Fifth Day

My Only One

'Therapy ! I hope you don't have to go through it also Baek.'



"! Why can't I think of anything to write!?" It has only been 2 days since Chanyeol began writting letters to Baekhyun who he was still not allowed to see due to Baekhyun resting.

Throwing the paper and pen aside Chanyeol began to wiggle his toes like he was told. "Damn legs. I hope you heal soon I am dying to see my boyfriend again." He continues to wiggle his toes as the door opened. Chen walked in.

"Hi. I'm..."

"I know who you are." Chanyeol couldn't help but be mad at Chen when he knew for a fact that he was innocent. "Why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be looking for Baekhyun?"

"Glad I don't have to introduce myself. Anyways I already saw Baekhyun. I wanted to see you more though." Chen walked over not making eye contact.

"We don't even know each other. Why would you want to see me?" Chanyeol snapped back.

"True. But I just wanted to stop by and apologize for being a main cause of the accident." Chanyeol made a disgusted face before Chen continued. "Look, I know you hate me. I don't understand because I don't like Baekhyun like that. I just happen to like someone else." Chen blushed and looked at the floor embarrassed that he admitted to liking someone else. Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." was the only thing Chanyeol managed to say. There was an awkward silence as the two sat there not looking at each other not knowing what to say. " said you saw Baekhyun. he doing?" Chen looked up to see Chanyeol looking quite desperate. Tears formed in Chen's eyes.

"You don't know?" Chanyeol tilted his head, "I...I have to leave now. I will come visit another day." with that said Chen left leaving Chanyeol curious and a little scared.



'Baek...I don't know what you see in him...Chen isn't that special. I am more important than he is right? Why am I even asking you that when i already know I am your everything. Though I have to admit, Chen is pretty handsome, not as handsome as me even if I am not in good condition. I couldn't say sorry to him. I get so angry if I see him and I go blank, the only things I can say are rude comments and remarks. I wish you were with me today in my room. I would have blown up but at least you would have been there to calm me down. I honestly think I am more in love with you now than ever. Why was Chen able to see you already when I still can't? I am your boyfriend...aren't I?'



Baekhyun didn't need to think about that last question. Of course they were boyfriends. No doubt about that. But why was Chanyeol questioning it...he was going to break up with him right before the accident; that was the last thing Baekhyun remembered from that night, but that first letter he was sure that Chanyeol didn't mean it and took it back. Baekhyun folded the letter and put it aside and grabbed another one. This one was rough, it looked and felt like it got wet in some parts. He thought maybe that it was raining when this letter was delivered.

He picked up his cell phone and checked the weather from the last 2 months, the only day it rained was the day of the accident.

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Chapter 12: Hahaha this is funny. I started a Chen fic where he is suffering due to Chanbaek relationship. But there is no jealousy... just Chen suffering alone because he love Chan.
In a parrallel universe, Chenyeol are together and it is Baek who is suffering as he love Chen. Yey lol
Chapter 12: How in the world did Baek even get a gun from in the first place!
This is too sad ;-; Can't even cry, that's how sad this is...
Chapter 12: chen!? wae keuraesso!?
beagle line need to be together!!!
# idk why, but I felt like the pic you put in this chapter seems as if it has broken into pieces.. their friendship, ends with just a small crush
kyungbaek #4
Chapter 12: So the man is chanyeol..
And baek killed himself to "meet" chanyeol....
Andreagoon27 #5
Chapter 12: Yah you made me cry.
Such a sad story
Chapter 12: omg! I don't even know what to say. I liked it but the killing totally ruined it. Sorry =)
kyungbaek #7
Chapter 11: Aaarggh..
Chanyeol-ah, where r you??
Chapter 10: New reader here! Poor Chen! /sobs/
And I hope that Baekyeol will be back together. Anyway, I hope the other guy who died with Chen was not Chanyeol. Some people are selfish enough to kill the one they love so that no one else can have him. I hope Chen was not one of them.
kyungbaek #9
Chapter 10: Whaat? Chen killed himself?
kyungbaek #10
Chapter 9: Lesson 1: if you like someone, do not ask your friend or brother or sister to be matchmaker..
This is the result, like chen and baeki. Kkkkkkkk