Playhouse Night Club

Polkadot Bikini

WARNING : slightly little, little bit of rated stuff. And mentions of achohol.

Oh and theres going to be alot of Key in this chapter :D since it's near his b-day. And some Taemin too though.


Soojung's POV

I drove downtown to find the place Key told me to go to. I stepped out of the car after I parked it and held the note up to read what i wrote again.

'1500 Seoul Teukbyeolsi'

I walked past some shops and then saw a nice big restaurant towards me. It was dark out, so I couldn't see that well. I walked to the restuarant and looked above at the sign.

"Samcheongdong Eatery"

Ah! It must be here! To make sure, I looked at the adress on the building. Wait..What? I took a closer look at the adress sign.

'1499' Printed in big numbers.Eh?? It's not this one??'  I was really confused now. I walked past the restaurant and noticed another building next to it. I read the adress sign to see If i finally found it. '1500' Oh! It's here! But then... why doesn't this look like a restaurant? .... WHAT THE!!????

"Playhouse Night Club"

BWOH!? Key wanted me to go to THIS place!? I came closer to the door and heard loud thumping from the music inside. Oh no.. I am NOT going in there. I turned around to go back to my car but a sudden thought came up.Wait.. What if.. I don't get to see him again? Aishh.. Whatever, how bad can this place be anyways? I took all of my courage and decided to go in, bracing myself for what was going to be inside.

Omo.. This place looks small on the outside but hugggeee in the inside. As soon as I stepped in the loud music boomed through my ears making my heart thump. The colorful lights flashed across the dance floor and there were loads and loads of people.

"Hey you!" I heared a deep voice near me. I turned to look at a tall big muscular guy in a black outfit looking down at me.

"N-neh?" I coughed.

"If you want to enter, get in line!" He pointed to the long line of people standing behind him.

I was so scared and dumbfounded I couldn't say anything because he was so big, so i just looked at him nervously.

"Did you hear me!? Get in L-"

"Relax Rob, she's with a me." A familiar voice said.

"Oh hey Key! Here, she's all yours."

Key smiled and grabbed my hand. He lead me to the dance floor as we walked through all of the crowded people.

"Sorry about that." He said. I tried to listen to him but the music was so loud that I couldn't even hear a word he just said.


"You can't hear me?" He said, but the music still was overpowering his voice.

"What did you say!?!" I yelled.

Suddenly, he leaned his head towards my ear and neck so close, that I could hear his warm breathing against my skin.

"Can you hear me now?" He said quietly.


He smirked and slowly interlocked his fingers through mines. His scent was like hipnotizing me. I couldn't think straight and I couldn't even move anymore. Maybe because he was in the way. Or maybe because I didn't want to.

I closed my eyes as his breathing sent shivers down my neck. I was about to move away until I felt his lips against my neck. I gasped abit from the sudden touch but he ignored it. He started to kiss around my neck more roughly and then slid his lips to my lips. I didn't know why but I was kissing him back. I couldn't help it, it was like tasting a memory. The memory of when I used to be with him. His hands started to make way up my legs and that's when I snapped out of it.

"Don't..." I said quietly.

He stopped and looked at me with a confused face. "Weh?"

"It's just... I-....I.... I'll be back.." I hurried out of the crowd before I could see Key's reaction. I looked around for the bathroom and as I walked in I found that nobody was there. I looked at myself in the mirror and it was horrifying. I looked as if I had just had . My hair was all messed up from Key's hands, my lipgloss all smeared around my face, and my clothes all ruffled up.

What is wrong with me? I the sink faucet and splashed some cold water onto my face.

I took another look at myself in the mirror and then at the poster on the wall. I read it and it said "Playhouse Night Club '"Satisfaction gauranteed'"

 Me? In a place like this?? I've officially lost my innocence. I laughed at myself but when I looked up at the mirror again my face full of worry came back. 
Maybe I should.. go apologize to Key now..

I walked out and started looking for Key. I skimmed through the crowd but saw no sign of him.  Maybe he left? I should ask Rob..


"Oh hey! Having fun tonight?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yeah umm .. Have you seen Key anywhere?"

"Oh.. I think I saw him go into the restroom earlier.."

"Oh thanks!"

I hurried back to the bathroom doors and waited for Key to come out. But then I realized that was stupid to wait for him in front of the bathroom so i decided to walk back to the dance floor. But that's when I heard some wierd noises coming from the Men's restroom.

What's that noise? I came closer to the door and heard a girl from the inside. Ew. Disgusting. I was just about to walk away but then I heard something that made me stop immediately.

"Key...! Ah! Kibum!!"

WHAT THE HELL?? I put my ear closer to the door to make sure I didn't hear it wrong. And then I heard someone panting. It was... Key's panting.

"No." I whispered. "No no no no It can't be"

I felt tears start to form in my eyes and tried to hold them back but I couldn't. The tears rolled down my face as i roughly wiped them away.

......... Forget It.  I made my way to the bar walking casually as if nothing happened.

I sat in the bar stool and ordered the bartender. "One shot." I said, in one tone.

The bartender noticed my red nose that appeared when I was crying and then gave me a concerned look.

"Miss.. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Just give me a shot." I replied, without any emotion.

He nodded and poured achohol into the small cup, sliding it back to me across the bar table.

When I was about to take the cup, I saw Key coming out of the bathroom with a girl from the corner of my eye. Key smacked her and winked at her, while she walked away giggling. I couldn't take it anymore so I just drank the achohol all in one gulp. Then I started to feel alittle bit better.

"Another one." I said.

He looked at me with a hurt face. "Miss maybe you can try something els-"

"I said, give me another one." I said interupting him, with a louder voice this time.

Without a choice, he gave me another small cup and I drank it all within a second.

I repeatedly asked for more, drink after drink. And then I started to feel dizzier and dizzier. I finally stopped and left the club. I drove back to the academy ignoring the fact that I was drunk. Tch, who cares about drunk driving. I didn't. I don't care about anything right now.

I lazily walked up the stairs Zui Quan style. (The people who fight kungfu while being drunk xD) I felt like the achohol took over my whole body, but it felt good. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted to do.

When I reached my room and unlocked the door, I saw Taeyeon sitting in bed, reading a book.

He saw me come in and stopped reading. "How was it?" He asked.

I didn't reply. Instead, I just walked over to him, still looking like a drunk dude.


Taemin's POV

She looked like a complete mess. Her hair was everywhere and her clothes were all crumpled up.

"Umm.. Are you okay?" I asked.

No answer.


Before I knew it, she lost her balance and fell on top of me.

"Ah!" I yelled, as her head hit my shoulder.

"Soojung!" I yelled again, this time shaking her. I looked at her face and noticed her eyes were closed. She just layed on top of me motionless.

"Soojung-ah! Hey!!" She finally opened her eyes a little bit and turned her head over to mines. Omo. Her face was inches away from mines now.

"Taeyeon..." She finally said. I watched as she talked.. , staring at her perfect lips.

"N-neh?" I stuttered.

"Taeyeon.." She then put both her hands on my face, making me jump alittle. She chuckled at my reaction.

"You're skin is so soft." She said, while sliding her hands across my cheeks. I just layed there with the most clueless look on my face.



"Taeyeon....... You're too handsome to be a girl."

She moved her face closer to mines as her eyes were closing.


Lol, another 'kiss' cliff hanger? Yeah pretty long chapter :o xD Sorry, I was going to include more but I was getting tired =3=  ANDDD I know Key isn't like his usual self in this story x) I wanted to really try something different for his character. Hope It's not bad D:


So like...

If you know what im implying....

JKJKJK Key will not like Taemin doing that.

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Chapter 22: aww so sad this story is abandoned 〒_〒 you got a nice plot and the story is getting good but huhuhu (>﹏<)
Update soon!!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
The title is truely awesome XD!!!

Just like the story XD OuO
Gonna start reading this nao OuO
Hey,, new reader here. hahaha,, your plot is very interesting. hahahha, update soon. :D
KyeopTaemin #5
Aaaaaa. When are you going to update this? I hope that you will continue this story.
trinity- #6
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #7
I just REALISED it's been a year since you last updated. HURHUR :'( Update pwease??
trinity- #8
Anyway, haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -waves frantically- NEW READER HERE ! 8D I LIKEY YOUR PLOT. MIANHAE IF I SPAZZ IN CAPS CUZ I DO THAT ALL THE TIME (yes people think I'm weird :'( ;~~~~~~~~;) BUT I LIKE IT! I IMAGINED SOOJUNG AS TAEMIN AHAHHAHAHAHA. And I think Jonghyun's love for Taeyeon/TAEMIN LOL ish soooo cute <3 EEEEEEEee
BananaNutt #9
this is cute, i hope you can update soon (: