Stranger Danger

Polkadot Bikini


Jonghyun's POV

"Hey, Onew?"

"Yeah?" Onew stopped eating for a moment and looked at me.

"Who's the new girl?" I nodded towards her.

He looked to where I was talking about and looked at the girl. What I didn't know was that he was looking at the girl next to her, not the one i was talking about. He smiled. "She's cute."

"Yah, I saw her first."

"Tch. As if you already have enough girls." He smirked staring at the other girl.

"I'll be back." I smiled getting up from my chair. I walked towards the girl and when i reached her i took a look at her face. She was distracted looking at the Cafe's menu. Oh, she was beautiful. Nice big eyes and looked like she had the softest skin.

"You see anything you like?" I smiled.

"Umm, who are you?" She looked confused.

"Oh, parden my manners. Im Kim Jonghyun."

"Oh, Anyoung" She bowed slightly, turning back to looking at the menu.

"I didn't get your name?"

She looked back at me nervously. "Uhh.. Tae...Yeon."

Taeyeon huh? "Pretty girl with a pretty name."

Her eyes widened. "E-Eh!?!"

I kept smiling. This might be one of those innocent girls. "Hey, maybe you want to go get something to eat with me tonight?"

"Bwoh!?" She said, blinking alot. She looked ten times more nervous now. It's probably her first date.

"So.. what do you think? Me. You. At Hangkun Lake House. 7pm."

"S-sorry, Im not interested"

I coughed. "Eh??" She's rejecting me?

"Maybe you didnt hear me. You're going on a date with me."

She looked at me as If I was going to her. "I said no"

I smirked. Hah, playing hard to get huh? I've delt with these before. "Alright." I reached into her back pocket.

She jumped. "YAH! What are you doing?!" She slapped my hand away.

"Relax." I reached into her back pocket once again and took out her phone. I opened it up and typed in my number.

She was about to snatch her phone back but i gave it back anyways. "Here's my number. Call me If you changed your mind."

Her face was priceless. She was just about to say something but then the cashier yelled out, "Two orders of Dubokki!" and stuck the tray in front of her face between us. She quickly walked away with the tray and another girl followed behind her.

I got this. I walked back to Onew and sat down in my chair. He looked up at me with a smile.

"So how'd it go?"

"Easy as pie."

Onew laughed. "Right." He took a sip of his soda. "I got my eye on the other girl."


SooJung's POV

I watched Taeyeon take a bite of her Dubokki. I was so glad I made friends with her because I hated the other kind of girls who just liked to gossip and stuff. When I saw Taeyeon, I felt that she was different, the kind that doesnt act like a typical girl.

"Is it good?"

She nodded smiling. "It's tasty!"

I thought about the guy from before. "Umm, i was wondering.. Who was that guy you were talking to at first?"

She stopped eating. "Ughh, I have no idea."


After we finished eating we headed out of the cafe. While we were heading back to the dorm, some random guy ran up to me and I stopped walking to see what he wanted.

"Hey, are you new?" His voice was nice.

"Neh, Is there something you needed?"

"Im Onew" He smiled.

This guy seemed friendly so I smiled back. "Nice to meet you." I almost forgot Taeyeon was waiting so I turned back around and starting walking again.

He started walking faster and turned to me. "I was wondering what was your name?"

"I'm Soojung." I kept walking.

"Umm , maybe I can call you sometime? What's your number?"

Really?  I didnt wan't to give some random guy my number when we just met! "Sorry. Stranger Danger."

He stopped walking with us and stared at me with disbelief. I kept walking anyways ignoring it.


JongHyun's POV

Here I was waiting in my room, waiting for that girl to call me. It was already 6! I kept waiting knowing for sure, that she would call me anytime soon. But about 40 minutes later, there I was, still laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I finally got fed up and decided to call her instead. I took out my phone and dialed her number, that I managed to get while I took her phone.

Brrr* Brrr* Brrr*


SooJung's POV

I was laying on the bed reading a book when I heard music come on.

I looked around to see where it was coming from and saw that it was coming from Taeyeon's phone. But.. Taeyeon's in the shower. I didn't want to be nosy but I held up to see who it was anyways. I looked at it and it said ... "Boyfriend"?! Taeyeon had a boyfriend? I didn't want her boyfriend to worry so I answered the call.


".. Is this Taeyeon?"

"Oh, sorry. She's.. in the shower right now."

"Really? Well when she's done, tell her to meet me up at exactly 7 okay?"


"Thanks. Don't forget okay?!" He hung up.

A while later, Taeyeon came out of the bathroom.



"Your err.. boyfriend called you earlier, and told you to meet up with him soon."

"Eh!?! Who?"

"Your boyfriend..?"

She ran back to her phone and looked at the number who called her. "Aish, It's him."


"The guy at the cafe."

"Ohhh him?"

Wait.. To think of it, Taeyeon really has been studying to much.. She needs this.

"Maybe.. You should go."

She turned to look at me and gave me an -are you kidding me- look."What? No way!"

"C'mon, It might be fun" I gave her a reassuring smile.

"But.. Who knows what will happen?!"



HUHU~ It's getting to the good part :) HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS ONEE !


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Chapter 22: aww so sad this story is abandoned 〒_〒 you got a nice plot and the story is getting good but huhuhu (>﹏<)
Update soon!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
The title is truely awesome XD!!!

Just like the story XD OuO
Gonna start reading this nao OuO
Hey,, new reader here. hahaha,, your plot is very interesting. hahahha, update soon. :D
KyeopTaemin #5
Aaaaaa. When are you going to update this? I hope that you will continue this story.
trinity- #6
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #7
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #8
Anyway, haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -waves frantically- NEW READER HERE ! 8D I LIKEY YOUR PLOT. MIANHAE IF I SPAZZ IN CAPS CUZ I DO THAT ALL THE TIME (yes people think I'm weird :'( ;~~~~~~~~;) BUT I LIKE IT! I IMAGINED SOOJUNG AS TAEMIN AHAHHAHAHAHA. And I think Jonghyun's love for Taeyeon/TAEMIN LOL ish soooo cute <3 EEEEEEEee
BananaNutt #9
this is cute, i hope you can update soon (: