The Plan

Stuck in my Heart

 I was about to reply to him, but he spoke again.

“It wouldn’t be good if you slept with Taemin. He has bad sleeping habits. He kicks, and screams, and even punches in his sleep. Trust me, you do NOT want to sleep with him! Plus, he talks in his sleep! So you would hear him say ‘Hey! No fair! You can’t use two pokeballs at a time! Fine! Pikachu, I CHOOSE YOU! GO GO GO~!”

I laughed at how cute Taemin oppa was. I looked at him. He was holding his stuffed Pikachu. How could I say no?? This kid is like the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!

“Ok, fine. Oppa. I’m NOT your Noona. I’m younger than you by a year.” I clearly stated.

Apparently, Taemin oppa didn’t hear me. He was too occupied playing with stupid Pikachu. He kept making Pikachu punch, jab, and kick. This kid is crazy.

“Kick Pikachu! Fight!! Don’t let Charizard win the battle!!” Taemin shouted to himself.

Suddenly, I could feel Jonghyun oppa slide his hands on my waist, bringing me closer to him. He put down the arm rest and smiled at me. He really knows how to make girls go crazy. He wrapped his arms around me, making me feel secured. He held me tighter, not wanting to let go. I felt like I was in heaven or something. I didn’t think this would ever happen to a normal girl like me.

“What are you doing?!” I sounded a bit rude.

“You looked cold. I wanted you to be warm. Plus, I was kind of waiting to do this to you. I’m sorry. Your just something that rarely appears in my life. Just let me dream for a day k?”

I was touched by what he said, and let him hold me. I rested my head on his chest and snuggled in his warmth.

“AHHH!! Noona! You guys look so adorable together!” Taemin oppa said, coming back from his ‘Pikachu battle’ that was happening in his head. Taemin rested his chin on the arm rest, continuously blinking his eyes. Adorable!! Jonghyun oppa put the blanket on us, and put the pillow on the back of his head.

Why does Taemin oppa keep calling me Noona?!?!

“Oppa! I’m not your Noona!” I said loudly, making sure he doesn’t ignore me again.

“I know! But Noona! You look like a Noona, so could I please~ call you Noona?? And drop ‘Oppa’ k??” I sighed, surrendering once again.

“Fine, Taeminie….call me Noona.” I finished up my sentence and saw Taeminie’s face light up. He was just so adorable! He did look younger than me, plus I also found calling him ‘Oppa’ was weird.

After agreeing with him, I looked at him, and he was sound asleep, looking like a baby.

Jonghyun oppa pulled me back into his arms. Why does he keep doing that? And why do I keep hearing giggling?? I searched the room, and saw Min, Unnie, Biyoun, and Christine look at me and Jonghyun oppa.

Min blurted out, “You guys look soooo cute together!! aahhhh!!”

I blushed. Feeling totally embarrassed, I carefully took a glance at Jonghyun oppa, who was still holding me. He looked down at me and smiled. He brushed the hair away from my face and said,

“Hey, we do make a cute couple you know. Let’s make a proper greeting. Hello~ My name is Kim Jonghyun from South Korea. I am in a famous boy band called SHINee. Nice to meet you. Your turn. Besides, I didn’t even get your name.”

My name?? Looking at him made me forget about everything.

“Umm….. my name… is Kang Eun Mi. I-m u-h-h, 15 years old. I’ve been living in America for all my life. I am full korean. Nice to meet you too.”

“Oooohhh…. you have a beautiful name. Are you uuhh…staying in Korea? Or are you vacationing?”

“I’m staying in Korea. I’m a huge SHINee fan. I guess you hear that a lot huh?” I said, sounding worried.

“Oh really?? You don’t act like one. Although I knew you were mesmerized by me once you saw how cute, charming, and handsome I was. Looks like you’ve fallen for me? Am I right??” Jonghyun oppa looked at me and chuckled. Just as Oppa said that, I felt heat rush through my cheeks, making me blush like crazy.

I hesitated, and began to speak.

“I’m not in love with you. Besides, everything I see on T.V. is F-A-KE. I doubt you guys are innocent and nice. Who knows, you guys could be total jerks or something! Just because your cute, and handsome, and drool-worthy, doesn’t mean I’ll fall for you!” I said, happy of letting out all my curiosity of them.

He smiled.

“Hey Eun Mi, I’m just like everyone else. I can’t be innocent all the time you know. I swear on my life that I’m myself on camera. I may not be fully myself, but I’m definitely no jerk. You can’t just expect someone to be themselves when a camera is facing you. Knowing that billions of people will be watching it, not only in Korea, but in other countries too. I know I am myself, just not fully. Please believe me.” He said, gently lifting my chin. He gave me his killer smile, and looked deeply in my eyes.

“Will you keep in contact with me pleease!! I want to be able to talk to you whenever I want to!” He said, giving me his cellphone number.

“Keep my jacket. I want you to have it k?” Oppa said looking at me.

“Not to be rude, but isn’t this a sponsored jacket??” I asked, finding my question odd too. Hey, I just don’t want to be hunted down because an idol gave me a jacket that was supposed to be returned in good condition.

Jonghyun oppa laughed so hard, that he ended up on the floor of the airplane. After he got a hold of himself, he said to me,

“Haha….not all the things I wear are sponsored you know. Come on, let’s go to sleep.”

The plane ride was very long, but having Jonghyun Oppa with me, gave me something to do all the time.

I stepped down onto the plane, taking in my new surrounding. Skimming through the sight, my eyes were glued onto the buildings. My life in Korea has officially begun.


2 months later:

We already landed in Korea almost 2 months ago, and my sister already found a job as a doctor. Min worked as a therapist for people with problems, and Biyoun and Christine worked at part-time jobs at different stores. Christine worked as a cashier at a music store, and Biyoun worked at a candy shop. I have been in contact with Jonghyun oppa ever since I met him on the plane.

Jonghyun’s POV:

It’s been about 2 months talking to Eun Mi, and hanging out whenever I could, but I wanted us be more then JUST friends. I know, you all are probably thinking im  taking this waaay too fast, but trust me. I already found the one, I just know it. I get these funny feelings in my stomach, and it kills me. I decided I needed to talk to the members about it.

I sat down with the rest of the members on the couch, and turned off the T.V. that Taemin was watching.

“Thank you for turning that off Jonghyun!! I couldn’t stand watching Pokemon!” Onew said, holding his hands up in the air, then doing a wave. Yup, for all of you that do not know this, but you have just witnessed Onew Sangtae!

“Hyung!! It was JUST getting good!! Shrimp! Now I just missed the EPIC battle of Charizard and Jigglypuff! She is just sooo cute! She goes like Jiggly~puff~ Jiggly~Puff~ Your getting~ sleeepy~ooooohhhh~’” Taemin putting up his arms, looking like an adorable ghost. No wonder he ‘captured’ the noona’s hearts.

All of the members looked at each other and laughed like crazy. Onew hyung sat on the top of the couch laughing like crazy, bent his head back, and BAM! Fell on the floor! We all cracked up even more. Hyung stood up, attempting to walk, but entertained us by doing one of his infamous gags.

He put his hands on his head, and we all came to him asking if he as ok. We all cracked up again as Hyung said he would only forgive us if we bought him chicken. We all laughed again, laughing so hard until tears fell down like a water fountain. Manager Hyung came in the room to get water, took a glance at us, saw our tears and laughter, looked at Onew and Taemin, and proceeded in whatever he was doing. Key glanced at me and the members, and we did the same. Let’s just say this night was spent with tears, laughter, joy and happiness. Oh, I forgot to mention, crazy and fun! As we lost our energy, I remembered what I wanted to say to the members. It was the perfect time, as we all sat on the couch, all 5 of us.

“Hey guys.. It’s been already almost 2 months since I’ve talked to Eun Mi as JUST a ‘friend’. Should I confess to her tomorrow or is it too soon?? I‘m tired of waiting.” I said.

“Mmmm….well, If you feel like you like her, then ask her. You two look good together, but just don’t break her heart ok? I don’t want to see her get hurt.” Onew the sensitive one said.

“Yeah, Hyung! Don’t break Eun mi Noona’s heart! She’s so cool! I mean, it would be cool if one of us had one. I never really considered Jessica Noona as one anyways. Please! Please! Ask her out!” Taeminnie added.

“Arassoo! Arasso! I’ll ask her! I think I have the perfect way to confess to her!”


The next day:

I waited outside of my dorm for Eun Mi to arrive. I changed into nice clothes to impress her. I waited outside for about 5 minutes, and saw Eun Mi walking towards me. My heart jumped at her appearance. She was wearing her hair down in curls, with a blue headband on. She wore a half blue and half purple dress, with black heels, and a black and white Gucci handbag.

She looked absolutely beautiful today.

Eun Mi’s Pov:

I walked up the stairs to SHINee’s dorm, when I forgot what floor it was. I decided to wing it, and go one more floor up. Surprisingly, I was right. I saw Jonghyun Oppa waiting outside of his dorm for me, leaning on the wall and crossing his arms. He looked really handsome today!

“Hi Oppa!! Sorry if I was late. I kind of forgot where you guys lived. Hehe. So, where are we going today?” I asked, waiting for his response.

“Oh yea, I want you to come with me to my Star Golden Bell recording. It‘s going to be fun ok? You get to see everything live, not just on a computer screen.”

“Oh! That sounds exciting! Ok, sure! Oh, is it the one Onew oppa talked about?” I asked.

“Yup, that’s the one! Come on, Manager Hyung will take us.” Jonghyun Oppa said, holding my hands.


At Star Golden Bell recording:

We arrived at the recording place, and I immediately saw a man with at least 5 boxes stacked up, covering his face. I quickly knew it was Onew oppa because all the boxes were labeled Mexicana chicken. I walked over to wear Onew oppa was, and helped him carry his stack of fried chicken.

“Oppa!! Hi! I haven’t seen you in a while, and you already have chicken with you?! Haha.”

“Hey, a grown man needs his daily meals, and this so happens to be one of them. It’s like a pre-party for me, you know?” Onew oppa said, devouring his fried chicken. I was quite surprised at how fast he ate one box. And one box was filled with at least 10 pieces of chicken. I wondered if he always ate like that. Just like a monster who hasn’t eaten in months.

“Oppa! Slow down, you are going to choke if you eat too fast! And what’s a pre-party?” I asked, a bit curious.

“Ohh, I learned that word from the girl who was sitting behind me on the airplane 2 months ago. The two of them kept talking about a pre-party, and then you have to have your party, and then it will eventually lead you to your after-party. And then to your after-after party, and so on, until your sooo full of eating! And I HAVE to eat fast unless Tae-” Onew oppa almost explained to me.

“HYUNG!!! It’s been SOOOOO long since I’ve seen you! Omo! Have you gotten older?? I can see wrinkles and white hair forming! AHH! Oh! CHIKEN! You didn’t tell me you bought chicken!” Taeminnie said to Onew oppa.

"Taemin!! I DO NOT have wrinkles, kid! Look it's all healthy and brown!" Onew oppa said.

Taeminnie glanced at me and gave me a wide smile.

“Oh! NOONA! You’re here! It’s been SOO long since we’ve met! How are you?” Is he serious? I met him like yesterday! Oh, this kid….I swear he has some problem with his brain.

“Taeminnie, it’s been like what, yesterday since I saw you! Sheesh, sometimes I worry about you!” i said.

Taeminnie pouted, and gave me his puppy eyes. Then he hugged me, and was about to say something to me, until Onew oppa put his hand on Taeminnie’s mouth, indicating him to shut up.

Taeminnie managed to get out of Onew oppa’s grip and ran to me, and grabbed my hands, taking me with him.

He started out with what he originally wanted to tell me.

“Noona! Ok, I HAVE to tell you something! Ok, well Jonghyun oppa lik-” Immediately, Taeminnie’s mouth was shut yet again, by Jonghyun Oppa himself.

Jonghyun Oppa’s POV:

I was taking my sweet time, figuring out how I should wear my bowtie, when I see Taemin run towards Hyung, screaming with joy at him. Here he goes again, with his scary drama scenes! Ugh, why do I have to be in such a weird group! Although I do have to admit, us being like this makes everyday and every minute fun, especially when one of us makes a joke.

Spacing out, I saw Taeminnie drag Eun Mi with him. He stopped adn faced her. Great, now he’s going to tell her I like her or something! Ah! What to do?! What to do?!

I got it! I ran to Taemin and covered his mouth, holding on to his mouth and playfully strangling him to shut up. I took him with me, and attacked him with my special weapon. This always shuts him up.

“Taemin-ah, If you tell Noona about ANYTHING I said to you, I’ll punch your stupid Pikachu toy and thow him out, or give him to the fans. Either shut up, or expect the worse.” I said proudly, looking at Taemin’s scared face. Haha, He always cracks me up.

“But hyuuuunng!! mmph! Fine, I’ll shut up….happy??” Taemin said pouting. This kid should save his adorableness for later.

 At that moment, the staff signaled everyone for the start of recording. I saw Onew Hyung gobble up the rest of what was left of his precious chicken. He quickly cleaned himself up, and sat down on his seat. I looked down to see if I looked ok, and that stupid bowtie was crooked again!! WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN TO ME BOW! Ugh, no matter how many times I attempted to make it straight, that stupid cloth went back to its original place. I heard some laughing, only to look up at Eun Mi. Great….Now she thinks I’m a weirdo!


“Oppa~ Really?! Here, let me help you.” She said, making it “straight”. And just like that, the bowtie stayed like that. She saw my dumbfounded expression, and told me to sit down so I could start recording. The recording began as soon as I sat down. I checked my cue cards again, and smiled confidently at the camera.

The recording ended sooner than I thought. I was tired, but I remembered my plan. I quickly changed out of my recording oufit, and wore my normal clothes. I checked my backpack to see if everything was there. The letter, the necklace, and my pride. Yup, when I mean my pride, I mean it. Manager hyung lead me, Onew hyung, and Taemin into our black tinted van.

Eun mi had to leave early for some family business. This was my perfect time to tell her. It was getting dark anyways.

The crew drove towards our dorm, only to pick up Key, Minho, and my secret weapon, Roo. Here I go, I’m scared to see her and happy at the same time. Wish me luck everyone~


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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Sorry i haven't updated! Im new here, so i hope u guys like it!

I know its not that great, but it'll improve as times goes by! =)


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Waiting for your update :)
teeny94 #2
Omfg jessica that ! <br />
She needs to stay away from jjong!<br />
Lol @ christine and biyeon. Stealing who knows what<br />
Thanks for update and please update soon :)
teeny94 #3
ooooh what happened? <br />
why was eunmi stuck in the closet with jay?<br />
im very curious... hehe<br />
i know how hard it is to update when you have school. ill be patient. but dont stop the story ok? keep going! ^^<br />
anyways thanks for the update!
cupcake_2pm555 #4
@enitx13: Keke You'll find out soon!! I hope it's not confusing!! lol and thank you for commenting~ lol<br />
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@teeny94: thank you for commenting!! hehe and really?? I'm glad you liked my story~ I thought no one would get my Pre-party thing!! keke <br />
<br />
@shineegirl557: Ikr?! Same here!! He's so cute~ and yes!! No worried! There will be more moments Eunmi and Jonghyun share!! =) Thank you for commenting!! ^^<br />
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@superfishy: I shall update as soon as possible! Promise! keke =)
what the?? what happened? who locked her up?<br />
daaaang! what happenedddd??
teeny94 #6
heyyy great story!<br />
LMAO @ the pre-party! it reminds me of something i had with my cousins.<br />
keep it up! :)
AAAWWWW! I want a boyfriend like Jonghyun!!! He's sooo freaking cute in this story!!! I love his confession and his little event he did!!! haha, i hope they have more moments like this!<br />
<br />
please update soon! :)
please update. i was a silent reader before, btw. =]
Superfishy #9
update soon ^.^