Twentieth Day

My Only One

'Chen hasn't been here for a few days..I wonder why. He is growing on me. Oh well I will see him sooner or later, since he is somehow related to you. Anyways, I am on crutches now! I miss the chair, I was getting really good at doing tricks in it! Bet you didnt know that crutches are hard to maneuver in.'



There was a knock in the door. "Come in!" Chanyeol hollered. Chen walked in to his surprise. "It has been a few days. Good to see you again." A smile spread over Chanyeol's face.



'I spoke too soon...'



"Where should we go today? The park down the street?" Chen asked grabbing Chanyeol's jacket and crutches. 

"Coffee. Let's get coffee. I am dying for a good latte since the coffee here is !" Chanyeol said putting on his jacket. With that said they headed for the nearest Starbucks.

When they arrived the cafe was a little chilly. "Here, we don't want you catching a cold now do we?" Chen placed his coat over Chanyeol's shoulders. Chanyeol didn't try to push him away nor take the coat off. Instead he sat there thinking how nice it would be to have Chen as a boyfriend.

"Are you too hot now?" Chen asked while taking his seat again, "Your cheeks are bright red..." Chen pated his own cheeks to get Chanyeol to notice. Once he finally did he quickly turned his head to the side looking directly at the floor. Chen giggled.

"Here are your lattes." The girl placed the two drinks on the table. 

"Mmmm this is really good!" Chanyeol said taking a sip. Chen nodded in agreement. Chaneol placed both hands on the table making himself lean down to drink more. Chen glanced at him and smiled while putting his hand on Chanyeol's. Chanyeol looked up with big eyes. "Chen..." before he could finish Chen planted his lips on Chanyeol's, leaning over the entire table. They both closed their eyes to make the kiss more passionate. Chen backed away leaving Chanyeol unsatisfied. "I can live with getting a coffee with you everyday from now on."

"Same time tomorrow then?" Chanyeol nodded and both men smiled at each other finishing the rest of their lattes.




'I want to spend more time with Chen....I don't know what has gotten into me.'



Baekhyun sat confused, not knowing what happeneed between the two. "I wonder if I call Chen he will tell me..."

Chen arrived 48 minutes later, "Sorry so much traffic today. So what did want? You sounded like you were in a hurry." Baekhyun sat on his bed, arms folded.

"Well...I want to know why you spent so much time with Chanyeol when he was in the hospital."

"We became close. Is that so wrong?" Chen planted his on the nearest chair. Baekhyun sighed knowing that is wasn't wrong at all. "Do you want a latte?" 

"YES!" Baekhyun couldn't have been anymore happier. Lattes were his favorite.

"Okay I will grab two then." Chen stood up and headed towards the door.

"Why? You don't..." Chen closed the door before hearing the rest of what Baekhyun had to say, "You don't even like lattes..."





sorry for the short chapter. I feel like I rushed through this on my lunch break today....if you have any suggestions please tell me. I will adjust to how you all want this story to be, well as long as it doesn't go too far off from what I have in mind. Also the next chapter will be longer~~ I just don't have time lately to update and I am so sorry about that!

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Chapter 12: Hahaha this is funny. I started a Chen fic where he is suffering due to Chanbaek relationship. But there is no jealousy... just Chen suffering alone because he love Chan.
In a parrallel universe, Chenyeol are together and it is Baek who is suffering as he love Chen. Yey lol
Chapter 12: How in the world did Baek even get a gun from in the first place!
This is too sad ;-; Can't even cry, that's how sad this is...
Chapter 12: chen!? wae keuraesso!?
beagle line need to be together!!!
# idk why, but I felt like the pic you put in this chapter seems as if it has broken into pieces.. their friendship, ends with just a small crush
kyungbaek #4
Chapter 12: So the man is chanyeol..
And baek killed himself to "meet" chanyeol....
Andreagoon27 #5
Chapter 12: Yah you made me cry.
Such a sad story
Chapter 12: omg! I don't even know what to say. I liked it but the killing totally ruined it. Sorry =)
kyungbaek #7
Chapter 11: Aaarggh..
Chanyeol-ah, where r you??
Chapter 10: New reader here! Poor Chen! /sobs/
And I hope that Baekyeol will be back together. Anyway, I hope the other guy who died with Chen was not Chanyeol. Some people are selfish enough to kill the one they love so that no one else can have him. I hope Chen was not one of them.
kyungbaek #9
Chapter 10: Whaat? Chen killed himself?
kyungbaek #10
Chapter 9: Lesson 1: if you like someone, do not ask your friend or brother or sister to be matchmaker..
This is the result, like chen and baeki. Kkkkkkkk