Knew What?!

Polkadot Bikini

Note: Hmm this might be more of a emotional chapter & not much humour here. I will edit typos when I read over, I make too much typos ;(


Taemin's POV


Jonghyun stood there looking at me, face full of worry. What the.. how did he.. I looked at the door, it was locked. I looked around the room and spotted the window. It was open. Ah. The window. I always hated how stupid I was for always leaving the window open. I guess this time I should thank my stupidity.

Jonghyun then turned around to face Key, making Key smirk.

"You..." There was a hint of disgust in Jonghyuns voice.

I looked at Key and he was smiling. Why in the world is he smiling.


 "I never knew you would go this low.. Key." .... Wait.. what? They know each other?

"So you didn't forget me?" Key's smile was even more intimidating now.

"This isn't about that right now." Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows together, in annoyance.

Key then took a quick glance at me and back at Jonghyun. "Hah, so it's true."


"I knew it all along."

I stared cluelessly at both their faces, wondering what the hell they were talking about.

"You knew what?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow.

"I knew you were coming."

Jonghyun was silent now and Key looked satisfied watching his reaction.

"Just as I expected. You came to save her."

Jonghyun looked down, avoiding eye contact with Key.

"Am I right?"

Jonghyun shook his head. "Key, don't start."

"So it's true?!" Key repeated, raised his voice, anger starting to show up in his eyes. What was happening??

Jonghyun said nothing.

"Just tell me.. she's just one of all the you're with right? Nothing special right?" Key bit his lip, looking like he was nearly panicking.

"No." Jonghyun immediately answered. "She's different."

It looked like Jonghyun had gave him a slap in the face.

"...W-what?" Now it was like Key was a totally different person.  "T-That's A Lie!"

"Key.. Kibum..-"

"Don't you dare call me that!" Key snapped.

Jonghyun sighed and looked back to check on me.

Key suddenly looked back at me too and pursed his lips, glaring at me. "Why...What's so special about her?!" Crap. Please stop bringing me into this. "What does she have that I don't!?"

My mouth was still hung open, trying to grasp the situation that was happening here.  Did.. Key.. like Jonghyun?

"Key.. I told you.. It's just.. Your a.. guy.. And I don't feel the same way.."



Key's POV


I nearly fell to my knees when I heard those words come out of his mouth. Those ing words.



I ran to catch up to him, and grabbed onto the back of his jacket, clenching the fabric into my fists. He finally stopped.

"Why?" My eyes were starting to burn.

He was quiet, back still facing me.

"Just because I have feelings for you now, you decide to just leave?!"


",And just because I have feelings for you now, we can't even stay best friends?"

There was a pause. But just as expected, he shook away from my grip and continued to walk away.

"YAH! Jonghyun!" I felt the tears coming. Don't ing cry, Key.

He suddenly stopped and turned his head around his shoulder, revealing half of his flawless face and his sharp jawline.

"Sorry Kibum... I just don't feel the same way." After his last words, he left. Just like that.

A happy couple walked past me as I cried, making the situation way worse. I watched as the girl giggled and smiled at the way he nuzzled his head onto hers.

Stupid girls.. Let's see how they look when they get their hearts broken.





OMB Key likes Jonghyun :O

&Sorry for such a short chapter D:

I hope you like the twist though !

I'll try and update soon~

I love all your feedback<3 & Hello new readers! :)

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Chapter 22: aww so sad this story is abandoned 〒_〒 you got a nice plot and the story is getting good but huhuhu (>﹏<)
Update soon!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
The title is truely awesome XD!!!

Just like the story XD OuO
Gonna start reading this nao OuO
Hey,, new reader here. hahaha,, your plot is very interesting. hahahha, update soon. :D
KyeopTaemin #5
Aaaaaa. When are you going to update this? I hope that you will continue this story.
trinity- #6
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #7
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #8
Anyway, haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -waves frantically- NEW READER HERE ! 8D I LIKEY YOUR PLOT. MIANHAE IF I SPAZZ IN CAPS CUZ I DO THAT ALL THE TIME (yes people think I'm weird :'( ;~~~~~~~~;) BUT I LIKE IT! I IMAGINED SOOJUNG AS TAEMIN AHAHHAHAHAHA. And I think Jonghyun's love for Taeyeon/TAEMIN LOL ish soooo cute <3 EEEEEEEee
BananaNutt #9
this is cute, i hope you can update soon (: