapped his hands at my achievement, "But, I'm going to call you noona, anyway."

It was his birthday soon..

Sigh. What should I get him? Boys are so hard to buy presents for.

Speaking of boys, I hadn't called Sungmin oppa in a while. I whipped out my mobile from my pocket and scrolled down the contacts list.

'Sungmin oppa! ♥ ', his name read. I pressed the dial button.

The phone connected and I anxiously waited for him to pick up.

"Yobosaeyo?", said a deep voice from the phone. My heartbeat sped up and my cheeks flushed.

"Sungmin oppa, it's me, ___. How have you been? I miss you."


"Yobosaeyo? Sungmin oppa, are you there?"

"Ah, yeah. ___-ah.. Let's break up."


Was I hearing him properly?

"I said.. let's break up."

My eyes widened in shock and my heart fell, there was no doubt about what he had said. I had suddenly lost my voice, I couldn't speak, but he continued to break my heart with his words.

"I found someone else and we started dating two months ago."

My heart ached in my chest. Sungmin, you cheating bastard..

"I wanted to tell you earlier, but.. now you don't have to see my face. So maybe you can get over this faster?"

I just couldn't take it anymore.. And I felt the word vomit rising from my throat.

"Park Sungmin, don't use excuses like that to break up with me through the phone, you cheating coward! You know what, I'm having a ing fantastic life in Seoul, and you mean nothing to me now. I have no feelings for you anymore. I don't love you. YOU!", I screamed into my phone and threw it across the room

I slumped over on the couch and began to shiver, feeling phyiscally and emotionally sick. My vision began to blur, and tears filled my eyes.

The sky was gray and it began to rain outside. I ran onto the balcony, and curled into a ball on the cold tiled floor. The sky was cracked by a flash of lightning, followed by a deep rumble of thunder.

The raindrops drenched my hair and clothes. Mascara began to run down my face. I whimpered and let the tears spill down my face, not caring about my appearance.

"I'm a liar. Everything, I said was a lie, Park Sungmin.. I still love you. I love you..", I whispered to myself in the rain.


Joon's POV

I had just finished my shift at the cafe and it began to rain outside.


I opened the yellow umbrella and walked towards my apartment. I looked up at the sky, and raindrops fell on my face.

"I hate the rain.", I mumbled to no one in particular.

I switched on my iPod and put it on shuffle. Beautiful Hangover, by Big Bang began to play.

There was a girl sitting outside on her balcony in the pouring rain, she was curled into a ball. What a depressing sight.

Wait, is that ___?

I looked at the figure carefully. Oh, it is.. Tsk, what is that silly girl doing outside in the pouring rain?

I took the elevator up to her home. The elevator arived on the third floor and I knocked on her door.

There was no answer. I turned the doorknob carefully. It was unlocked.

"Yo, ___ it's Joon.", I called loudly, stepping into her apartment, "Where are you?"

I heard sobbing, took out my earphones and I looked around suspiciously.

And I saw her, huddled in a ball, weeping in the pouring rain.

I slid open the glass doors to the balcony, and squated next to her.

"Hey.. hey.. It's me, Joon. Come inside, will you? Please?"

It was pouring, and the rain was soaking my clothing.

She looked up at me, like a lost puppy. Her clothing and hair were drenched with water. And her eyes were tired, you could see the pain behind them. My heart hurt to even look at her.

I helped her inside the apartment.

"Go take a shower and we can talk after, okay?", I spoke to her softly.

She nodded, and I watched her as she moved from her bedroom to the bathroom. I heard the sound of running water.

I surveyed the apartment. It was a mess, there were puddles and trails of water from the balcony to the bathroom and a broken phone was on the floor of the living room. I sighed to myself, and went to get the mop and bucket.

Twenty minutes later, the apartment was clean, and the broken phone was on the coffee table. I made two hot chocolates and carried them to the living room, placing them on the table. She emerged from the bathroom in fresh clothes, looking lost in her own home.

I sat on the couch and patted the spot next to me. She sat down obligingly and sipped at the hot chocolate.

She spoke first, "He broke up with me."

Patiently, I listened to her story.

"And I told him that he meant nothing to me.. that I don't love him anymore. That was a lie..", as she spoke, tears began to spill down her face.



Tsk, Sungmin.. you cheating bastard. ==;

This chapter had two POVs, my first time doing that, ha~

Smaller text + italics = flashblack. :)

I will be starting a new fanfic sometime soon. Main character will be Onew/Jinki.. It will be a mostly drama fanfic, not much romance. I shall post the link, when I get started.

To my readers, I love you. <3 :D

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great fic, thank you!
teddiebears #2
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 1: Super sad, but definitely intriguing! Cool stuff!
when will you update?
Anonymous_15 #5
SungHoney #6
This is so cute! I love your character ! This story seems realistic unlike others! I'll be waiting eagerly for your next update :)<br />
Ayamee hwaiting!
Aish! The jerk! Lol anyway, I hope she ends up with Taemin! :) Update soon, okay?
YEY! dubu coming right up!<br />
I LOVE YOU! dear author! (I sound so awkward)<br />
^^ update soon.
-//-<br />
i"m kindA anGry On suNgmiN!<br />
updaTe sOon~
that cheater Sungmin ! wanna kill him <br />
update soon ~~