Two Months Later (part 2)

My Only One

"How are you doing today Mr. Byun?" A nurse asked making the bed as Baekhyun looked into a mirror.

"Well...My brother tried strangling me, these bruises are nasty how do you think I feel?" The nurse stopped her actions for a minute then continued not saying anything. "Do you have any cover up I can use? I want to cover these up before I leave today."

"Sure, please wait here while I get it."  Baek nodded sitting down in a chair. 10 minutes later the nurse reappeared when cover up in her hand. "Here you go sir. Please don't use all of it...this is my last one I have." Baekhyun nodded again as he started to apply the makeup on his throat. Finally he was a free man again though he was a little terrified for what the real world had in store for him. He called a taxi and had them take him to Chanyeol's house first. When they pulled up a 'For Sale' sign was planted in the ground in the front lawn.

"Huh?! Chanyeol moved without telling me?!" Baekhyun stepped out of the taxi and walked up to the sign grabbing a piece of paper from it. "Why....why did he move? He said that he would never move since I loved this house so much." He got back in the taxi and asked to be dropped of at his house this time. Once he arrived he walked in to how everything was before the coma, Chanyeol couldn't have been here since there was no trash anywhere in sight. He planted himself on the sofa examining the paper. Baekhyun picked up his phone and dialed the number at the bottom of the sheet. "Ah yes hello I am calling about the house for sale in the Mapo district. Hmm yes that one. Is there any way you can tell me why that house was put up for sale? My boyfriend lived there and swore to me he would never sell it. Oh you can't....well then nevermind. I will hang up now sorry for taking your time, have a good day, goodbye." Without thinking he crumpled the paper up and threw it across the room with all his strength.




Baekhyun woke up the next morning on the sofa with the TV on. It was a news report of two males found dead in a house. "What is this world coming to?" He asked himself getting up and heading towards the bathroom. There was a knock on the front door. "COMING!" When Baekhyun opened the door it was Tao who had been crying which wasn't anything new. "What's going on this time Tao?"

"I guess you didn't watch the news." Tao said sniffiling. Baekhyun walked back into the living room and paid more attention to the news report.

"Kim Jongdae, also known as Chen was found dead in his house along with another male who has yet to been recognized. Police have concluded that Mr. Kim killed the other man before killing himself. As to why Mr. Kim did this has yet to be clarified." The news reporter reported. Baekhyun's knees weaked making him drop to the floor.

"...Chen..." Tears started to fall from his face as Tao kneeled down to hug him.




"Dad this is Baekhyun....have you talked to Chen's mother about the funeral yet?" It was a week later since the news about Chen's death. "Ahh today at 3pm okay. I will be there." It was only noon but Baekhyun decided to get ready now so he could leave early to talk to his family. He sluggishly put on a suit and fixed his tie before heading out. When he arrived at the funeral home he immediately gave Chen's mother a hug and let her cry into his chest since she was shorter than he was. Baekhyun was in a state of depression that cause him not to cry over this matter anymore. He felt numb to any emotions.

The service was long and while everyone bawled Baekhyun sat there staring at the picture of Chen in the front of the room. He hugged just about everyone in the room holding them a little longer than he should have just to let them cry into his chest or on his shoulder (depending on their height). Everyone headed out once the ceremony ended. Everyone but Baek who stayed behind sitting in front of the picture.

"Chen...I know you are here right now. I have a feeling that you are so please lend a ear and listen to me for a second." Baekhyun interlaced his fingers setting them in his lap. "Why Chen? Why did you kill yourself and that man? The man was severly wounded that no one knows who he is still to this day. Chen, I know how bad it must have hurt when Chanyeol and I started to date. I saw it in your eyes when I told you the news about us. It was selfish of me to ask him out when you liked him longer than I did. I know from that day on your life went downhill. I thought maybe that when you started talking to me again you had turned a new leaf and forgot about your feelings for Yeol, but while you visited me in the hospital I knew that it wasn't like that. You wanted more...wanted to get revenge, to make me hurt like you did. Chen....I....I forgive you for anything you have done. I know I shouldn't and you are probably strangling me right now but what I did to you was wrong and I knew it. I am the one who should be asking for forgiveness from you." A tear finally fell down Baekhyun's face as he lowered his head.


A/N: Short chapter I know. I didn't want to reveal a lot of what happened with Chen. The next chapter will go back in time again and slowly reveal why Chen killed himself and the other man. And don't worry, you will soon find out why Chanyeol hasn't been with Baekhyun.

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Chapter 12: Hahaha this is funny. I started a Chen fic where he is suffering due to Chanbaek relationship. But there is no jealousy... just Chen suffering alone because he love Chan.
In a parrallel universe, Chenyeol are together and it is Baek who is suffering as he love Chen. Yey lol
Chapter 12: How in the world did Baek even get a gun from in the first place!
This is too sad ;-; Can't even cry, that's how sad this is...
Chapter 12: chen!? wae keuraesso!?
beagle line need to be together!!!
# idk why, but I felt like the pic you put in this chapter seems as if it has broken into pieces.. their friendship, ends with just a small crush
kyungbaek #4
Chapter 12: So the man is chanyeol..
And baek killed himself to "meet" chanyeol....
Andreagoon27 #5
Chapter 12: Yah you made me cry.
Such a sad story
Chapter 12: omg! I don't even know what to say. I liked it but the killing totally ruined it. Sorry =)
kyungbaek #7
Chapter 11: Aaarggh..
Chanyeol-ah, where r you??
Chapter 10: New reader here! Poor Chen! /sobs/
And I hope that Baekyeol will be back together. Anyway, I hope the other guy who died with Chen was not Chanyeol. Some people are selfish enough to kill the one they love so that no one else can have him. I hope Chen was not one of them.
kyungbaek #9
Chapter 10: Whaat? Chen killed himself?
kyungbaek #10
Chapter 9: Lesson 1: if you like someone, do not ask your friend or brother or sister to be matchmaker..
This is the result, like chen and baeki. Kkkkkkkk