Let the music control you

Polkadot Bikini



Soojung's POV

Hmm, good thing Seoul city isn't that crowded today. I smile as I skip past all the cute little stores, past all the busy people rushing to work, past all the little food stands that send out delicious aromas of Korean BBQ, past all the-

LALALALA LAALALALA *cheesy ringtone*

Hm? Who's calling?

I flipped open my phone and answered.


"Soojung-ah please listen to me I-"

Tch, It's him. "Stop calling me Key." I snapped, cutting his voice off. Hpmh! I closed the phone harshly and went back to walking to my favorite Ice cream shop.

I started to hum to Madonna by Secret as I walked further and further down the busy streets.

"Madonna-donna donna- Hmm hmm hmm Hot hot oh -- WOAH!"

I looked down to see what I tripped over. Eh? A Keychain? I bent down to pick it up and took a closer look at it. Hmm.. Somebody must've dropped this. I looked at the number on the big key connected to the keychain. "3706" hmm... I looked up around at the buildings and the shops. That's when I ironically saw the number '3706' ahead of me.

Eh? It's up there? I fast-walked over to the building noticing that the lights were on, and looked through the large windows. Oh! It's a dance studio! I looked up again at the building number and then at the key. Maybe this is theirs.. I should check to make sure.

-knock knock knock- I knocked my fist politely on the door.

*No answer*

I knocked louder this time.

*No answer*

"Ummm.. Hello!? Anybody in there?"

Thats wierd.. But.. what am I gonna do with this? ..... I looked at the keychain and then at the door. Hmm...

I held up the keys to the door and pushed it in the lock, turning it ever so slightly, and then it clicked open. Omo! It works!

I peered my head through the door, checking if anybody noticed me unlock the door. And then walked in the middle of the room, looking at the empty surroundings.

I suddenly noticed some music coming from one of the other rooms. Eh? I wonder who's in there.  I went and followed the sound of the music, walking down the isolated hallway. There were a couple of plain white doors, but there was one door.. that was slightly opened.. I hesitated for a moment but went on anyways. Slowly, I peeked inside to see...

EHHH!?!?!? TAEMIN??!?

Please not be him , please not be him. This, couldn't be him. No It can't. He's not wearing.. girl clothes.. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better view of his face through the mirror. Omo omo It is him. And he's .. dancing... Wierd enough, he's actually dancing really good. It looked like he was so concentrated in the music, that he couldn't even notice me by the door. Instead of leaving, I continued to watch him dance. Oh wow.. He can dance? He matched with the beat of the music perfectly, It was a really nice sight,really. I laid my head against the wall and watched him, not realizing there was a smile spread across my face.

Wait no! I can't!
I shook my head trying to shake off the want to watch him more. I turned myself around and sprinted quietly as possible away from the place. "AISH!" Stupid clumsy me dropped my bag on the floor while trying to get away, making a loud clack noise. Ahhh noo!!

Taemin turned around arubtly, stopping his dancing. He looked at me with a shocked face.

"What are you doing here?"

Oh crap. "I ughh.. ahehh.. ughh..."

I turned back around to face him.  "Oh I found these outside!" I held out my hand, giving him the keychain.

"Oh... So that's how you got into here."

"Neh.. Well ughh.. I'll be leaving now!" I turned back around and started to dash off out of the hallway.


I stopped immediately and turned around slowly to face him. "N-neh?"

"Do you .. want to.. stay?"


There was an akward feel in the air. It was quiet. Mirrors surrounded the bright empty room and the polished wooden floor squeaked as he went to turn the music back on. I sat down on the floor making myself alittle more comfortable.

But as soon as he the music, It was like he was a different person now. He got back into position and started to move. And gosh, It looked like he was like.. the main dancer from a kpop boy band.. or something.  I watched as his caramel-colored hair swayed from side to side as his legs matched the rhythm of the music. My face was full of awe, and I didn't even notice that until he stopped to turn to me. He chuckled at how my mouth was hanging alittle open.

"Why are you giving me that face?" He joked.

"Huh? Oh- aheh" I looked down and closed my mouth, blushing, trying to hide my face.

He smiled and bent down, holding a hand out to me.

I looked at him with a confused face. "W-weh?"

"Do you know how to dance?" He still had his hand out, signaling me to grab it.

I ignored his hand and shook my head. "Anni! I don't want to."

He smirked, and suddenly grabbed my wrist pulling me up, dragging me to the middle of the room.

"Yah! Taeyeon! Let go!" I tried to shake out of his grip.

"Soojung, stop calling me Taeyeon" He whined.

"Why? I still think of you as a girl anyways." I smiled.

"Do I really look like a girl?" He suddenly pulled his face closer to mines, pouting.

 His face = flawless.

"Hey!" I backed away quickly. " Don't do that."

"So do I?"

I tried changing the subject and I couldn't lie - I wanted to stare at his face longer.

"I- I don't want to dance." I replied, about to walk away.

Unexpectedly he grabbed a remote on the floor and turned the music on. This time the song Shut It Down by Drake came on. (click to fit the mood, If you dont like it just play electric heart by SHINee)

I stopped and he slowly walked up to me sliding his hands up my arms, making me quiver, but I still stayed frozen.

"I.. can't dance." I argued.

"Then... I'll teach you."

He shifted his feet and turned me around to grab me closer to him. Oh no.


Taemin's POV

I didn't know what I was thinking. I couldn't stop myself. This was the first time a girl made me feel like this. All I could do now was let the music control me.


Soojung's POV

He smoothly made his way behind me and started to move his body against mines along with the music. I was too scared that I would embarass myself, so I was abit uneasy.

"Let the music control you." He said softly, into my ear.

I slowly closed my eyes, and started to move a little bit with him, now falling into his spell.

We started to sway our hips together and he was so close that I could smell his cologne. It wasn't strong. It smelt good.

I needed to stop, but no matter what my brain told me, my body didn't listen. I didn't want to stop.

He slowly slid his hands down my arms interlocking his fingers between mines. Next thing you know, it started to become a little more intimate. Us together.. grinding our bodys against each other.. matching the rhythm of the music.

I suddenly heard him smirk behind me. "I told you, you could dance."

"Omona!" I arubtly stopped moving and came to my senses. I pushed his hands away quickly, about to dash away, but then something happened. Something really stupid of me to do. I tripped over Taemins foot

"AH!" I yelped, falling towards down, closing my eyes, hoping I wouldn't get hurt.

I landed on something and then my lips smashed into into another thing. I opened my eyes slowly to find my face inches- no, scratch that, centimeters away from Taemin's face.

And my lips.. ON HIS.

My eyes widened in horror, as we both stared at each other in shock.

I quickly pulled away in super major embarrasment and we both got back up, avoiding eye contact with each other.

"Aheheh..." I nervously laughed, slowly grabbed my bag off the floor. And then, I dasheeedd out of the room like a little squirrel.


Taemin's POV

Just like that, she scurried away, without a word. I was about to stop her, but I was just too shocked from what just happened.

I slid my fingers across my lips.

"Did we just... kiss?"


Mystery Guy's POV

"Komawo!" I grabbed the white box wrapped in pink ribbon, gave the cashier the money, and skipped back to the table.

I peeked inside the box, looking at the two neatly placed cups of icecream, topped with fruits.

"Soojung Noona will love these. kekeke."

Just then, I saw a cute familiar girl walk through the doors. "Ah! I knew she was coming!"


She looked back at me with a shocked face. Hehe, she must be happy and suprised that I'm here.




Anyeoung <3 Well I forgot to tell you all that the boy needs to be younger than Soojung ;_; So I have not decided yet. Thanks for all the suggestions though! Comment more suggestions if you can so I can decide If i'll just use the kpop idol and perten he's younger in the next chapter.

And I love the nice comments you all give me. I really do :)

Kbye loves <3

+P.S. I have been watching alot of 'Playful Kiss' lately. It's getting good.

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Chapter 22: aww so sad this story is abandoned 〒_〒 you got a nice plot and the story is getting good but huhuhu (>﹏<)
Update soon!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
The title is truely awesome XD!!!

Just like the story XD OuO
Gonna start reading this nao OuO
Hey,, new reader here. hahaha,, your plot is very interesting. hahahha, update soon. :D
KyeopTaemin #5
Aaaaaa. When are you going to update this? I hope that you will continue this story.
trinity- #6
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #7
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #8
Anyway, haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -waves frantically- NEW READER HERE ! 8D I LIKEY YOUR PLOT. MIANHAE IF I SPAZZ IN CAPS CUZ I DO THAT ALL THE TIME (yes people think I'm weird :'( ;~~~~~~~~;) BUT I LIKE IT! I IMAGINED SOOJUNG AS TAEMIN AHAHHAHAHAHA. And I think Jonghyun's love for Taeyeon/TAEMIN LOL ish soooo cute <3 EEEEEEEee
BananaNutt #9
this is cute, i hope you can update soon (: