
Best Friends Again
He was outside her room, pacing around. Once in a while, running his hand through his hair out of frustration. After he ran out, Suho and Mr Song had rushed after him to calm him down. They patted his shoulders before dragging him somewhere nearby to talk. 
"It takes time, Jongdae-ah. You must understand," Suho began.
"You need to be the one strong this time Jongdae. You need to guide her," Mr Song added as he tried to look into Jongdae's eyes. 
That venomous, treacherous word had been haunting Jongdae the whole time. It just felt so wrong that he is back to where he had started, being her best friend. Now, he had to work his way back up to being her boyfriend. As much as the first time had been difficult because they were both oblivious to each other's feelings, this time would be so much more difficult. Especially when she can't remember anything from when they started dating. 
"Hyung, you don't understand.. It hurts so much.." Chen cried as he punched the wall of the hospital, leaving a little dent on it. 
Suho had rushed forward to prevent Chen from punching it again. He wouldn't want to add anymore hospital expenses, after all, Yna has been hospitalised for pretty long. 
Meanwhile, inside the room Yna was confused as to why Jongdae had just ran off like that. Did she say something wrong, she thought. 
"Hey, you're finally awake. You made us worried," Minseok said as he walked towards the foot of Yna's bed with the rest. 
"What happened to me? Why am I here? Why did Jongdae rush out just like that? Why-" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. She blurted out all the questions she had to them and of course, they had expected it. After all, she can't remember anything and that's not her helping either. 
"Wow there, relax Unnie," Hyomin interrupted her, breaking the bullet train of words coming out of . 
"First, you got into an accident." Minki stated as she held Yna's hand and squeezed it. 
"Two, you're here because of the accident. You got pretty hurt. And that's why you can't remember anything." Luhan added as he walked over and ruffled her hair. She pouted before looking at everyone else for the next answer. 
"And now, do you really not remember what Jongdae is to you?" Eluna asked as she sat on the edge of Yna's bed. 
Everyone stared at her in anticipation. Maybe she was kidding? Maybe it's like those dramas that she lied that she can't remember anything. But the truth is, she really can't remember a thing. The doctor said that her last memories left were from 4 years ago.
Yna's eyebrows furrowed together as she tried to remember anything. If Jongdae had meant anything to her. Did he? If he did, then what was it? She thought through it carefully before shaking her head slowly. Everyone nodded in understanding before leaving her alone with her Mother. 


By the next few days, she was discharged and went back to living in the dorms even though her parents were against it. Since anything could trigger her memories and they wouldn't know how she would react, they were really not in favour of that decision. But their daughter had been insisting on it so they couldn't say much and ended up agreeing with it. 
EXO was done with their promotions and that was the main reason why they would be over at the girls' dorm everyday. They would play video games, watch movies and just catch up and have fun. They were hoping that through the things they do, something would trigger Yna's memories and well, Jongdae would be happy. 
Suho, Kris, Luhan and Lay were on the table playing a round of poker. The younger ones playing video games while some of the girls and Xiumin were in the kitchen preparing food. Yna sat at the corner of the couch watching everyone else interact with one another. It was a pity that she can't remember anything. Her eyes scanned the whole room, until it landed on one particular boy that looked bored. That person is Jongdae. 
It has been days since Jongdae last talked to her. The last was probably in the hospital but he ran off after that. She was clueless but decided to let him be. Who wouldn't when Jongdae looked like he would break the bones of the first person who disturbs him? 
She couldn't take it anymore and thus, she stood up abruptly from where she was seated, catching everyone's attention. She slowly walked to where Jongdae was before grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the balcony. Everyone gave encouraging smiles to Jongdae while he remained indifferent about it. 


"Why are you not talking to me? Why are you like this? I thought you are my best friend?" She blurted out, annoyed that he have not been making the effort to talk to her. 
She said that word again. He only shook his head before looking at his feet. He tried to blink back his tears before looking up, only to end up eye to eye with her. 
"I am like this because I'm not what you remember me as. I'm your boyfriend not best friend, Yna! It hurts to much that after all these years, I'm back to where I started, being your freaking best friend!" He yelled out of frustration as tears fell from his eyes. 
The girl in front of him stood rooted to the ground, unable to take a step forward and comfort him. Everyone's activities inside the living room have stopped and everyone was on all ears at what was happening in the balcony. Jongdae had just burst and they wouldn't know how Yna will react to it. Tao was about to move forward and stop Jongdae from yelling at her but was stopped when Chanyeol eyed him. It was their problem, and they had to settle it. 
"I'm s-sorry," Yna stuttered before finally having the courage to step forward and embrace him, wrapping her hands carefully around his neck while he hesitantly s his arms around her waist. She kept repeating those words to his ears.
"I'm sorry, I c-can't remember a-anything. I'm s-sorry for m-making y-you suffer," She said before sobbing hard on his chest. 
He rested his chin on top of her head before carefully rubbing her back and playing with her hair. Oh how he missed her. 
"I've t-tried to remember w-what you are to m-me, but I c-can't. I'm s-sorry," she continued before Jongdae decides to shush her. 
It has been his fault for being selfish, for only thinking that he was the one suffering. She tried to remember what he is to her, but she can't. He could only think of himself back then, but now, he had vowed to help her remember him as her boyfriend. 


I'm finally back with the next chapter. 
I'm sorry if this took a while. 
I'm REALLY REALLY finally done with my exams.
So yay! 
I hope you liked it! 
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nfrdae #1
Chapter 23: WHAT IS THIS
And I envy you author-nim! You saw chen.. I wish I can;_;
nfrdae #2
But I love this side of yna kkk~
Maybe you can put in next chapter yna's revenge like she's being fluffy with baek again and make chen jealous haha it'll be interesting;D
I'm waiting for next update!
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 21: YAH HYESEON!!! Stay away from chen!!!!!!!
nfrdae #4
I'm sad this fic is going to end but aww finally they make up! Ah thankyouu and maybe you could make another chapter just their moment? Fluffy everywhere? Kkk pretty please?^^
nfrdae #5
Chapter 18: Why so short.. And seems like a filler chapter only?
I'm waiting for next update because I'm curious how will yna make up with chen!:)
And it's okay I'd love to read this fic longer if you decide to extend this but please make sure yna would still be with chen in the end?:D
nfrdae #6
Chapter 17: Aww I feel bad for judge baek so badly
But things got more complicated.. Yna would feel betrayed I think?
I'd love another chenna moment kkk
Update soon I'm curious~ fighting!
Kideferon1324 #7
Chapter 17: I'm actually really glad that Baekhyun was just trying to help out Chen. Can't wait to see Ynas reaction. I hope she dosent start hating both of them that would be sad :(
TTing_ #8
Chapter 17: It's kind of heartbreaking that baekhyun did that,I actually wanted to two of them tgt.
nfrdae #9
Chapter 16: Yes please!! ChenNa moments! All chapter long!
Please make it please T_T because you have made chen suffer all this time
I beg you ;_;
Chapter 16: Someone please knock Yna's head so that her memory will come back. Im really sad seeing Jongdae's situation tsktsk. Author-sshi! Dont bully jongdae any longer!