
Polkadot Bikini


Taemin's POV

"What? Are you just going to stand there? Get in line." The lady looked at me like I was stupid.

"O-Oh" I made my way towards the other girls and stood next to them.

She started walking to me with her high heels clicking on the floor with every step she took. I cannot even explain how nervous I was. When she reached me, I braced myself for her punishment. But.. instead she just stood there, eyeing me from head to toe. Why isn't she scolding me?

"What is your name, young lady?"

EH?! I almost choked on my own spit when she said that. Young lady?! Is she trying to insult me?

"Well?" She looked as if she was serious though.

My mind went blank and my throat suddenly turned dry. And just when I was about to die from pressure. BAM! The doors bursted open. A girl that looked around my age appeared through the doors. Everybody turned their heads to look at her.

She quickly bowed. "Jwesongsamnida! I'm late"

There was an akward silence for a moment, and then the lady turned around to face the girl. "It's okay dear..I accept your apology."

The girl looked up at her with a confused look now.

The lady's face suddenly turned cold. "But listen to me when I say this. Never. I repeat, never disrupt me when I we're in an important meeting like this. Next time, you enter quietly and go where you are supposed to go. Understood!?"

The girl nervously nodded, pursing her lips together.

"Show me your papers." The lady demanded.

The girl hurried over to her and gave her some files that were in her hand.

"Thank you, now go take a seat and wait for me to call you." She turned back to face me. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, what is your name dear?"

Damn. I thought she would forget about that.

"Ughh.." I had to think of something. Quick.



"Tae..?" She was starting to get impatient.

"Tae... Tae.. Taeyeon!"


"Neh." I slowly nodded.

"Well Taeyeon, welcome to Chungdam Academy. Grab some papers in the table behind me and after you finish signing them, bring them back to me. I will then assign you a room along with a roomate."

No! Not a roomate! Honestly, this just kept getting worse and worse.

I went back to the table and grabbed some papers which required you to fill in your name, age, and all that kind of stuff. My mind was full of relief, but at the same time I was scared of what would happen next. Just go with the flow Taemin.. go with the flow..

I went to sit in a seat and started filling out the paper with some fake imformation.


I turned over in suprise to see where the voice came from. It was the girl from before, she was sitting next to me.

I just stared at her while she innocently smiled. Now that i looked at her up close, she seemed really pretty. She had brown hair that sat below her shoulders, a child like face, and cute dimples when she smiled. (like in banner above)


I smiled back at her. But my smile started to fade when i realized something. Im just here to get the videos and tapes back. I shouldn't get too comfortable here. Ignore the girl Taemin..

I stood up when i finished and gave the papers to the lady. She took a quick scan at the papers. Then she handed me a small slip and said "Here is your room number."

"Thanks." I took the slip and roamed out into the hallways. I walked around for a while, and kept getting lost. Hmm where the heck is Room 208? i was only used to how the boys dorm looked like. I kept looking and looking and then i realized i just was walking in circles. I went the other way and I looked at the doors with numbers on them. Room 204..205...206..207.. "Oh! Here it is!"

Room 208

I opened the door to find someone unpacking. Great, my roommate is already here. -sarcasm- Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the girl turned around. It was her.

"Oh It's you! You're my new roommate?"

I just stared at her with my eyes wide. Crap.

"Ummm hello?" She walked over to me and waved her hands in my face. "Helloooo!"

I snapped out of it. "Oh! Uhh hold on I need to get something." I quickly rushed into the closet room. Whew, that was close.

.... Woah, this is a big closet, compared to the boys dorm closets. I sat down on the closet floor and thought through everything. Now what do I do? I looked up at the ceiling to calm my mind. But, that was when i saw something, hanging out of the shelf.

??? I moved closer to it hitting my arm on the shelf accidently knocking it down on my face.

Oh crap. It was a bra.



Honestly, this isn't my favorite chapter =.= But hope you enjoyed it :) If you have any suggestions or tips to give me on this story I will be glad to know. Love you all.


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Chapter 22: aww so sad this story is abandoned 〒_〒 you got a nice plot and the story is getting good but huhuhu (>﹏<)
Update soon!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
The title is truely awesome XD!!!

Just like the story XD OuO
Gonna start reading this nao OuO
Hey,, new reader here. hahaha,, your plot is very interesting. hahahha, update soon. :D
KyeopTaemin #5
Aaaaaa. When are you going to update this? I hope that you will continue this story.
trinity- #6
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #7
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #8
Anyway, haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -waves frantically- NEW READER HERE ! 8D I LIKEY YOUR PLOT. MIANHAE IF I SPAZZ IN CAPS CUZ I DO THAT ALL THE TIME (yes people think I'm weird :'( ;~~~~~~~~;) BUT I LIKE IT! I IMAGINED SOOJUNG AS TAEMIN AHAHHAHAHAHA. And I think Jonghyun's love for Taeyeon/TAEMIN LOL ish soooo cute <3 EEEEEEEee
BananaNutt #9
this is cute, i hope you can update soon (: