Eleventh Day

My Only One

"You are doing great Mr. Park! You will be walking in no time." The therapist said watching Chanyeol slowly making progress in walking. Chanyeol brightly knowing that once he was able to walk completely again he would see Baekhyun. "Okay that is enough for today. You don't want to wear yourself out. Let's head back to your room shall we?" The therapist helped Chanyeol into the wheel chair and waited for a nurse to come get him.

As they were approching Chanyeol's room he noticed that the door was now just being closed from the inside. 'It could be Baekhyun!' Chanyeol thought as he wheeled himself faster making the nurse call out to him and pick up her pace just to catch up to him. He entered the room right as the nurse caught up to him.

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol cried out, Chen was there instead of Baekhyun. "Oh it is just you. What do you want now? You haven't got tired of me yet?"

Chen laughed. "No. How can I get tired of you. You always seem to make my day lately." Chen continued to come see Chanyeol everyday claiming that since Baekhyun couldn't come visit him he would take his place. Chanyeol rolled his eyes while signalling the nurse to leave for a little bit.

"How is Baekhyun today? Is he still resting?" Chanyeol asked.

"I am fine, if you were wondering also. But yes Baekhyun is good today. He can't wait to see you again." Chen said smiling. He walked over to Chanyeol and kneeled down placing a hand on Chanyeol's knee. "You know...Baekhyun loves you." Chanyeol smiled, "I know someone else who is in love with you..." Chanyeol's heart stopped, he couldn't believe that someone else loved him, he thought forsure that only Baekhyun could love him. "I should leave, I will see you tomorrow then~" Chen stood up and gave Chanyeol a hug and whispered something in his ear. Chanyeol froze.



'Chen has some skills. That is all there is to say about him now. He told me something today Baek...I didn't know how to react to it but my heart skipped a beat for some reason. Not like the skipping my heart does every time I see you, so don't worry. It is weird and hard to explain cause I don't even know why my heart skipped. Anyways Baekhyun, I hear that Chen is still seeing you everyday before he comes to see me. I have never been so jealous...well that one time...but I don't want to talk about that anymore. Too many painful memories. I hope you are reading my letters everytime I send you one. It would be a waste if you didn't.'


Before he would write anymore Tao walked in. Chanyeol could tell he has been crying. Tao walked over to Chanyeol and hugged him tightly. Chanyeol hugged back knowing that Tao needed it since he was the one crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Tao let go of Chanyeol and stepped away. "I just found out why no one but family can see Baekhyun!"

"Only family can see him? But Chen..."

"HE IS IN A COMA!" Tao screamed before falling to the floor bawling again. Chanyeol's eyes widen and his jaw fell. How was this possible? Chen was telling him that Baekhyun was awake and talking wanting to see him but couldn't because he needed rest. There was just no way Baek was in a coma.

Chanyeol wheeled himself pass Tao and left the room rushing to the nearest desk.

"What room is Byun Baekhyun in!?"

"Umm...well you can't really go see him since you aren't family."

"DAMMIT! JUST TELL ME! I NEED TO SEE HIM FOR MYSELF!" Chanyeol yelled before tears started to fall. The nursed looked Baekhyun up in the book finding the room number.

"Here I will take you, it is quite a walk from here." She walked around the desk and grabbed the handles on the wheel chair. Chanyeol was crying still when they reached the room. "I could lose my job if I let you in..."

"I am his boyfriend! Besides that Chen goes and sees him all the time!" the nurse opened the door and Chanyeol could hear 'beeps' from machines. As soon as he saw Baekhyun hooked up to a few machines the tears would not stop falling.  What Tao said was true. So why was Chen lying to him this whole time? The nurse walked out and guarded the door. Once the tears stopped Chanyeol grabbed the paper and pen which were still in his lap.



'Baekhyun...you are in a coma. I guess you can't read my letters then. I won't stop writting them though. They can all be here when you wake up...then I won't have to remember what happened everyday and tell you when you wake up. Speaking of which, I wonder when you will wake. I want to hear your voice and not the machines beeping next time I come back to your room. It is too depressing in your room you know that right? Of course you do since you have been here for 11 days now. I wonder if they can move you into my room...'


Tear began to fall again. Some landed on the paper and smudged the ink.


'Baek...what exactly is your relationship with Chen? If he has been seeing you everyday since you got here and only family can come inside your room, does that mean he is a family member? I feel horrible now for accusing you and Chen to be dating behind my back. I am literally to the point where I don't want to face Chen or you for a while. I am too ashamed. I wish you were awake so you could answer me and talk to me about this. I am not talking to him about this....not after what he told me today. Before I leave your room, I thought I should tell you that you look so cute sleeping and I want to hold you in my arms right now. I would crawl into bed with you right now but my legs are the only things keeping me from doing so. I can finally bend my knees without it hurting bad, but my muscles are still really weak so I can't stand on my own for very long well even with things hold me up I still can't stand for a long time. Baekhyun...the time I need you the most you can't be here. You were always taking care of me but the tables have turned. Looks like I will be the one taking care of you now. I really don't know what to do. What do I do Baek?'



Baekhyun started to cry, "I am awake now Yeol! Please just come see me." He grabbed his phone once again and dialed Chanyeol. There was no dial tone only a message saying that the number being dialed has been disconnected. Baekhyun threw the phone and the letter both landing on the floor. He turned over on his stomach and cried more into the pillow before falling asleep.

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Chapter 12: Hahaha this is funny. I started a Chen fic where he is suffering due to Chanbaek relationship. But there is no jealousy... just Chen suffering alone because he love Chan.
In a parrallel universe, Chenyeol are together and it is Baek who is suffering as he love Chen. Yey lol
Chapter 12: How in the world did Baek even get a gun from in the first place!
This is too sad ;-; Can't even cry, that's how sad this is...
Chapter 12: chen!? wae keuraesso!?
beagle line need to be together!!!
# idk why, but I felt like the pic you put in this chapter seems as if it has broken into pieces.. their friendship, ends with just a small crush
kyungbaek #4
Chapter 12: So the man is chanyeol..
And baek killed himself to "meet" chanyeol....
Andreagoon27 #5
Chapter 12: Yah you made me cry.
Such a sad story
Chapter 12: omg! I don't even know what to say. I liked it but the killing totally ruined it. Sorry =)
kyungbaek #7
Chapter 11: Aaarggh..
Chanyeol-ah, where r you??
Chapter 10: New reader here! Poor Chen! /sobs/
And I hope that Baekyeol will be back together. Anyway, I hope the other guy who died with Chen was not Chanyeol. Some people are selfish enough to kill the one they love so that no one else can have him. I hope Chen was not one of them.
kyungbaek #9
Chapter 10: Whaat? Chen killed himself?
kyungbaek #10
Chapter 9: Lesson 1: if you like someone, do not ask your friend or brother or sister to be matchmaker..
This is the result, like chen and baeki. Kkkkkkkk