
Days with Jiyong
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"I'm sorry, Yongie! I promise you that it won't happen again. I nearly got you die, Yongie," Seungri let out his hot tears when he heard his father informed Jiyong's heart rate become unstable. "It's okay, Riri. It's not your fault. I'm sure it's not it," Jiyong whispered to Seungri so that Mr. Lee will never know about their 'dirty' activity. Jiyong wiped the tears and hushed him to soothe the younger man. 



"Okay, Jiyong. Just take this medicine and have a good rest. I'm sure it will be fine soon," Mr. Lee smiled as he gave Jiyong the medicine that he needs to take. The two students infront of him bowing and politely thanking him. "Appa you're the best!" Seungri said while hugging his father. "Now run along, dears" Mr. Lee said. Jiyong already reaching for the exit door until he heard Mr. Lee said, "Oh, and please avoid doing 'dirty' activity." The two widened their eyes. Seungri quickly pushed Jiyong signaling him to quickly exit the room without looking back. 



"How can your dad knew? Did you tell him?" asked Jiyong after they exited the hospital. They decided to take a walk at the park. "Ani! Why should I tell him? I'm a bit surprised too" Seungri rubbing his palm together to gain heat. The weather's a bit chilly and Seungri forgot to bring his coat. He quickly went over Jiyong's house after he heard that Jiyong's drastic health problem. 



Jiyong, who saw Seungri shivering, took the younger's hand and put inside his pocket coat. "Why didn't you bring your coat, Seungri? You'll catch a cold." "I forgot to bring mine because I was rushing to your house. It's okay, Ji. It's just chilly. Not winter," Seungri smiled. But after that, a strong wind blown and Jiyong heard a small sneeze. "Told ya." "Shut up, Kwon Jiyong."


"Aigoo, Seungri-ah. We're a teenage now but why are you still acting like a baby?" Jiyong chuckled. "I'm not a baby. Why are you calling me that?" Seungri stopping his tracks and pouting while giving a look at Jiyong. "Stop doing that," Jiyong said. "Wae?" Seungri sticking out his ton

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Chapter 9: Maybe Hyunseung donate for Jiyong.. Authornimm mm where are you????
pandari_1212 #2
Chapter 8: Please continue this story
princessmichiaVIP #3
Chapter 6: Its going well, authornim!Hahaha. I really love when Nyongtory is jealous. It always end up with a hot scene! Hihihi. I hope!
princessmichiaVIP #4
Chapter 4: Ugh. So cuuute. I really love Nyongtory's PDA. Hihihi.
princessmichiaVIP #5
Chapter 3: Wwwwwooooooohhh. I feel like a . Hahaha. But I'm so happy Riri didn't get . I'm like Ji. I want Ji to be his first everything. Hahaha.
Chapter 9: Will you continue this story ?
Chapter 2: Four- leaf clover and the promises :)
Chapter 1: Omo omo omo little jiyongie already propose little ri that so cuuuuuuuuute ..
Chapter 9: I just found this story. It's great. Please update.
g2thedbaby #10
Chapter 9: Oh please don't leave this story. I see Hyunseung likes Ji. Song Jonghyuk likes Seungri and is about to still him from Jiyong, while he is visiting Hyunseung. I am worried that Hyunseung might give up a be Ji's transplant donor. I can't wait for your update. Such a prowess in cliffhangers.