
Baby you're mine

Jaejoong's POV:

I ignored my thoughts and continued to chat with her. I shouldn't think too much. Everything is fine. All of the sudden, her phone rang and interrupted our conversation about her life in America. Stupid phone.


"BOMMIE!!!" Wow, whoever she was talking to had such a loud voice even I could hear it.

"Oh Dara-ah. Hi, what's up?" Dara? Is this a guy? Wait, it sounds like a girl's name.. why do I care anyways?

"What's up with me? What's up with you! I heard you brought a guy back yesterday.." I can see Bom's eyes widen and her expression changing to an embarassed look.

"YAH! Listen Dara, I'm kinda busy right now so I'll call you back later okay?"

"Ahhh, arrasoo. The guy's still there right? I'm sorry for disturbing you guys. I didn't know! -fake cries-"

"Dara... seriously -_-..."

"Hahaha, okay okay. Call me back later! Anyeong!" Bom hung up and sighed. She held up her phone and whispered something to it. I laughed at her weirdness. C'mon, who talks to their phone?

"Hmm, who was that?" I ask. I don't know but a part of me really wanted to know who that was..

"Oh, my friend Dara. She was one of the girls I was with yesterday at the club.." Oh, so it was a she.

I took a deep breath of relief. "Well, I think I'm going to go now that I caused enough trouble for you. Thank you again for taking care of me last night. Really, I appreciated it a lot, Bom." I smile.

"Haha, no problem Jaejoong. Oh and thanks for the breakfast!" Her eyes disappeared as she grinned wide. I grabbed my things and headed for the door. "I'll see you around in the club if you go again! Anyeong Bommie!" I called out. Wait, did I just call her Bommie instead of Bom?

"Byee Jaejoong! Have a safe trip!"


Bom's POV:

I called Dara back as soon as Jaejoong left, "Dara-ah." I started.

"Oh, he left?"

"Ney, ney. Okay, nothing happened between us! Get those dirty thoughts out of your head right now!"

"Aww, are you sure? Not even a hug..?" She sounded dissapointed.

"No, no skinship whatsoever." I wanted to clear things up with my erted friend here.

"Okay okay I get it Bommie. So how is he?"

"Hmm.. he's handsome, kind, a gentleman.." I was talking but i was cut off by an excited Dara.

"Ooooh~ Bommie's in love!"

-_- Here we go again.

"Dara, he's only a friend. Nothing more!"

"He's only a friend right now, but he'll be your future boyfriend sooooooooooon!"

"Aigooo, what am I going to do with you?"

"Ahhh, I have an idea! Bommmie, let's go to the club today again! I'm sure he'll be there."

Well, he did say that he'll see me around in the club.. "Err.. I'm not sure...." I hesitated.


In about 5 seconds, my door bell rang. Wow, she was fast. I went to open the door. "Wow, you're fast!"

"Uhh.. we live a floor away.." She laughed. Oh right, we live in the same hotel. I almost forgot.

She ran into my room, opened my closet and started throwing my clothes all over the place.

"Woah, what are you doing to my room?!" Apparently, she was too busy to answer me.

"AHHH" Her eyes lit up. "This is perfect." She picked up a black dress with a blue fur scarf, "Bommie-ah, you are definitely wearing this tonight."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"To impress all the guys." She said casually while my eyes widened.

"Yah! Dara-ah! Do I seem that desperate?!"

"Ani, ani, of course not. But you gotta look y when you're in a club."

Time seemed to fly ever since Dara came over. She ordered me to take a shower and right after it, she sat me down in front of the mirror for about 2 hours to do my hair and makeup. It wasn't even like I was going on a runway or anything. I didn't know why she was being so stubborn and making this such a huge deal. jeez.

But when everything was done, I opened my eyes and looked at myself. Wow, I couldn't even recognize myself.

"Bommie-ah, you look amazing. Aigoo, only if I was a guy.." she laughed while I hit her playfully.

"YAH, don't tease me like that!"

It was already 9 in the evening and it was almost time to go outside. Dara helped me put on my outfit. I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped.

"D-dara.. Isn't this too revealing? I.. I.."

"Yes it is and it's perfect for you. You need to show off that perfect body more often!" Dara said with a serious look.

"But.. But.. isn't t-" I was cut off.

"Nope. No Buts." Dara said smirking, "Now, shall we go?"


We entered the club and immediately, I can feel all eyes on me. "Dara.. I don't feel good.. Can we just go?" I felt embarassed.

"Ani! Bommie, I worked hard today for you. You better bring your man back!"

I sigh. "Dara, I said we were only friends." Does this girl ever listen to me, seriously?! I felt a finger tapping my shoulder and I turned around to see who it was. Jaejoong, and his eyes are fixed on me. "You look.. beautiful tonight."


Dara immediately left so that me and him can have our 'alone time'. "Oh you think so? Thanks. I'm quite embarassed." I said nervously. Why was I nervous?

He chuckled heartedly, "Come on, let's go have some fun."



I love the Park sisters cutenesss :]

I'm currently writing the next chapter so it should be up possibly soon?


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Panda90 #1
Chapter 10: Please update this. T.T
Chapter 10: update please? T___T
Omg can you please update this? :(
please updateeeeeeeeeeeee!
TOP is so playful hehehe<br />
Update soon~~~
super like!!! update!!
lol seunghyun in denial!!! can't wait for the next chapter :)