
Best Friends Again
Kim Jongdae's girlfriend is finally awake. 
By: ChensChooty - 17 June 2013. 
According to the public, EXO's former member's, Kim Jongdae, girlfriend has finally woken up. EXO and their girlfriends were seen leaving the hospital with Jongdae and his girlfriend earlier this afternoon. 
A couple of months ago, it was revealed through a press conference that Kim Jongdae will be leaving EXO to take care of her after she had gotten into an accident caused by sasaengs. 
Now that she has woken up, will we see Kim Jongdae also known as Chen back in EXO? 


The news was out and everyone wondered how the public knew about it. They didn't care initially, until they were bombarded with questions about Chen returning to EXO. Their managers tried hard to push the media away by saying they didn't know and that it was Jongdae's decision, but they kept coming back. They had even cornered the girls but of course, they managed to avoid it. 
Although everyone didn't care about the whole article, Yna almost flipped when she read it. She had questions like when did Jongdae leave EXO? However, after reading the article, she knew that he left EXO to take care of her, his girlfriend. But she still can't recall the both of them being together which made her pout. She sat in her room while staring out of the window, thinking of the words Chen said yesterday. 
"I am like this because I'm not what you remember me as. I'm your boyfriend not best friend, Yna! It hurts to much that after all these years, I'm back to where I started, being your freaking best friend!"
Those sentences echoed in her head and she could still remember the pain that Chen showed in his eyes. It was difficult for her to recall everything, but now that she know that she was his girlfriend, it was a big step. 
She then decided to look around and clean her bookshelves since it's been collecting dust. She took out the cleaning materials and started wiping the shelves, afterwards sorting out the things on it. When she found a box filled with letters. She carefully took one out before reading it out loud. 
"Hello unnie, I really support you and Chen Oppa! Last long! - Haeri."
She smiled at the thought that people actually supported her relationship with Jongdae. She placed her hand in the box again and grabbed another letter, only to have her eyes widen. It was THAT letter, the one with blood. 
She bit her lips trying to suppress the scream that was threatening to come out. She quickly ran to her phone and dialed Chen's number. 


Chen was there in no time. When he appeared at their front door, she ran into his arms and started sobbing. Chen was of course taken aback by her actions and decided to just calm her down before talking to her. He carefully led her to the living room after locking the front door. He squirmed out of her hug and found her pale-faced while still trembling in fear. He stared at her for awhile before hugging her again, and somehow that calmed her down. Her trembling decreased and her breathing gradually slowed down and before he knew it, she was fast asleep. He got up to prepare some green tea, her favourite. 
Once he was done, he went back and carefully placed her head on his lap. Twirling her dark brown locks in his fingers and just thinking. Yna's eyes slowly opened and stared at him. 
"Are you done staring yet?" Chen asked making her flinch. She immediately sat up and smacked his arm. 
"You scared me!" She yelled but instead, Chen just chuckled at her reaction. 
"Stay right there," Chen said before running off to the kitchen and coming back a few seconds later with a mug of hot green tea on each of his hands. 
"Your favourite," He said as he carefully passed one of it to her. She nodded and smiled thankfully back at him before sipping it. 
It took Chen a lot of courage before he finally decided to speak up and ask her about what had happened earlier. 
"Oh that," she began as if it slipped her mind. "Er, I kinda found a box of fan letters and saw one written with blood. I panicked and er," she paused trying to think of the right words to use. 
"Carry on," Chen spoke to make her continue. 
"I got scared," she said in a soft voice and Chen almost didn't hear it. He nodded before walking off to her room. She was puzzled as to why he suddenly left and followed after him. There, she found him staring at the box then afterwards tearing the letter with blood. 
"Do you feel better now?" He asked still facing the box. He knew that she has been there watching him since a few seconds ago. 
"Yes, thank you. So we are really a couple huh?" She asked again this time and he stood frozen in his spot. But before he could do anything, she walked forward and hug his back. He remained frozen for awhile but soon relaxed. Jongdae released her arms around him and turned himself around and hugging her. 
"Yes. Yes, we are." He whispered before pecking her forehead. 
"I'm sorry I can't remember anything. I really am." She whispered back before dragging him to the place where they always sit and talk. 
"I'll make you remember and I promise you that." He replied with determination and held her hands. 
"Now, when did you leave EXO?"
"A few days or weeks after you got into an accident." 
"Why? What about your fans?" Her voice filled with concern.
"I left to take care of you." He replied and he immediately heard her gasp. "As for the fans, they respected my decision," he continued. 
"But.. why?" She asked still confused. 
"Because you are my girlfriend, pabo. It's only right for me to take care of you," he responded back as he knocked her forehead playfully earning a glare from her. 
"But.. Now that I'm fine, and I'm awake.. Are you going back to EXO?"
Now that question caught him off guard. His reason for leaving EXO was taking care of his girlfriend after she got into the accident. But now, she's awake and she's fine. He honestly didn't know how to answer her and just shrugged at her question. 
"Are you worried because I can't remember anything?" She questioned him carefully and he nodded. "Then, how about this. Since I'm an idol, I'll call manager oppa to have a press con in two days."
"But.." Jongdae stuttered. 
"No buts, mister. Now here's the deal, I'll tell everyone that once I have my memories back, you'll go back to EXO. Fair enough?" She continued and nodded to his direction. He stared at her before nodding back. 

Yay! I'm back.

I only had the time to post this up today,

because my prom was yesterday.

I hope you guys liked it!
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nfrdae #1
Chapter 23: WHAT IS THIS
And I envy you author-nim! You saw chen.. I wish I can;_;
nfrdae #2
But I love this side of yna kkk~
Maybe you can put in next chapter yna's revenge like she's being fluffy with baek again and make chen jealous haha it'll be interesting;D
I'm waiting for next update!
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 21: YAH HYESEON!!! Stay away from chen!!!!!!!
nfrdae #4
I'm sad this fic is going to end but aww finally they make up! Ah thankyouu and maybe you could make another chapter just their moment? Fluffy everywhere? Kkk pretty please?^^
nfrdae #5
Chapter 18: Why so short.. And seems like a filler chapter only?
I'm waiting for next update because I'm curious how will yna make up with chen!:)
And it's okay I'd love to read this fic longer if you decide to extend this but please make sure yna would still be with chen in the end?:D
nfrdae #6
Chapter 17: Aww I feel bad for judge baek so badly
But things got more complicated.. Yna would feel betrayed I think?
I'd love another chenna moment kkk
Update soon I'm curious~ fighting!
Kideferon1324 #7
Chapter 17: I'm actually really glad that Baekhyun was just trying to help out Chen. Can't wait to see Ynas reaction. I hope she dosent start hating both of them that would be sad :(
TTing_ #8
Chapter 17: It's kind of heartbreaking that baekhyun did that,I actually wanted to two of them tgt.
nfrdae #9
Chapter 16: Yes please!! ChenNa moments! All chapter long!
Please make it please T_T because you have made chen suffer all this time
I beg you ;_;
Chapter 16: Someone please knock Yna's head so that her memory will come back. Im really sad seeing Jongdae's situation tsktsk. Author-sshi! Dont bully jongdae any longer!